/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

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what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

Poorly sealed MA900s

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

I caved and bought the black 880s from newegg

the headphones seal just fine, the measurements are wrong. get a proper seal on the ma900 and you can see that it has excellent subbass and bass extension

holy shit these are some of the worst open backs i've seen

You don't understand, my dear user. The second best headphone ARE poorly sealed MA900s. Simply no other headphone come close

Sorry but I'm an idiot


Is this designed to power headphones that need some juice?

Post headphones, dear user. We're all still waiting :^)

keep shitposting non credible non dummy head measurements, attention seeking user

how do i know if my fiio e10k is working

sounds the same to me

attention-seeking user is back

It could be worse. It could have a treblerape peak to pierce your eardrums.

That's normal. Most onboard audio will usually sound the same as external DAC+amp as long as it's loud enough.

Broken MA900s

MA900 with cheap Chinese replacement earpads.

how dare you.

Fake MA900s

>cans need juice

What's an amp that simply just powers? I don't want to alter the sound of my headphones that some amps intend to or serve their purpose to

Don't do it, user. I can recommend a UCA202 for recording or for a standalone DAC but anything else Behringer, don't do it. Literally more breaking-prone than Monoprice, and that's saying a lot.

jds labs

Magni 3

why recommend a magni 3 when even the creator says it's a bit colored?

Thoughts on the HD 6XX? Currently only using some M40x's, should I pull the trigger? Also, what dac/amp should I get with it? I've heard good things about the Magni 3

>Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db
u wot m8

go read on the headfi schiit thread where they announced it, talked about how it was designed, and how it has a warm response

Give link to actual post that says that. I'm not saying you're wrong, but that would oddly contradict their published specs.

I'm sorry, I'm honestly too lazy to go through the last place I'd like to read through to prove a point. I don't think the claim matters too much, I just wouldn't feel comfortable recommending an amp that wasn't marketed as anything other than transparent

/hpg/ has a long history of virulently anti-Schiit posters and people intentionally making up claims about brands they dislike. It's difficult to take your claim seriously without a link and it's difficult to find the motivation to spend time looking for something you could easily be making up.

for what it's worth I don't believe in amp coloring and doubt it's even audible.

Is literally transparency-obsessed. The only time they strayed from that is their new EQ thing.

I'm aware

What EQ thing?

Budget: No more then $40
Location: USA, NY
Source: Music and gaming I guess mostly gaming tho
Type: Full sized closed with mic essentially a gaming headset I guess
Comfiness: Definitely looking for something comfy for long periods of time
Past headphones worth mentioning is pic related bought them at a barn sale for 2 bucks but they broke after a few months great sound while they lasted but weren't too comfortable after a while of wearing them

actually I found it with an good search:
>In fact, the Magni CFA prototype was damn near ideal, especially for an entry-level amp. Subjectively, it was a warmer-than-neutral amplifier with good dynamics and very good detail. I could see a whole heck of a lot of people being happy with it.

enjoy reading that long af post that is just drenched in marketing

>gaming headset

attention-seeking user, is that you?

That is literally not a claim that the Magni 3 is objectively warm. When they post Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db I'm sure they mean it.

I cannot hear the difference between my hd598s and hd600s

FR is not everything. a tube can have the same FR but sound different because of added distortion

just ordered 250 ohm headphones

Guess I need an amp now don't I

How much is what I'm looking for

Warmth is literally midbass.

harmonic distortion can also add warmth. they added it to the hd800s to make the bass sound fuller, much like adding midbass would.

They literally added bass response to the HD800s's frequency response by increasing the harmonic distortion. If adding harmonic distortion makes a headphone warmer it does so by literally adding midbass to the frequency response.

theres a massive peak at 4k that makes these headphones shrill

Post headphones

ma900 are dark/warm/relaxed and very far from shrill you have never heard them post your headphones

Not massive. See beyer for reference.

Logitech g430


>THD: Less than 0.001%, 20Hz-20KHz
You were saying? All I'm saying is some guy from Schiit saying he thought a prototype was subjectively warm does not at all contradict a non-prototype objectively measuring as neutral in frequency response. A, it was a prototype, and B, people think they hear shit that doesn't exist all the time with regards to amps and DACs. If I had a nickel for every time some idiot raved about a DAC's soundstage...

Nice thanks m8

What if I'm fine with the volume my motherboard can provide to my high impedance headphones?

Should I still consider an amp?

as long as you cannot hear hiss no you should not

we're not in disagreement, I said it was most likely inaudible lol. I'm not sure why you schiit fans get so defensive all the time.

I'm not a "Schiit fan." I don't even own a Schiit product. I just call out bullshit when I see it. Magni 1's published frequency response on Schiit's site was flat. It eventually got measured by hobbyists and was flat. Same goes for Magni 2. I think it's unlikely that Magni 3 will measure as anything but flat when someone (probably someone from Superbestaudiofriends) finally measures it.

>I just call out bullshit when I see it.
that's fair, but in the first place I didn't make the claim, the creator did
>I think it's unlikely that Magni 3 will measure as anything but flat
no reason to assume that when the magni 3 is a completely different topology from the previous two as stated by the creator. Unless you are relying on schiit's word, which would be hypocritical based on your previous arguments and also a dumb thing to do considering schiit's history.

Hobbyist measurements previously proved Schiit's published Magni 1 and Magni 2 frequency responses to be accurate. Schiit is aware that hobbyists will measure Magni 3 and publish them on the internet. Schiit is aware that if hobbyist measurements do not match Schiit's published specs, Schiit's reputation will be severely damaged. All of this considered, I think it's unlikely that the Magni 3's frequency response is anything but flat.

>schiit defense force


I use onboard sound

fight me

I don't know much about earphones, but what's it called when "S" sounds are too sharp on my earphones?
What would be the term to describe that? Sharp highs or something? I don't know anything

by that logic:
schiit is aware that having bad customer service and bad for the company's image, therefore schiit will always have good customer service. It is unlikely to think that schiit will have anything but steller customer service.

let's be real here, schiit can fudge a little like they do with their CS and it won't affect their profit margins if they can offer it at a budget price and rely on their fanbase which will follow blindly.


>having bad customer service and bad
will be bad*

Oh it's warm, just not Asgard 2 warm.

Thanks man, both my Piston Hybrid's and Piston Hybrid Pro's seem to have the issue, but the latter is far worse than the former.

Looking for a replacement pair of earphones now. Budget of around £30 ($40), what's the best budget ones out there at the moment? I know the KZ ZS5's went to shit

if an amp is warm, isn't it flawed?

I would like to thank whoever pointed me in the direction of this fix for the m50's hinges a few weeks ago, it worked perfectly. Looks a bit silly but it doesn't really matter.

>Oh it's warm
Prove it.

What am i getting myself into

>DT 880
Fucking steal

>What am i getting myself into
a metric fuckton of treble

EQ is always an option, only one peak is all it takes

A good headphone

a bunch of angry replies

Your first step into comfiness

Broken headphones, bleeding ears and scalp cancer.

Now remind user how it's a long term problem that costs $15 to replace. Much like... Drum-roll...

that headband looks really pretty... but only after it has been snapped

Got some money burning a hole in your pocket?

Why not buy the newest addition to the lineup of my frankly shit products? You're not still using a Magni 2 Uber, are you?

Well, it it a pretty shiny headband. Hides any imperfections such as chipped paint and cracked plastic. Too bad it costs $60 to replace, last time I checked

>when you finish listening to your hd600s on your schiit stack

attention seeking user spotted

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

I quite like you
Not attention seeking user, this user has taste in his posting style

Too late, user
That is the real question

>Not attention seeking user, this user has taste in his posting style
you're right, one actually posts what he owns


The lord thy god in heaven hath given me his blessing to lead ye wretched sinners away from the ignorant lies and injustice of these cursed blasphemers so that you need not languish in torment for hearing the foul cacophanies of your heathen 'phones.

I'm here to tell you boys that the way out of the bottle is clear, and that the true path into righteousness and eternal life points to itself. And that truth, o' my blessed brothers, is the Sennheiser HD600. Now go, go and thank the mighty father who sheds the blood of his only son that you might be shown his mercy for gifting thee with such a majestic and awesome way to receive his rapture.

>crystal clean plastic

Should I sell my HD600 and join the new 6XX drop?

Not necesarily. Why would the Modi Multibit sound like it has more bass then the other Modis?

>tfw my headphones have 0.0000001% higher THD than someone else's

>Buying a headphone based on frequency range

My gf washed my jaybird x2's in the washer, so I'm looking for either some headphones or earbuds. I've been looking at some on ebay and I've found some Sennheiser HD1's in ear and out, ADV Model 3's, Jaybird X3's, v-moda crossfade, and some other ones.

Just looking for something I could possibly run with, but mostly just riding buses and walking.

thank you for posting

I had already thrown my trash out but the I realized I had forgotten something

just to make 600 owners mad? yes of course.