What is the best keyboard for Android?

What is the best keyboard for Android?
I've been using Gboard for a while but it's autocorrect is absolutely atrocious and they have the audacity to shove ads and stuff in my face as I type. I need a replacement.
What is Sup Forums using for their phone? Which is best and why?

SwiftKey beta


Bump bump

Thumb Keyboard

Bluetooth gherkin

sharks can smell the blood from tunas over 9000 km away

Fake news


who's this sperm germ

Second this

Gboard is pure AIDS feeding me fucking ads for emoji garbage. the fuck out with that sheeeeit nigga

When have you ever got ads in gboard?

I use gboard and I haven't seen any ads. What are you talking about?

Couple of weeks ago there was a Gboard update with an arrow pointing to a key. Press key and receive ad for some premium emoji bullshit.

Oh, the fact that stickers exist is an ad now? You know you could hit that key once and then never again right? That's not an ad, it's literally an update to the app. It was .5 seconds of time to dismiss it.

You can be mad at that, whatever, but it doesn't make it an ad.

Remove her thong and draw her taking a dump

Its a fucking ad

The best I could do



Stock keyboard. No lie. Whatever comes with your phone.

I'm using the stock lineage os keyboard, it's really the same thing as gboard but the "open source" version. If you're really not comfortable with seeing ads or predictions use afwall+

Hacker's Keyboard is solid

using hacker's keyboard and it's pretty great


Imagine the poo falling from her bottom into the fresh, clean water!


I use fleksy but its botnet
