Why do you need a 6 meter dish for the hydrogen line? Shouldn't a 21cm dish do the same job?
Why do you need a 6 meter dish for the hydrogen line? Shouldn't a 21cm dish do the same job?
You don't. People have done it with much smaller antennas. The bigger dishes can be used to tune into lower frequencies.
This is highly illegal and they'll put you away for terrorism charges. Are you fucking retarded?
What parts of this device are necessary for function and what parts are just structural support?
How is the gain gonna increase simply by having a larger antenna? Doesn't that also increase noise from other wavelengths?
Just the surface for the waves to reflect and the LNB it's being directed to. Everything else is structural.
>Just the surface for the waves to reflect and the LNB it's being directed to. Everything else is structural.
Just what's circled in red?
A higher gain antenna has narrower directivity. This will allow them to "look" at a smaller area to study.
Yes. If those old shitty TV dishes can be put to good use. If it's motorized, you can track objects across space.
>Looking at gas in some place in the universe where we'll never visit because it's cool to speculate about cosmic gobbledygook.
How about doing something productive, fuckface?
The dish is the reflector, the other part is the hyperbolic reflector.
Wrong. The whole structure is the antenna.
like shitposting on Sup Forums?
The parts other than the reflecting surface just acts as the ground plane.
oh God, go look up Cassegrain antenna and delete your post, posthaste.
Shitposting, eh?
Why don't you tell us what purpose this serves other than inflating your ego?
The whole structure is the antenna for a Cassegrain because they don't want wires that can wrap around the dish when it's rotating. Otherwise, the the rest of the structure can be eliminated if you just use a cable from the LNB.
wtf does a dish have to do with hydrogen?
Oh, so in a Cassegrain, the secondary reflector will have a diameter of 21cm?
ehh thats the wavelength. Radio waves are different lengths, and this particular one is 21cm high, apparently. Microwave territory. There is a horn antenna you cant see inside the reflector, which will be tuned to whatever wavelength they want to look at. HAM here, I didn't really get into the specifics of this stuff yet, it's expensive, and I don't have the time, unfortunatly.
>wtf does a dish have to do with hydrogen?
What else do you keep it in?
Hydrogen is lighter than air fucktard.