Whats the best vacuum out there that i can get my hands on?
Whats the best vacuum out there that i can get my hands on?
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is this a meme, these old heavy vaccums that still use bags and probably suck at getting the edge of walls?
I have a Shark Rocket. It's bretty gud. Best of the best would probably be Miele.
Took the job, didn't ya?
Literally the only vacuum that could be considered better than a Kirby is a Dyson.
never heard of miele, why are they the best?
Actually no, soon as I found out it was group interviews and they showed us the product I,bounced. I needed a pay check, not a promise to pay.
500 series is less than $80
They're not heavy anymore, at least not model they showed me. Thing had a fucking switch that made it so the vacuum could be pushed forward with literally no force. It was impressive to say the least but 900 dollars for a vacuum? No thanks.
Dunno, but I hear them recommended all the time. Like I said, I bought the Shark. Probably the best value, but if you've got money might as well buy the kraut vacuum.
I like my roomba, but it has two caveats. The first is that you basically can't have wires on the floor or it'll eat them and get stuck. The other is that it must be run multiple times a week. It's not strong enough to keep things clean otherwise. The newer ones have scheduling which makes the latter less annoying.
Your mom.
You just made the milk I was drinking come out of my nose from laughter.
I bought this one and recently this.
Miele. Be prepared to empty your wallet.
Best value is probably Rainbow, but I got a refurb Dyson for like 300 bucks and it rules.
miele, sebo, or riccar. riccar is american.
value pick: panasonic vacuums and related rebrands are bang for the buck
avoid: shark, bissell, eureka, kirby, rainbow, dyson
robot vacs are fun toys but shit vacuums
bagless vacs are horrible on suction quality and filtration compared to bagged vacs.
>avoid: shark, bissell, eureka, kirby, rainbow, dyson
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TriStar Silver Bullet model. Great motor with awesome power, don't get anything made from them after that year. Unfortunately you can only find them in used vacuum stores.
Dyson but the canister version only. The up-rights are shit.
I sold vacuums for years...
rainbow and kirby rely off high pressure sales. the actual vacuums are shit for the price and the weight makes them hard to maneuver.
Don't use that numale shit. Clean like a fucking man.
shark, bissell, eureka all make cheap shit, kirby and rainbow both make massively overpriced & overweight models with poor suction
>using a loud machine to do the work for you is numale shit
Didn't call anything numale. Reply to the correct post.
meant for fucking 4chanX
Allow for correction before replying faggot.
well what if he did and you were to slow? didnt think that did ya faggot?
Sup Forums doesn't have an edit function like reddit, so I'm not sure what your point is.
Most people aren't waiting 20 minutes between replies to see if you made a mistake before replying.
>500 series is less than $80
On a scale of i to 0.20787957635 how bad did I do?
What is a timer?
Fucking plebbitors.
Made in America god tier suckage
I know this site shuns read it, but sometimes they do have good posts, like this one
>go ask a guy who wants to sell you something what you should buy
this little motherfucker right here
Kirbies use bags, but bags are cheap (like a dozen of them for 10 bucks). They're made out of metal, will still work when it comes time to give it to your kids, and they suck like no other.
>paid reviews
>Consumer Reports
What? I thought Consumer was a non-profit that actually went out and bought the products they tested at full price. Isn't that the polar opposite of "paid review" or have they turned to shit?
How's the hand vac?
Yeah but 900 is the cheapest you can get one from a seller.
Get a used one. Picked up my Sentria on Craigslist for $150. Replaced the brush roller for another $20 and it was good as new.
There's certain things I don't buy used, vacuums are one of,them unless I see it and test it for myself. Tbh when they did the presentation for recruiting,hires it was prettt dope. They unboxed a new one, showed us all the add ons for the new model. Fucking thing could also be used as a low powered air compressor and they filled,this attachment up with paint and used it as a paint gun. Impressive machine but over priced, though most sellers will beg for a sale.
Carpets, though confy, are unsanitary.
>just bought a refurbished Shark
Why do they have the best reviews on Amazon if they are so bad
Don't worry about it, they're fine.
Because they're a really hyped up product. Ive used one before and it just feels cheap. Same with rainbows. They work really good for a little while before losing a lot of power.