Native Android support on Ubuntu when?

If Android is Linux why doesn't any major distro support running .apk files natively without the use of full blown virtual machine running entire android image?

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It still runs an image. I want to install an .apk and hit play.

well too bad bitch, you don't get everything your way.

Install android on your PC.

Same kernel != Same OS

Android is yesterday's news, Jewggle already has their own new Kernel and runtime/userland for their proprietary Fuschia system or whatever it's called.

Android will be abandonware or limited to china junk phones in under 2 years.

>connecting your botnet spy phone to your computer

yeah, no thanks.

>Android will be abandonware or limited to china junk phones in under 2 years.

Everyone on Sup Forums will still use it. Or maybe we'll get a completely free phone OS

Fuchsia is open source, they have posted source code for it already.

open source !== free

I don't know the freetarded definition of free is but he said it was proprietary which is not true

something can be open source and non-free at the same time
open source just means the source code is public, it doesn't mean you have free reign to use and modify that source code

Okay? The source code for fuschia can be compliled, run and modifed, what exactly is stopping you?

i'm not talking about fuschia, just that

What is Linux? If you know this, you know why.

anbox has a snap too so you can be sanboxed against android malware or exploits

android = modified linux + bionic
ubuntu = plain linux + gnu

basically, you'd at least need some compatibility layer between bionic and gnu, like what wine does between win32 and gnu, and also possibly kernel modules/patches, depending on what you need to support

Get to work.
Inagine being able to run IOS and Android apps on Linux. That would crash mobile market.

>BSD 3 clause, MIT, Apache 2.0
nice FUD

i can't think of anything on my phone i'd want to run on my desktop, and i do use android/desktop linux

Use chrome



The walled garden devices, because now they have no need to release any drivers or make bootloaders accessible or anything they can simply sell closed Iphone like devices now. That's the whole point of redoing Android

Enjoy compiling and running it inside a VM because you'll never be loading it on any phone

What's that?

The app that lets you have sex.

>Imagine being able to run iOS and androids on linux
You can already do that with a VM but nobody does because software it's shit.

Android is not linux

I'm thinking about Ubuntu on phones that could run apps from every platform.

What's that?

You can run android apps on chromebooks.

shorthand for sects

Linux without GNU userland

> The source code for fuschia can be compliled, run and modifed, what exactly is stopping you?

Please file this away.

Linux is GPL. If a manufacturer wants to mod the kernel they're legally supposed to release source code. Even Google cannot deny that. This creates a very tense situation.

Hardware vendors do not want to release their changes. So to stay GPL compliant they must write all their changes as loadable modules, because the kernel does have a linking exception.

Releasing source kills competition; factories want to keep their cool stuff to themselves.


Fuschia is not GPL.

Nobody is required to release source code.

Google has ultimate control of the project.

Think about it. When was the last time someone successfully forked Chromium or Firefox into a NEW product? It's TOO BIG. Android is the same. There are _forks_, "alternate ROMs", but no new system. And Chrome and Android are "pseudo-open" in the sense that they're code-dumped as Google makes updates to them.

Fuschia will be the same. It'll be open source to the extent that is convenient and politically /comfy/ for Google to do so.

Ultimately, it is very possible that that there will be a user-accessible shell buried in the system _somewhere_. I would honestly be surprised if one does not get included. But I would be equally surprised if most manufacturers left it enabled. Hopefully they do.

It's clear that Android Inc got bought by Google because "they use Linux under the hood" and "this is gonna be so awesome" and etc etc. I definitely hope those clamours get replaced with "We need shell access" and "we need to be able to tinker with the device" and that Fuschia's shell and tinkering capabilities (which are there) aren't merely relegated to debug/system integrator use.

We'll see how we go, I guess.

> maybe we'll get a completely free phone OS

This gave me an interesting thought (not sure if this is what was getting at), but maybe once the chaos/thundering herds move off Android people will be able to do some really fun things with it.

Like, there are TONS of devices out there that conveniently happen to have android drivers for them, because duh android runs on the device. Chances are these devices will become the new nokias when the tech to produce these gets cheap

Depending on market reaction from devs/tinkerers this could get interesting

I wonder where things will go...

(by "gets cheap" I mean that the market value heads toward literally $0, like
