How the fuck do we keep chad out of tech?

how the fuck do we keep chad out of tech?

If your area of tech is accessible to chads, then you fucked up.

i.e. frontend web dev :D

You mean how do we keep (((them))) out of tech. And the answer is we've already lost.

We had a good run, guys.


without jews , american tech industry will totally fall to the chinks and pajeets

>no source on where he said that
>bringing up (((them))) just because you think you should.

What are you talking about? The lightbulb all the way up to arpanet and the semiconductors it ran on was all western european work until lately.

well you know nobody knows tech like Sup Forums

and according to Sup Forums anything that causes even a slight inconvenience (real or imagined) to them can only be caused by the plotting of dastardly jewish cabals

Unless you're a HACKERMAN tier autistic programmer your technical job is easily replaced by outsourced or H1B pajeet or a managed service provider that uses them.

Muh cloud computing is also killing in-house system administration.

Chad the IT manager is fine though, all he has to do is manage contracts and whinge about pajeet being lazy.

Im talking about modern tech and not lighbulbs and semiconductors and other electric stuff which the jews did also contribute to

Chad work inside post on internet, chad begin on mananger positions.

confirmed. am jew in tech. how can goyim even compete?

they cant ,they only know how to complain . I know this arab guy who keeps rambling about the jews all day and how evil they are and starts listing all these jewish conspiracy theories but he fucking worked and still works for bloomberg software department.

Which jew in the middle of Austin, Texas helped Jack Kilby while he was entirely alone in the lab because the other engineers were on vacation?

Flip through any circuit analysis book and there's nothing but western european.

>Blowing off semiconductors and telecom(internet)
>Posted on the internet with a device full of semiconductors

2/10, I replied.

>Flip through any circuit analysis book and there's nothing but western european.
objectively false false

brogrammers have been a social class in tech since about 2008

>tfw no G11Nerf to shoot caseless foam darts


This is the best shills can do. Second graders do this for free at the playground. Embarrasing.

I don't see the problem if they're actually good at it.
But if they do bother you, you can show em anime and turn em into something dreadful like a kemono friends fanboy.

>Flipped through the circuit analysis text
>Nothing but western european
WELP. "Objectively" play in traffic,CTR shill.

We need MORE chads in tech.

I'm so fucking sick of working with millennials.

I've never seen a bigger group of pussies in my life. They are offended by everything and are more passive aggressive than women.

This. So much this. These people are insufferable. I literally had to become a pseudo-Chad myself so I wouldn't get mixed up with these faggots.

What the fucks? What's wrong with looking good and knowing tech? You need some bitches on your dick. (In life)

systems engineer at google ;^)

>suddenly the nerds start to get all muscular and big bearded to repeal the kids, and eventually become some sort of dwarves

>implying that Jews weren't involved in the creation of the internet
>hurr durr anyone who doesn't subscribe to my ridiculously oversimplified view of reality is a Clinton shill
unironically kys, retard

>how the fuck do we keep chad out of tech?
let him touch a louded high voltage capacitor