>have problem with Windows
>only solution is to make edits to the registry
Have problem with Windows
I thought linux fags love that sort of tinkering
It's basically a centralized database of config with a ui. Better than hunting and reading man pages for which one you need to manually edit
why should I have to worry about the kind of shit after I've already installed the OS?
this is """tinkering""" that I could've already done during compile time.
and before you complain about menuconfig let me remind you that there are several other options that automate the configuration process (which Windows doesn't have) so you're not wasting your time trying to find your motherboard drivers or something retarded like that.
What was the problem?
I've only ever touched the registry a few times for problems and it was for software I installed and not windows itself.
There is a difference between text files and a binary database that breaks and brings down the whole system with it the moment you look at it wrong and breaks slower if you don't
Sounds like user error to me
>motherboard drivers
Doesnt your mobo come with an install CD with the drivers on it?
>Find config files for individual applications in ~/.config/thing or /etc/thing with comments on what the options are.
>win registry with forever + tree and DWORD HEXIFUCKYOU and no docs on what the fuck it does
>have problem with Mac
>only solution is to shell out another couple grand on a mid-year upgrade
If fucking with the registry is the only option left, then you've obviously done something wrong.
>It's basically a centralized database of config with a ui
Windows 3.1 had the whole ".config files scattered everywhere" thing.
It's a great idea, just poorly implemented and prone to corruption.
>don't blame the OS, blame yourself
you're what's wrong with this industry
Not my fault you're too retarded to use a computer properly
It's the only way to fix the retarded mouse acceleration
>t. brainlet
you dont need to edit anything in the registry lmfao just turn it off in settings
you sound like a trash player that does everything to try and make himself better
Shut up
Fuck off
There's no gpedit on home editions.
>waaah why isn't shit already prepared for me
then use windows 10 if you're too dumb for any other windows but then don't complain about lack of freedom