*moves slightly in a single direction without contact*
*moves slightly in a single direction without contact*
What the hell even is that thing?
I wish my keyboard had a clit so I didn't have to constantly move my hand to my mouse.
Are there like, clit addons for clitless keyboards?
You can get a USB keyboard with a clit. It's of modern layout though. I've seen model M's with a clit also but some people say it's not a real clit but an analog joystick or something.
Well, I'm using a clitless Unicomp right now which is basically a model M. It's a good keyboard so I don't really want to replace it.
autism vagina
Just buy an IBM SpaceSaver II
*slowly makes you dependent on thinkpads and gives you carpal tunnel syndrome*
>gives you carpal tunnel syndrome
You're thinking of a mouse
That happens if you apply pressure uniformly in a direction for some time, it thinks you let go and applied "pressure" in the opposite direction to make it even. Just let go of it for a few seconds and it re calibrate.
that clit-like button is the closest most Sup Forumstards will ever be to an actual sexual experience
the most useless shit in the universe
Sad but true. Good news is they aren't breeding. Their ancestors would be proud.
Hiring a hooker can solve that, but still nobody would give a shit. Sex don't make you a better man.
Oh so this problem doesn't just happen to me.
yeah it's basically one of the only complaints I have about thinkpads
>Sex don't make you a better man.
It just swaps one neurosis for another.
in the ibm dss lab we use these for kvm
pretty comfy desu
My Dell doesn't have this problem. Looks like everyone here got memed.
stop calling it a "clit"
I remember my old dell didn't have trackpoint problems too
comprimises I guess.
Computer nipple.
top kek
If you set the sensitivity for the trackpoint too high then it will move in random directions even when nothing touches it. Happens all the time on my T430.
stupid fucking mong. Its not your dick, you dont have to always touch it. take your retard hands off the track point for a few seconds and it will correct itself. fucking nopad faggots, everytime.
>it's not a real clit but an analog joystick or something.
Can someone explain the difference?
>anything else
>*is shit tailored for normalfags*
Tickle clit
It was quickly recalibrated on my HP probook