/sqt/ - Small Questions Thread

1. Use a search engine.
2. Remember that Sup Forums is your personal tech support. If you don't get an answer, report everyone in the thread and have a shitpost meltdown.

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What's that new ad blocker addon thing that advertisers are shitting their pants over since it sends them bad data?

What is this xoom shit on paypal?
I've never sent money over paypal, and everyone marvels at how easy it is, but the first time I try to send money I'm greeted with some poop crap that tells me to put in a ton of bank info instead of just an email.

You mean the downloaded files ended up with the same date when the youtube video was uploaded? What OS?

Why are images on here distorted when I image hover or download the image? The bottom third of the image looks almost black and white, with the pixels shifted horizontally. It only happens upon image hover or if I open the image in a new tab.

Using Microsoft edge with windows 10 fully updated.

I tried to post the image, but it errors out saying there is an embedded file.

It happens probably 25% of the time, only on Sup Forums.


"Shitting their pants" is a bit of an exaggeration. I would classify them as mildly annoyed. Online ads were an already an inexact science as it was. They're used to estimating the numbers already.

nerve gas?

I've switched to Android. How do I stop certain apps from ever running in the background -- so I don't have to force close them everytime.

How come the OP image of is 495 KB according to Sup Forums but 467 KB according to Firefox and Windows?

Windows uses a non-standard system for megabytes.

how do images like this work?
what is this effect called?
how do you make them?

But it happens with both Windows and GNU/Linux, for example when I download the OP image of on either OS it gets over the 4 MB mark, meaning you can't repost the image, but then how was OP able to post it then?

i want a nickname like guccifer. can you think of one for me please?

adolf hitler



I've recently switched to rtorrent and it downloads torrents just fine but instead of seeding it switches them to closed and gives me an error stating Inactive: Tracker: [Object operator [peers] could not find element]. How do I fix this? I've already got H&R notices

I just got an HSF and it's the right size, but the screws are too large.

Wat do?

buy the right screws

probably changed a little as it was being stripped of metadata
here it is with lossless optimization

Dp vs MDP vs HDMI vs dvi

fer wat?

The screws don't come out.

PC to monitor @ 1440p

You can't go wrong with displayport.

That's it, thanks my dude.

It's been over-exaggerated of course but still...

buy the right HSF

I hope you live in a free country or are otherwise wealthy.

Does MDP matter?

You need a cable that fits it, otherwise no difference.

It works because the image has an unusual gamma value set in the metadata.
Your browser uses the gamma value stored in the file when displaying the image, but Sup Forums's thumbnail maker ignores it. The result is that everything is much darker than it was in the thumbnail. One image is stored in pixels that look white in the thumbnail but are darkened to the target shade when the image is opened, while another image is stored in pixels that have the desired shade in the thumbnail but appear black when the image is opened.

new thread same question
If I buy a 3TB HDD and partition it can I then raid1 a 2tb and 512GB onto it
I've got no disk space to even test on a VM cause my 2tb nuked itself

It's an interesting tactic, but it really doesn't matter. Google and facebook are such huge monopolies they can do whatever they want, and they already don't give out any specifics about the click counts you pay for. They'll just adjust the way they estimate and present the numbers, and it'll be business as usual.


The HSF is compatible with my socket type, but the screws are too big.

different guy
how do i make that pattern? i'm retarded with photoshop

Are open-sores conferences interesting or useful?

There is one going on in about two hours in my city. Should I stay or should I go?

Could you use a phone as an NB-IoT device? Using only that network (once it rolls out). It uses frequencies used by GSM or LTE so a mobile radio chip should know the frequencies. But the modulation and all the connection/transmit logic would have to be implemented somehow. Do you have that kind of low level access on an Android?

Is there any good simple open source desktop applications to learn from? I mainly want to see a complete project to see how all the pieces work together from start to finish. Everytime I try to look for some GitHub repos they're always just libraries. Don't really care for what language it is as long as it's not too obscure.

buy the right motherboard

what's the correct "etiquette" for submitting multiple fixes to a github repo?

is it okay to commit everything to master in my fork, then send a pull request containing everything, or should i be using branches somehow and making a new PR for each fix?

Depends on how related the fixes are. If they're completely unrelated and can be evaluated on their own, then multiple PRs is best on a busy project. If they're all similar, then just do multiple commits on the one PR.

No, all the low level radio is done in hardware or the baseband processor, which isn't under user software control

Depending on the version of Android and whether your phone OEM restricted the feature, there might be an option in settings->apps to restrict an app. That does exactly what you're describing -- the app can't run in the background, which might stop it syncing as well depending how it syncs.

1 KB = 1024 bytes, 1 MB = 1024 KB
That is the standard system and is what everything but hard disk manufacturers have used for decades. The new 1,000,000 byte megabyte stuff is an effort to make computers normie friendly.

Running this causes an error. I guess it is to do with the escaped '$' in the substitution but it's kind of necessary with bash. Is there a simple fix?

rename -n -e "s/\s?(\[[^ ]+\]\s?)|(\s\([^ ]+\))/\$2/g" "[ddd] aaa (eee) [ddd]"
Use of uninitialized value $2 in substitution (s///) at (eval 2) line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $2 in substitution (s///) at (eval 2) line 1.

Whats a good 60fps 1440p video for demoing a monitor. Besides big buck bunny

Any Software engineer's here ?
How do you find the project's your working on ?
What's the job like ?

Interested in the field and would like to get Sup Forums's thoughts on it

What's that program called again to make fontrules like the one above?

>normie friendly
You mean everyone who uses the metric system?

I'm not asking for legal advice, I'm asking for help with the damned issue. Also
>not seeding
Enjoy being a public tracker plebeian.


Looks like you don't need to escape it if you use single quotes.

Where do I get userscripts to remove new youtube comments, usual websites have nothing but mp3 downloading.

>Looks like you don't need to escape it if you use single quotes.

Ah true. I still seem to get the error though.

one of the other blender movies? sintel, tears of steel
depends also what you mean by "demoing", to yourself? publicly?
if to yourself, consider just running a video game or a fancy gpu benchmarking tool like unigine superposition
if public, it's a good idea to use royalty/license-free video such as the blender movies

at what point is it worth spending time on setting up configuration management like puppet or ansible?

one way to think of it like comparing writing out commands into a terminal, and writing out commands into a shell script
you wouldn't write a script to do one-off things that are custom to the situation, but you would write one if you have a task which is repeated, with little or no changes
same with managing many machines, if you're making the same kind of changes to many machines at once, some kind of central means of doing so might save you time

How many god damn stars have to align to use Android's built in visual voice mail?
>LG Stylo 3 Plus
>Android 7
One of the most exciting things about getting this phone was that I would no longer have to deal with T-Mobile's piss poor excuse for a visual voice mail app that only feels like updating and telling me there's a voice mail whenever it feels like it. Why the fuck don't I have Android's voice mail? I even Googled it and it said T-Mobile was one of the first to adopt Android's built in shit but here it is missing.

yes, you can do that with software raid such as mdadm, zfs, or btrfs

Acer E15 user from previous thread,
Ubuntu installation worked out fine

This is a cheap curved sammy 24 inch VA monitor (24f390). Should I return it? Lightbleed on the left just kills me, it's really uneven.

actual good advice
thanks m8


does the youtube autoplay slider in the player window settings menu turn itself back on?

i dont really have any games i can test it with i think

I wonder about light bleed. annoyingly my monitor doesnt have any bleed but from certain angles it looks like it does due to leds on studio equipment. fuck you yamaha for having white power leds on everything

how about a demoscene demo?

How many of you recommend me to use virtual memory against the problem of always running out available RAM to use? I remember reading some comments on Youtube before that said it only serves to make some programs run faster, not make the whole OS run faster and never receive the warning message of running out RAM?


what is the best Java IDE for a toaster laptop?
I downloaded intelliJ but I can't fool myself into not noticing how slowly it runs

bluej. java is terrible though

virtual memory doesn't make programs run faster, it allows you to run more at once than you otherwise could
to try to explain it, lets say you have 2G ram, and you want to run 4 programs which use around 1G each. without virtual memory, this simply can't be done, as you'll run out of physical memory before you can start the 3rd program, however, with sufficient virtual memory, you can get all 4 programs running. however, only 2 of them can run at full speed, as only 2 can fit into physical memory at any one time, the other 2 will be "swapped/paged out" onto disk, switching back to those programs will require loading them back into physical memory, causing a delay, and pushing one of the previously used programs out of physical ram
basically, it's not unlike simply only having 2 programs open at a time, only this way, the /state/ of the program is preserved when you switch between them
if the programs you're using are very active, this will result in thrashing (constant 'fighting' over which data should be in physical ram), which causes everything to slow down, so there's considerations to be made when pushing beyond your physical ram size


Seriously, there's a reason why companies don't buy toaster laptops for developers to write code on.

Get a real computer next time.

Dumb question I'm sure but on the iphone email app is there a way to display all your emails as separate messages rather than grouping them into a "conversation"?

Isn't this just fucking over small businesses who pump budget into adwords?


as an example of what i mean by an "active" program
lets say on that 2G system you have a huge 1.5G office document open, and you want to run a game which uses 1.5G, this will cause ~1G of the office program's memory to be swapped out onto disk, allowing the game to run at normal speed
an office program, left alone, doesn't need to access it's memory often, so won't be fighting the game to get it's memory back much
then when you close the game, the office document can be loaded back into memory as needed, which will make it feel slow for a while, the tradeoff being that you can keep the office program open the whole time, where you otherwise would have had to close it to run the game at all


how do i into removing malware?
mostly bitcoin miners

start with CCleaner and look under Tools > Startup and look for programs you dont recognize

>removing malware with malware

What does ls stand for?

Ls that lists all the contents of the currint working directory? Does it stand for "list"?

Lexicographical Sift

Hello, I'm a time traveler from 2005.
How do I learn how to make small websites for myself or for presentations?

Is learning html and php and then using it in a notepad still the way to go? Or has it grew and changed so much that it'd be better to leave it to a pajeet or use templates if I'm not into STEM? HTML preview on modern websites looks so complex even for simple websites.

I have few questions about Systemd.
Does it compromises your privacy and security?
How good is devuan?
There is any alternative to Raspbian without Systemd?
How good is tiny core linux for the Raspberry pi?
Do i have to reinstall the entire system to get rid of systemd?

How do I eat surround characters in regex? Example, in the string
a, (b, [c, d]), e
The groups would be
(b, [c, d])

The big thing now is stuff like React.
You can just use create-react app and a UI library like react-bootstrap, semantic UI, or ant design (material UI is bullshit) and be up in no time.

The brainless fucks at my ISP doubled my ping again. What do?

Which are the best DNS? And which ones respect my privacy?

If I'm wanting to get into networking should I get both the Comptia Network+ cert and the CCENT cert or should I just get one or the other?

>not hosting your own dns

Call to your local preferred ISP and ask them why they doubled your ping? It may not resolve your problem, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Why do miners prefer AMD cards as opposed to NVIDIA?

Fuck off.


AMD cards have higher or equal FLOPS than NVIDIA cards for the same or lower price.

Everyone knows that ISP call centers are manned by gormless goons who will tell you to restart the router after you have waited like 5 fucking hours for someone to pick up.

But don't NVIDIA cards always outperform those at AMD counterpart?

Whenever I boot up and automatically connect to a WiFi source, it doesn't have an internet connection for whatever reason and I have to restart, in which case it works fine. I have had to do this every time for the past few days and I can't find a good solution. Any ideas?

Restart what? Your wifi router or the wifi connection?

That's not even remotely true, and has never been. Generally speaking AMD and Nvidia cards with similar MSRP will perform about the same, with AMD being better in some cases and Nvidia in others.

my computer