I never used macos in my life

i never used macos in my life

Same and I don't plan to use it

>i never used
Are you dead?

I've repaired a few of them.

Close to never.

I went into a mac store. Accompanying a friend; I'm not gay or anything. I was fiddling with a demo. One of the nerds asked me I wanted any help. Ok. How do I get a terminal I asked. Because that was what I was hunting for. Blank look.

my first computer was an early 90s powerbook, but I haven't used macos since I was 8 or so

My condolences.

the last time i used a MacOS is in the 8th grade
so the 2000

I'm sorry, but if you can't intuit how to open up a terminal emulator on any operating system, you have bigger problems.

Nice blog you stupid fag
He was staring at you because he hates you

amerifats BTFO

yeah, there's definitely no other cuisine you could make a horrific soup out of. I'm sure Italian hot pot would be amazing with half a gallon of rich red wine brought to a simmer around a pound of shrimp alfredo and gnocchi.

>go to the Mac section at Falabella (think 3rd world Sears)
>open up the terminal and start typing unix commands
>bretty good
>store manager comes and kicks me out of the store for "hacking"


>rich red wine brought to a simmer around a pound of shrimp alfredo and gnocchi

the first thing you have to do is look, you moron, that's what I was doing

>terminal emulator

apple fag detetced

that's poor man food in burgerland. ALso, that's too much cola for one person.

Nice Reddit spacing. Almost as great as your unrelated image. I use GNU/Linux exclusively, and I still think you're an utter moron for struggling for MacOS. Terminal emulator is what you call it, because it emulates a your terminal. MacOS, for all its flaws and outdated software is a perfectly viable (almost) UNIX development environment, and you would have to be ignorant to suggest otherwise. You can dislike it for having a proprietary userland (perfectly justified), but dismissing it because you can't into it is seriously dumb.

ITT: things that didn't happen

"used" only implies past tense. "Use" is also valid, but it's more assertive.

Why did they ruin this wonderful banquet by pouring coca cola all over it?

Why did Yamasaki think this was a good idea

Cmd+Space, then start typing 'terminal'. If you'd come into my store and pulled that shit, I'd've laughed your autistic ass out of there.

Ha! Us smelly virgins are truly superior, eh user?

Its pretty damn nice. Thinking of switching back after using Linux exclusively for nearly a year.

>I went into a mac store.
>Accompanying a friend; I'm not gay or anything.
Saw a movie about this once.

Ive never seen this show, but she is a really attractive woman.

A shame she got fiddled. A crying shame.

Same. I've used thousands of hours of linux from kernel 2.1.0, and probably hundreds of thousands of hours in Windows from 3.1 - 10

>I never used MacOS in my life
implies you never used MacOS in a life, which is now over.

>I have never used MacOS in my life
implies you have never used MacOS in a life, which is still an ongoing event.

> fiddled

stay blue-pilled faggot

Didnt she get touched up by the fat jew producer who had a foot fetish?

Just checked, didn't see any news about that. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else?

Great. Then she is pure. I still have a chance to marry her if she ever comes to Australia and somehow falls in love with me. Wish me luck.

the macro key on my keyboard is \

Wishing you luck even though I want her too. She's really a good girl, rare wife material.

I wish you luck too , literally sincerely.

Whats her ancestory btw?

>She has stated that she is of English, Irish, and French descent.
From Wiki.

Damn. Ok. She could pass as a extremely attractive white viet mixed with euro, half caste, but whatever, she is all woman, of that more doubt.

Holy fuck, why don't you go kill yourself, you goddamn fucking stuck up bitch? This ain't no fucking English lesson. Go off yourself, bitch. I bet you got bullied every day at school.

>How do I get a terminal I asked. Because that was what I was hunting for.

Hmm wonde what this thing does open...

I bet you never went to one.

> fiddling with "a friend" inside the apple store
> not gay

I read it as macros.
>mfw op has never used lisp

Oh shit thats what i thought it said
but it made sense for a thread like that to be on Sup Forums so i didnt reread it
A lot of the responses make more sense now though


>he thinks school matters in real life
lmaoing @ ur life nerd

I used Mac OS 9.
That why I hate Macs.


tfw used mac os when it wasn't called that

Well i have used an mb that had 1280x800 screen and a core 2 duo and 1 gb ram that i upgraded to 6(i do not know the exact model but i think it was a 5.7 whatever that means)
It was enjoyable and the font rendering made it look attractive but i prefer bsd and linux

>Accompanying a friend; I'm not gay or anything.
The user doth protest too much

neither, i've used;
system 6
system 7, 7.5
Mac OS 8, 8.1
Mac OS 9, 9.2
Mac OS X 10.0-10.6
but i haven't used "macOS"


How come people on Sup Forums are actually proud of not widening their sight and experience?
Is this the "neo-Sup Forums" meme I hear off? We didn't have this shit back in the day.

>A500 with monochrome monitor
all my WHY

>how to be manly and Sup Forums at the same time
I like that guy. Seems cool.

I'm no english. I had good ed in english. But since cumming to this place I shit out my english like talking a crap since I found out that anglos are the niggers of the white race and this is why I rape their lang

You should feel bad for asking a question and not just knowing the answer.

Also your probably gay because you have a friend that you go to the Apple store with.

Do you like Xcode?

migrated to GNU from windows ME, barely used XP or 7, never touched vista, 8 , 10 and I wont do it.

I bet you've never gotten laid

I'm sorry you're so close minded and inexperienced
The single OS plebs and OS fanbois really have it rough these days, being brainlets

>Amiga 500
>Obviously a C64c
Are you retarded? Underage?