Lol Tor allow you browse anonymously

>lol Tor allow you browse anonymously
>Tor users gets caught by FBI

is Tor a honey pot?

Other urls found in this thread:

Quality thread

No, but the NSA has probably compromised it by now. It was safe back when the Snowden leaks happened.

The German intelligence outfit w/e they are called warned German gov employees not to use Tor as they claimed it was 'compromised' in that 80%+ more of the internal relays (not exit nodes) were run by various intel agencies.

They also pointed out that in 2010 they recommended to the NSA/GCHQ that they simply run their own tor relays as a way to identify traffic. There's also shenanigans they can do with TCP presenting a faster connection and fucking with the Tor algorithm selector for these things.

You're not supposed to JUST use Tor anyway, it's part of your layers of anonymity or w/e not just connecting to it straight from your home connection and ssh'ing into your illegal hidden service that sells radioactive surplus

Not really anonymous when you ordered an underage hooker to your residence.

Too many users, not enough nodes.
And also that. Seven proxies isn't going to protect you from bad account hygiene.

>siberian mouse can be found on fucking mega without the mi5 knocking down my shed
>know 50 cunts from my college days that could get me any drug I wanted
>get my guns legally
Tor is a fucking meme to be perfectly honest

boy oh boy are you an interweb samurai?

Has it ever occurred to you that people use Tor for things other than Tor's broken, hack-ey hidden services?

Can some one summarize what the heck siberian mouse is? Like some kind of comp of gore and pizza? Not clicking on any google results sorry.

FBI owns a ton of the nodes now.

FBI owns all of the nodes, now.

I searched it because it sounded familiar for some reason. It's just a CP set. user should post this supposed mega link if it's that easy.

Ok. That summary is enough. Sadly the government has to pay for the damage to these poor victims, who will be scared / mentally affected, for life.. Fuck we live in a soulless world.

Peace user.

Anonymity in the Internet is an Utopia. back to the bbs era, where people had passion and skills.

Even with nostalgia glasses off, I d rather go back.

Social media killed the internet.

>being a pedophile
fall in a rusty woodchipper

yeah but only fuckin nerds do that
the 3 things I mentioned are the only thing anyone gives a shit about
oh except whistleblowingI guess
but then the CIA destroys your anus for it, Tor or not

you can still go back

> the government has to pay for the damage to these poor victims
> Russia
No and no.

Its not "popping" like it was. We know this

Many an evening on text files com remembering better times.


My bad, I meant first world countries.

The victims of child abuse I know have always developed drug.and mental.problems as adults, and the offenders were family or worse literal parental guardians. The ultimate betrayal really.

>tfw muslims litteraly worship a child abuser

Yea. Theres been a recent couple irf cases of muzzies being charged, jailed, deported over intercourse with a minor after "marrying" 12 year olds here in Sydney. As recently as last year.

Muzzies don't give a fuck about Westminster based laws, and they need to be glassed asap.

>tfw internet randoms try to justify their islamophobia by blame-shifting and claiming concern while ignoring how deeply entrenched child sexualization is in western society

Daily reminder that tor in itself is fairly secure. The only things that could lead to you getting vanned, from a technical perspective, would be a browser 0day exploit, and those are Firefox's issues, not tor's. If you are operating inside the tor network, your traffic is always encrypted and the nodes can not see anything, thus compromising the nodes would not help at all.

The thing that always gets these faggots like warhead caught is opsec. You gotta keep your fucking opsec game up, no matter what. Do not use tor for anything other than your shady stuff, if you have something like that going on. Do not use same usernames, passwords, or pretty much anything on the network as you do on the clear web. And do not fucking spill your private info on your secrit little girl forums.

Stay safe, guys.

>muzzies marrying a few 12 year olds down under

>implying islamophobia is a bad thing

>thinking hate speech and bigotry are normalized outside of the Sup Forums echo chamber

have fun with anyone you interact with irl (if anyone, lel) seeing you for what you are

> secrit little girl forums.

Tell me about it

Implying islamaphobia exists simply disgusting behaviour of sand niggers, that curls the face like s kid eating a lemon slice.

thread is shifting into Sup Forums but fucking whatever I'll bite
>child sexualization is deeply entrenched in western society
>child marriage being an open and acceptable thing in the middle east and south asia
>loli in Japan
>child prostitution rampant in SEA
>Implying muslims in west europe aren't responsible for an extremely large amount of abuse of minors compared to what % of the population they are

Don't be bigoted. Only a minority of orcs are actually killing people at Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith.

I live in France. I will not go to prison nor be shamed publicly for disliking Islam. Not all country are totalitarian leftist shithole like UK.

I hope not, but am unsure. Most white Australians are anti muslim, however, our tv stations follow usa leftist narrative.

>Tor users gets caught by FBI
>Facebook and YouTube pedos run free

Not even normalfags like muslims, they voted to ban them from entering America.

Ive seen some of the shit your refugees get up to, while waiting to try and cross into the uk. Outside of just the muzzies.

Its feral, french bro. Im with you.

Only one orc blew up beneath the wall to break the defenses!!! #notalluruk

>D'après une nouvelle étude, 65% des Français estiment qu'il y a trop d'étrangers en France. Ils sont 60% à trouver que la religion musulmane est incompatible avec les valeurs de la société française.
>According to a new study, 65% of French people believe that there are too many foreigners in France. 60% find that the Muslim religion is incompatible with the values of French society.

French people are based.

>doesn't post mega link
hypocrite pussy

You forgot you also voted to leave eu because poles took your jobs, so no you have muzzies instead.

Once they have an enclave, ur fucked.

Family visas everywhere, fiance visas everywhere.

Shit parents spewing anti western to their kids, don't even raise them, they leave it to the state, then the second gen attack from the inside.

Most of our terrorists are the children of muslims. Ie, ninja mothers.

So much cancer.

You need restrictions on family visa and marriage visa to plug them once they are already inside.

>made with government funding
>not a honeypot
pick one

>ninja mothers

Trump should visit australia to see how the visa system is abused by muslims with PR to import more and more and more under family stream and marriage stream sponsorship.

A good case lesson.

sorry boys was using incognito at the time :^)

I felt bad and deleted the folder very fast.

>offenders were family or worse literal parental guardians

Bad parenting. No wonder they developed drug and mental problems.

I'm not interested in the material, just can't stand pussies. It's all good though, I understand :^)

Pretty much the opposite of parenting. Agree. Thats why I threw in Ultimate betrayal.

>thanks, CIA.

>a browser 0day exploit, and those are Firefox's issues, not tor's

Isn't that splitting hairs? It's a part of the whole chain of stuff that is a tor browsing session.

Well, I guess this thread was made because it was uncovered that the aussie police had been hosting child's play, the largest pedo forum out there, for about half a year. They had caught the owner, warhead, because he spilled his address and real name on the forums.

I know some of you fags in this thread are thinking about moving to mk after this fiasco. Fucking don't.

Siberian Mouse is pretty mild and nothing special tho, you can literally get legal girls looking younger and more kinky than that.

The I've seen was on Sup Forums and an infant. Yea I understand le epic trolls, but I just dont need to see that kind of soul less, lower than war crime like, bullshit.

Glad the destruction of daisy guy ( an aussie) got taken down.

Philippines should introduce death penalty for pedos not just pushers.

Ironically, it is the catholic church standing as the biggest obstacle to this.

TOR is the new HTTPS everywhere
I2P is the new TOR

>grow up thinking paedos in the church are just a meme
>more and more keep getting found
>vatican is full of them
so odd that a subject people joke about on a daily basis is actually such a serious issue.

Is there something like this that uses a token system to get people to use it?

What if child consents tho? :thinking:

Am pretty angry at the Catholic church for a variety of reasons. Tithe is a scam for instance.

Non adult, making grown up decisions. Impossible. ( while being groomed ) Their brains haven't even developed fully. I know where to point the finger.

Wait? Its not a meme?

>(((adapting))) yourself to (((numale))) opinions so you can get accepted by ((("""others""")))

Well, I am not a woman, so I don't need to please anybody.

Being yourself is really great, you only attract people with a similar mindset and form bonds.

I mean when I was 11-12 I was trying really hard to get laid, just sayin. Then I got more into porn and stopped chasing pussy that much.

>implying these percentages will hold up over the years

This. Also real friends understand friendship is bigger than opinion.

Funny, the only place I've seen pizza is this very board. Twice. This year. Never seen it on Sup Forums.

I was true ancap back then I remember even paying some girl in elementary school to get naked for me in library. She actually did it the absolute madgirl.

We also let people whose brains are still developing choose a career path, drive a car, and join the army

Sure. I was a virigin until 18 ( older than the medium )

Did my first faps at 12. If I wanted to fuck prolly same age or up to 4 years older.

Would I want fuck videos of me at 12 yrs old?

As someone in mid 30s, fuck no.

Also at 12, I was a child being childish. Hormones or otherwise.

At 18, I assume, or maybe 21, but not at 12 years old.

driving a car is easy as fuck though, especially by when you're 18.
and by when you're 18 joining the army by yourself is fine. Joining at 16 or 17 needs consent from people who are much older so really nither of these have all that much to do with wether or not their brains are developing.

I like you user. You're cool.

The point is that "brains not yet fully developed" is a weak argument, some things fall on a sliding scale but others don't? Is having sex really more damaging than accidentally killing someone or even yourself while driving?
If driving a car is easy and safe then why do you think car insurance for people under 25 is so expensive?

What did she look like?

Yeah, you see those guys who try yo get back at you saying things as "but nobody will like you!", "you're gonna die alone!", "lonely virgin".

Those guys truly deserve pity. Their whole life is about getting accepted by people in general, regardless of what they must do to accomplish it.

Their biggest fear is being abandoned and not liked. They usually have a low opinion of themselves and see themselves as incapable of taking care of themselves, this is why they "need" others.

This is usually a female way of thinking from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, since females need to be protected physically by others. This was rarely seen in men a few decades ago, but many elements have come into play (chemically [hormone altering xenoestrogens] and mentally [cultural marxist brainwash at an early age]).

Anyway, a quick rundown.

>hormonal imbalances and educational system makes a percentage of men have female thinking patterns
>this behavior expands
>mostly whites exhibit it because of the stress produced because self-hate, and everyone blaming everything on white males
>already feminized white males try their hardest to please every other race so they change their mind
>these actions produce profit for other races and the extinction of the white one
>current day, we are heading for white genocide


Dude, its about grooming.. Kids dont instinctively take their pants off and fuck unless that is implanted. What is hard to understand about grooming. Its how pimps turn out prostitutes, who never imagined being "a whore"' before being turned out.

it's easy to learn how to use it, it's not as easy to teach 18 year olds how to be a bit more wary of death.
I do see what you mean now, though.

I mean I was like 11 I had no game, no looks, no muscles, but I had money. The best part it was something like $1-2.
I'm not trying to defend cp or even pedophilia. Just saying kids those age already think about sex and most likely are trying to experiment with their bodies or with other sex. Not saying they should do that with older people because they could get manipulated, but everyone treats those kids like they have absolutely 0 idea what they're doing, hell I started drinking and smoking at 14.
Fuck if I remember like a girl, it was 12-13 years ago and I've seen plenty of girls since then. It was just for a few seconds we got caught. School didn't even call my parents they just send me to counselor to talk about sexuality and sex.

The eternal summer killed the internet, social media is just helping to make the summer more eternal.

I remember back in the day we used to go to group meetups, it was always a total freak show. I once met a guy who drove a limo for a living who looked like Joe Son from disgraced UFC fame, and carried around a cleaver and asked for his sushi to be delivered to his table uncut so he could personally cut it. He hacked together a pirate radio and we used to call into it as well before he got arrested for running it. Those were the kinds of wtf non-normies you'd run into now it's like, Joe Finance and his Fiancee who are totally weirded out that you don't watch Netflix or don't have a Faceberg account whenever you go out.

One guy I met ran a local radio show for over 15 years, where his intro was a 10minute nuclear decontamination warning then he proceeded to drop redpills on his audience and play deranged polish goth music until the university kicked him off the campus for scaring the new business department students

tfw I basically use Tor and IRC just to talk to people who are not NPCs autonomously roaming the earth

But I'm not like that at all.

Sadly I'm also an autistic sperg and can't get a girl (it's totally because they are all brainwashed by marxists and not because I'm autistic)

is the requiem tor site still around? has it been updated? I dont have tor installed anymore and long forgot the onion.

I want to get in to IRC but don't even know where to look anymore.

But yeah it would be nice to meet those kinds of people, but I guess I was too young for that.

I dunno man, I was pretty interested in sex when I was 10, 11, most of the people at my school readily discussed their burgeoning sexuality, and passed around porn and masturbation tips by the time we were 12
What you're talking about is predators taking advantage of impressionable people, while it's true that children are more impressionable than people who are older, an 18 year old and a 19 year old are for all intensive purposes the same in this regard
I honestly think the federal law got it pretty much right and we should all just go by that instead of the clusterfuck of state laws that exist today

>get told "you're gonna die alone" ect. while growing up
>fast forwards quite a few years
>Have loads of friends, great people skills, great public speaker ect.
I only ever developed all my social skills due to always trying my hardest to fit in. Guess I found all the right ways to get accepted by whoever I want.
Now I pretty much live off of attention.

"The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948[2] and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally recognized definition of genocide which has been incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries, and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which established the International Criminal Court (ICC). Article II of the Convention defines genocide as:

...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily harm, or harm to mental health, to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."


a = see non-white on white crime percentage

b = cultural marxism, whites are everything wrong with the world, whites did slavery, whites are wife beaters, this is "too white", school brainwash at an early age, social rewards for hating on whites, social punishment for liking white stuff

c = massive third world immigration, incentivized non-white breeding, social and psychological punishment for wanting to have white kids as a white female, constant propaganda promoting race mixing, feminization of native males

d = welfare for non-white families with many members (the more kids, the more money they get), race-specific welfare projects and money (europe), artificial quota filling (this is too white).

e = not forcibly, but: propaganda about adopting non-whites and brainwash for race mixing

But hey, you are free to ignore all this and claim it's just "raycis lies".

Look late at night, i get up at 4am and usually start irssi to see what's going on. Old habits die hard

I get that, but... where do you even find channels? I'm in a few anime ones on rizon but I have no idea where to find more.

(I miss when anime wasn't mainstream as well)

>tfw I basically use Tor and IRC just to talk to people who are not NPCs autonomously roaming the earth

That is quite a feel.
I think I need this in my life.

Ok Mr. Pol

What do we do about this, as individuals, without bringing harm to our families?

>I mean I was like 11 I had no game, no looks, no muscles, but I had money. The best part it was something like $1-2.
At 11 that's quite an accomplishment. I certainly couldn't have found a girl to do that, and I actually had a bit of game.

What? Liking little girls is a sin in this place? What the fuck happened?!

Try harder Jew. You're not derailing this thread

Well you should go right ahead and fuck your own daughter then. It would make you are terrible father tho.

Even bikies would want to kill you in prison, heck even criminal scum reject s the behaviour as beneath even them.

Food for thought.

kiddy diddlers are frequently attacked in prisons, probably raped too. It really is amazing that there are things that murderers find more abhorrent than their own actions.

Liking little girls is ok, raping them like the other user said is even beneath the worst of scum. Just watch don't touch.

There are many paths to follow.

>as individuals, without bringing harm to our families?

Try to homeschool your own white kids with classical european values, you wouldn't believe how much influence has raising your kids right. Also, live in the country-side where crime is low, there isn't as much pollution and is a mentally safer enviroment for developing children.

Have MANY children, do play the system in order to get the most money out of it, pay as less taxes as possible. Taxes = welfare for migrants. Your close ancestors worked their assess off and paid taxes, and now (((they))) use that money to make your demise a reality, the more money you get back from the state, the better.

It goes without saying but: first of all, find a worthwhile white female to start this project. One that can be reasoned with and understands what is happening.

People came to cities in search of a better life.
Now it's time to go back to the countryside or be devored by (((them))) and their monkeys.

Quick rundown.
Ways to dethrone the jew (weak spots that involve you not going yo jail):

-Stop contributing to society, for doing so it's paving the road to your funeral pyre.
-Help whites, promote white families, have many white children (of course, avoid them becoming brainwashed)

That's it really.


Homeschooling is illegal in many places such as my country, they want to make sure you can't escape your children becoming traumatized at an early aged and brainwashed into white-guilt.

Taking care of yourself economically can be in conflict with not contributing to society. Ideally, your income should come from the state. When you work, you pay taxes. You could always try to earn a living involving not paying taxes. It is easier to live in a frugal manner in the countryside, you can eventually produce your own food and water. The less you buy, the less they tax you.

Yea. I know some bikies, they dont flinch at rape of an adult, as they are misogynistic, but as soon as that becomes a kid, if they are housed with a fiddler , fiddler gonna get stomped and killed

Even our most famous criminal Chopper Reed, killed atleast 2 pedos in the can, they will not accept ever.