Get job at a software company

>get job at a software company
>all of coworkers are tryhard faggots like this guy

Other urls found in this thread:

what about this guy makes him a "tryhard faggot"

He's more successful than OP

I'll be showing this thread to the boss on Monday, Alex.

shit looks like im a tryhard faggot too

better off myself

Fucking Chad reeeee

>mfw Alex, who had nothing to do with this thread, gets dragged to HR and disappeared

two birds with one stone

stupid rich coworkers with their atari shirts!!!!!

Are you... trying to bodyshame a guy who's fitter and handsomer than you are? Or is this some kind of unusually complex "tryhards have no souls"/ginger joke where it's something to do with him getting sunburnt because he's doing an outdoor activity? Or are you mad because he stole your girl?

This is why I'm scared of applying to programming companies. They've all got pictures of well put together people doing activities and socializing and it makes me nervous as fuck. I'm not well put together.

OP is mad the guy in the pic wouldn't have gay sex with him.

>They've all got pictures of well put together people doing activities and socializing
who said those pictures are of the employees..?

if you go a reverse search on the picture, its used in some gay erotic stories. its not really a programmer.

Poos quality gaydar. The guy's wearing cargo shorts. He's def straight.

>get job at a software company
>all of coworkers are goofy loafers
>even boss only shows up at noon and leaves after only two hours of work

Ugh, fucking white brogrammer tryhards!

>tryhard faggots
You mean they're doing actual work?
Oh boy, I can't wait until you get fired from this place and blame the work environment or some stupid shit when you were fired for not actually doing any work

Egocentric people were a mistake

you realize your online persona is supposed to be contrived right? no one portrays themselves accurately online then everyone would know how boring and normal they are.

It comes with the territory

Or you're just a fake person

Who is this semen demon

That is one handsome man.

>Tfw my workplace is littered with weebs

>comes to an anime website
>complains about weebs


>make excel spreadsheets
>job title is ""data scientist""

this is the reality we chose

Fucking faggot dude.

Pretending to be Chad while wearing a Japanese Atari shirt.


>Pretending to be Chad while wearing a Japanese Atari shirt.
>what about this guy makes him a "tryhard faggot"
you didnt answer my question at all. you threw out some assumptions and provided nothing of value

demeaning people for being a "tryhard" is a Gen X thing

Ha! You idiot! I bet you work hard to succeed in life instead of being a nigger

Looks like he'd give you an ostia in toda la cara if he knew you posted this OP.

Who gives a fuck? Just divide them between retards and smart guys, then don't mess with the smart ones as the can fuck your shit up. For the retards, jew them as hard as you can and don't look back.

>its used in some gay erotic stories

How did you know that?

are you a retard?

KYS pedo fag

When you get paid a shit load of money and don't have a shit work life, you tend to be in a better position for self-improvement.

>being chad
Those 2 incompatible.

>How did you know that?
google reverse image search

wasnt sure if the picture was really from someones fb or not

nigga pls i've seen fucking nintendo style shirts at the most normie clothes stores, normies get them cause they look "hip" and cause everyone's played some nintendo game when they were kids, that's it, they're not pretending anything you jealous autist

Are you triggered cause he's appropriating your culture?

I'm not a doctor, but that seems like anxiety

Thank fuck you're not a doctor.

Damn OP you are one sad cunt you know that

>>being chad
>Those 2 incompatible.
Look up ancient Asian cuck porn. Lots of savage cavemen from the north coming to pillage and rape, and the redheads were the most prized in the fetish shit for their savagery and libido.
"The ones with golden hair can be reasoned with, or bribed. Those with burning hair are more akin to beasts than men."

Not op but I am slightly triggered. Who wants to work with bunch of big bang theory watching atari shirt wearing bearded numales? The guy in op is somewhat built so he probably isn't the worst type though.
Recently looked for job opening online, bunch of bearded code artisans who made a very big deal how they played floor ball and had team for running long distance. Needless to say I didn't even apply.

he's hawt

My gf buys my clothing. I really don't care what she buys as long as the colors look okayish, and it's adult clothing, meaning no hoodies or cargo pants or scarfs which she will never understand.

let explain for your dumbass:
He's partaking in an activity normally reserved for people who don't wear nerd clothing, while wearing nerd clothing. That other fag user is mad because this guy gets the best parts of both worlds, namely chad sex and physical prowess and nerdy video games and japan.

I think I understand what you mean OP, and I experienced the same when I got my first "real" job as well.
Joining an IT company I expected to meet people at my level, my social standing, maybe a few sharing my interests and obsessions, but to my surprise everyone were seemingly well adjusted, outgoing people with a sense of fashion, great social lives and skills and a staggering amount of friends and followers on their social media.

It really did fuck with me, cause I expected to finally arrive at a place in life where I could be with my equals, i.e. weird neckbeards with a knack for computer stuff. Instead I became the social outcast, the office "nerd", which is ironic considering the field I work in is considered nerdy by most normies. Also sucks that despite being infinitely more skilled at my work than these dweebs I will always lose when competing for promotions, as skill and experience is completely overlooked and all that matters is social skills and leadership ability mixed with some asskissing.

>doing things that require effort is considered "trying too hard"
t.basic millenial

says the fuckboy who
>cannot solve a system of differential equations
>does not know a functional programming language
>cannot read sheet music
>types at a rate slower than 100 words per minute
>drives a car with an automatic transmission
>listens to mp3s
>has less than 12 TB on his home server
>does not play a musical instrument
>can't run a mile in under 6 minutes
peasants like you make me sick

This the profile pic from one of most Woof'd guys on Scruff. I recognized it instantly cause he shows on global grid often.

>Hoodies aren't adult clothing
Says the guy who has his mom buy his clothes for him.

t. pot-bellied slovenly neckbeard who masturbates to cartoon children

hoodies are for children though

ITT: straight virgins
The guy from OP pic is from gay app called Scruff. You can hit "Woof" button next to any guys profile to hint you find them hot. This guy shows up on "most woofed" global grid very often.


> I need someone to buy my clothes
That's pretty pathetic. Do you also ask then to wipe your ass cus you lack self independent skills? Manchildren man...


Thing is nothing gets done without those social skills and people stepping up to lead. Trust me the neckbeards can't do anything without chad leading them in the right direction. Without Chad all they do is either complain while doing nothing or waste vast time on their current obsession.

post a picture of one of your outfits

>neckbeard wants to manage a team
>can't even make eye contact with someone in a video conference
>"I don't know any of my coworkers but I still think I am the best developer there because I am the most autistic"
never gonna make it

What purpose does that serve? Youre the one that needs someone to buy his clothes for him.

"technology discussion"

>this guy

I am 190cm and 95kg, and I am noticeably leaner than this guy. He is more like 105, minimum.

>feeling insecure around more handsome men

Bitter beta programmers really need to stay in the basement.

I am 190cm and 95kg and roughly the same size as him.


lol @ that picture niggers think they solely invented cornrows and dreadlocks

get off the internet niggers, you're appropriating white culture by using technology



how is that hard to believe? it's not like the dude took steroids or anything.

No, he is just fat and he's lying about his weight.
