Sup goes off-line with a page that say's "Gone indefinitely"

>Sup goes off-line with a page that say's "Gone indefinitely"
>Hiroshimoot sends a tweet saying the website can't afford itself and no-one can maintain it anymore.
what do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

8ch is better anyways

Smile at the fact you won't post useless garbage threads on Sup Forums anymore

>8ch is better anyways
Come on faggot, you're gonna have to expand. Beter userbase, better functionality?

Hope a different Chan gets a decent mobile app. Worst case scenario is I move indefinitely to YouTube where I treat individual low popularity YouTubers as different boards and regularly insult other YouTubers the same way I insult faggots like you.

I only come here to argue and for porn.

Live a slightly more productive life.

use other websites, maybe even try hosting my own alternative amongst the soon-to-be dozens of others popping up

p.s. the site is actually very profitable; 4 years ago moot was bringing in $250,000/year just from Sup Forums passes, and Sup Forums's exploded in popularity since then.

Probably grossing 1 million a year now

i actually want this to happen

I'll celebrate with a bottle of champagne

I assume you're alluding to my thread,

In other words, you try other things but realize there's something that attracts you to Sup Forums and fall into suicidal depression?

You don't know what you say.

>You don't know what you say.
I do.
this site has seen nothing but resounding recessions in quality ever since 2008. somebody really needs to put this place out of its misery.
like all things, the imageboard experiment sounded good on paper. but, like Marxism, we have to admit it's been tried and failed and move on.

Jim Watkins is a cuck and sells data from the users. Fuck that literal honeypot.

>but, like Marxism, we have to admit it's been tried and failed and move on.
No one is stopping you from moving the fuck on.

shitpost on reddit instead.

>like Marxism, we have to admit it's been tried and failed and move on.
he says while posting on the danish rock tumbling image board he frequents every night


I'd start going to the many spinoff sites around and try to find where my fellow general users have run off to.

Full on rose tinted glasses here. I remember a time when Sup Forums really was random, and every dissenting opinion on a board, while ridiculed, wasn't immediately accused of being political / viral marketing shills. I would be disappointed for a day or so, but I'd move on with my life.

ignoring cancer doesn't stop it from growing

lainchan, like always, and waiting for a proper replacement.

This site accounts for majority of my social interaction.

I would do same as always but on toilet stalls instead.

Finally move on with my life.

fuck off reddit

>what do you do
Finally become free.

browse r*ddit for a few years before i start posting there
just like i did here
that or just become some kind of weird hermit. i get pretty much all my social interaction here and a little at work so itll be a big change in my life if this site ever did go down for good

Make a new one.

Try to get the Sup Forums domain name.


sometimes i wish that guy never introduced me to this site then disappeared

Impossible scenario. Gookmoot is making too much money from selling data to go offline.

while not as epic was it was years ago, its still good.

lol fucking hard for way too long. After that go looking for anons causing shit somewhere else.

oh fuck this brings me back


i thought they got rid of theirs a few years ago?

there own version of Sup Forums


honestly im gonna have to start browsing that site more
i stopped a few years ago and its still pretty fun from the looks of it

Commit Sudoku

go outside, get a job, find a gf, become successful

There is always futaba, I will make few info graphs with how to play VN on Linux and shill it there. Maybe even make some debian flavor with everything one would need to watch anime and shit out if the box with anime girl as user support.

Probably browse tinychan full time.

I would finally be free, get fit, and smash Stacey cunts like my fathers before me.

>find a gf

There's nothing stopping you from doing these things now.
Sup Forums isn't stopping you, you're doing it to yourself. If Sup Forums goes, you'll find another excuse.

It's stopping him by taking away precious time with inane comments on consumerist topics.

If Sup Forums went away, I'd be done with my gopherhole image board.

>Hiroshima doesnt

Who knows user... Maybe it'll change me for the better.


>not all

Finish my backlog.

And the excuses keep flowing.
You're so addicted to making excuses and blaming your life on other things that you can't even see when someone is trying to tell you this.


kirts not a fucking retard

also anyone who says "that" shitty anonib clone should kts