What are the main qualities you look for in a laptop?

What are the main qualities you look for in a laptop?


Hackintosh-ability. Looking at the top specced xps 9360 for my next purchase after I lost up on guns before the liberals attack.

Existence of free software drivers

it does not need to be that powerfull, i need it to be tough and parts should be replaceable
also this

overall specs, cooling, upgrade-able RAM and storage, bang per buck
no specific order

this... except cooling... I have never worried about that.

you should

Batterylife, everything else comes second.

Here is my list:
1. Price
2. Ability to upgrade
3. At minimum 8GB of RAM, i5 processor

unironically this

Easy to disassemble/replace parts, Display, Performance, Adequate cooling for its performance, Battery life. In that order.

I don't really care much about the price but nowadays most laptops go all the way for only one thing, either they're unupgradable soldered/glued slim shits with weak ulv processors/quad cores that throttle in seconds because of the slimmer build or huge 15"-17" xxxtreme gaymer edition laptops full of leds and msi dragons with quad cores + dgpus in sli that only last 30 min on battery.

battery life and cool running. everything that needs power is done on a beefed up workstation pc.

I don't really care much for power. we reached a point many years ago where the average user/hobbyist doesn't even need the amount of processing power that's available.

I look for something that's modular (and replacement parts are common), has a good keyboard, screen, and is comfortable in my lap. durability is also a huge plus because I'm clumsy.

my X200 does the job.

At the moment
>Good CPU
>can run win7 (need dualboot for uni, don't want maximum botnet 10)
>Battery expansion options
>Decent power consumption
>Around 12-13"
>Non chicklet keyboard

I've reached the consensus that the ThinkPad x220 is the best choice, so I'll probably get one for used soon.

x230 + x220 keyboard mod

slightly better cpu and better igpu

Full size arrow keys. I've thrown out my preference for centered trackpads.

First is screen (most important), then keyboard with clit mouse, then specs, dual core is enough for me (usually this make the laptop cold) if quad core the cooling is important, at least 8gb ram, in storage one ssd and one HD is preferable.

This. Currently posting from a T500 with i3wm and Ubuntu.

fucking this

cute anime wallpaper.

in order
>clickpad buttons
>good keyboard
>nice screen

Matte screen, quad core non ULV processor, 8gb ram, no numpad, good battery life

I want it to be emotionally strong so I can beat my meat in front of it.

also at least 1080p