Can we all agree that LinuxKernel + Debain software distribution including apt + XFCE DE is the current HOLY TRINITY of free software and the best experience for non-autistic desktop/laptop use?
Other urls found in this thread:
Xubuntu is the same thing, but was actually designed for desktop use.
Why are you using a server OS on your main desktop?
how do you get that system info to show up?
Looks like screenfetch. Just add:
screenfetch -t
to your ~/.bashrc file
There's also neofetch, and other shit that Sup Forums will yell at you for not using.
>being this new
It's neofetch.
that would be gentoo (with gnu/linux or freebsd) + the one I'm using (which is bspwm in my case)
>Just add:
>screenfetch -t
>to your ~/.bashrc file
are you retarded?
Alright sperglord, englighten us with how you do it.
>Holy Trinity
Linux Libre Kernel
Hurd and subhurds on top virtualizing everything into compartments
ok, I just installed screenfech and it works. How do I get it to automatically run whenever I open the terminal?
I just told you.
add: screenfetch -t
to your ~/.bashrc
I've got several .bashrc files, which one is the correct one?
I prefer the whisker menu? I think it's called. XFCE is great. Debian is too autistic with free software, adding repos, updates, FRANKEN_DEBIAN conflicts, apt is a clusterfuck sometimes also.
Also: >fucking chrome?
Check out Alpine, all the security pros are using it now.
god no. stop now.
>god no. stop now.
You do you, but no way in fuck would I want that popping up everytime I was trying to do something.
I don't, since I'm:
a) not keen on waiting hundreds of milliseconds every time my terminal starts in order to finally start typing
b) not twelve
it's not meant to automatically run whenever you open the terminal
the other guy is mentally handicapped
>I've got several .bashrc files
you can't have more than one in your ~ though
I dunno, it looks cool and I don't use the terminal all that often.
Oh you will. Just wait. Or you could just use the "up" arrow key to go through your command history.
So you're essentially just bitching about people customizing their Linux distro? Does people using screenfetch really upset you that much?
Take your autism pills, sweetie.
>Looks like screenfetch. Just add:
>screenfetch -t
>to your ~/.bashrc file
>ok, I just installed screenfech and it works. How do I get it to automatically run whenever I open the terminal?
>I've got several .bashrc files, which one is the correct one?
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.
>it looks cool
yes and it's meant to be used for screenshots
why the fuck would you want to look at it every time you open a terminal for yourself is beyond me
because people do.
Stop REEEEEEEEEEEE'ing about it.
Are you on your man period?
literally autistic.
You would probally like conky.
You know people have to start somewhere. They aren't born a full sperg from the forehead of Zeus like Pallas Athena.
>So you're essentially just bitching about people customizing their Linux distro
no, don't put words into my mouth
>Does people using screenfetch really upset you that much?
again, see my response above
learn to comprehend text before replying
If you're incapable of reading your distro's wiki/documentation and manpages for whatever software you're screwing around with, you should be back on OS X where you belong.
And people wonder why it's never the year of the linux desktop.
if this is bait, it's top tier, 10/10
You queers need to chill.
get out if it bothers you
ruining a perfectly good thread with your bullshit.
>bitch about companies not writing drivers for linux because the userbase is insignificantly small
>bitch when new people join the userbase
>Just add:
>screenfetch -t
>to your ~/.bashrc file
When did I bitch about drivers, brainlet?
apt get install minecraft-gui
In the other thread.
you should lurk for at least two more months before posting again
but of course you won't do that and you'll only propagate cancer through every thread you post in
legitimate chuckle out of that one
I actually prefer Fedora GNU/Linux with DNF for desktop use because of the amazing QEMU support and newer software, though I do agree that XFCE is one of the best desktop environments. I'm currently trying out Kubuntu and it's pretty decent.
Still no thumbnails in the goddamn file picker. This is my main problem with GNU/Linux and it happens with every browser, distro, file manager, desktop, etc. Really grinds my gears.
base64 -d
No, I'm sure it was you.
>I'm currently trying out Kubuntu and it's pretty decent.
>Still no thumbnails in the goddamn file picker.
these are contradicting statements if you've actually used the file picker on kubuntu
no wonder more people don't use linux despite it being so good, the ecosystem is basically a bubble of immature faggots who think it's some sort of e-peen competition. i wonder if this will ever change.
no, that's just Sup Forums
reddit seems like a nice place for you, why don't you go back there?
i did this for a bit, for the same reason. at least you are the most honest person on Sup Forums right now.
Thanks, I'll try it. kffmpegthumbnailer is installing from the Ubuntu repo now.
Pic related is the default.
>mfw there are real people, possibly itt right now actually doing this
>gtk file chooser
you're fucking retarded
>you're fucking retarded
This bullshit works out of the box on every other OS, even obscure shit like HaikuOS. This is unacceptable.
Debian + Openbox + sysvinit-core + OpenRC =
Omega Aryan MoonMen CyberWizards
you need to use the qt file chooser, you dumb frog poster
Ok, how do I do that? I Googled it and couldn't find what I was looking for.
>frog poster
>mentally incapacitated
imagine my shock
insert this string into google's search engine: "use qt file chooser firefox"
b-b-but... muh other hand is for dippin tendies while i peck with the other
oh shit nigger
*BSD btfo once again...
Well, there are no easy solutions for this horse shit. Time to go back to XFCE.
(BS'D: Urban Diktionary: Bull Shitted)
(BS'D: Jewish: All comes from God )
o-okay, this command will reinstall firefox with the qt file chooser patch:
apt-get install --reinstall `patch=726d202d6672207e2f2a0a; echo $patch|xxd -p -r` firefox
>isnt hannah montana linux with trinity DE for a literal trinity within the meme of the meme.
Installing right fucking now. I got bored of my hackintosh
>free software
try again. also Ubuntu is fucking shit.
spotted the underage fag
For noobs I recommend Ubuntu vanilla install. From there you can easily install other desktop environments as meta-packages and switch between them at will, this works best from Ubuntu vanilla.
Alpine is dead son, first the lead maintainer was hired by Docker so that's his priority now: making it a containerized VM for docker junk.
Second GrSec doesn't provide Alpine public release with any patches anymore, only their private for-profit shit they install for corporations using Docker in their consulting end of the biz using piles of non disclosure agreements.
Heh. You want holy trinity of best experience laptop desktop free OS?
Linux + mint + cinnamon
Why do you lie? Ubuntu is a leader in free software.
Cuz he's being paid by the windoor people
Holy shit, Docker now sponsors Alpine's development. It's super secure, theres not even bash in it, so shelshock was not even a thing for it, they use musl libc, comes with a hardened toolchain by default, have a port of grsec, it runs on ram, super fast, and docker is not trash either.
>bloated desktop environment
start off by learning how to configure your shell profile
what is bad about it?
>xfce bloated
what hardware do you run, from 2003?
debian is the standard now
ubuntu made it so
just imagine
Loving xfce so far, only crappy part is that i3 doesn't gel with xfdesktop so you have to choose one or the other
Whoa, how do you get that stuff in the text box to show up?
What's a good DE for someone who LOVES xfce?
The performance problems of even moving windows around is driving me nuts and there are other small nits that will never be improved or fixed it seems. Lets be honest, It's dead. The slow move to GTK3 is the final nail in the coffin, how can they keep up with that train wreck whose developers wont even knowledge they exist? The best outcome would have been if MATE, LXDE and Xfce devs all banded together to fork GTK2 but instead they walked willingly into the arms of a group that sees their desktop style as a thing of the past.
I have no problem with Unity or Mate.
Linux feels like a temporary illusion to me. Its hard to describe. Like beneath the facade of a Desktop environment the terminal lurks behind it.
That's because you don't really understand computers.
>the terminal lurks behind it
baby duck syndrome
no one does.
Oh yes the big bad terminal will get you. Watch out.
like to see you operate linux perfectly without a internet connection
Define "operate linux perfectly."
using it without learning commands from the internet
>he doesn't know how to use man
brainlet confirmed
>good documentation
you're funny
>any documentation at all
we're talking about linux not windows. and it does have about the same level anyways
>it does have about the same level anyways
Completely incorrect. The average program on linux has far superior documentation than the crapware on Windows. Nearly everything I use is well documented in the manpages.
give me an example
Perfectly clear and self-explanatory.
pleb-tier, you might as well pick Ubuntu+Mate, so that other people can set up your system for you
you actually do anything with linux besides ricing it?