GNOME dev here, ask me anything. Pic related working as intended

GNOME dev here, ask me anything. Pic related working as intended.

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I ask you to leave.

Why is that window's title bar so huge when it's displaying almost nothing?

big? BIG? I'm working on a new title bar that takes up 5x as much space and displays 5x less info!

please kill other team members than yourself

Post your donation page, THIS NEEDS SUPPORT

I hear you guys are working on removing the X11 dependencies on Xwayland, and also GDM.

How's that coming along?
Also I'd suggest looking into pipewire for implementation.

I've been using Gnome/Wayland for 7 months and it's been very stable even on ARM64.

Thanks for all of the work and I'm excied that Ubuntu and Fedora are both shipping it in their next releases.

>Client side decorations

I dont see it here I went back to Windows because of this shit desu.

It's time to decide if you're a GNOME guy or a linux guy, you can't be both.

What's the point of activities? And why do they get so much of the top bar? When you could merge the window bar with the top bar when a window is full screen.

It's for babbies who don't know what hot corners are.

When are you planning on killing yourself?

fix gtkfilechooser you imcompetent morons

I don't know what hot corners OR activities are

It's shit that gnome devs work on instead of making a DE people would enjoy using.

I neither need hot corners nor that Activities bullshit, why is Gnome so bad?

KDE has activities too

what the fuck does this hit actually do though?

nobody knows or wants to know

Found the other GNOME dev

Its like one big shit sandwich

What's more important in becoming a Gnome dev: being bad at design or being bad at programming?

That's a good question and I'm glad you asked it, though the answer may surprise you, the most important part of becoming a GNOME dev is EXTENSIONS!!

>ohmygawd, a typo

are you the guy who does the localization work for GNOME? That would explain a lot actually...

Do you secretly work with Microsoft and the NSA to make open source sotware as undesirable as possible?

are you trying to imply gnome isn't comfy?

Make GNOME not gay or hang yourself.

GNOME is unironically the best DE available, whether that is because GNOME is good or all the others are even worse..I'll let you decide.

Weak bait, bro!
A real GTK+ developer here.
Firefox is moving to CSD and it's their duty to implement drawing on their end.
you can see their progress using org.mozilla.FirefoxNightlyCSD flatpak

Hey, I know you guys are really busy deleting features and all, but can you please tell your colleagues to stop designing their UI around a use case that doesn't exist in the real world? No one outside of the devs themselves have or ever will run GNOME on a tablet. It's a pipe dream, so just stop.

God, how I wish this wasn't true.

> Be me 12 years old
> Install linux for first time
> Don't set any root password because, its only on your private network and its just for shit and giggles. Plus im 12 twelve and don't know any better
> Choose Gnome as window manager
> Reboot
> Password required for access
> Throw linux in the trash for 10 years because this shit took hours to install and now I can't access it.

I know there was probably some way, but at lease KDE I could sign in to the machine with empty passwords.
This experience was what delayed my linux experiences for 10 years or so.

Thanks Gnome!

Why flatpak instead of snappy?

we liked the name better

>pull 1 request
>become developer

I believe this.

I came up with the name, buddy. It was going to be GNOM originally.

Sounds like you were(are) retarded.

Make it a unibrow like iPhone x

We're looking for guys like you on to join the GNOME team! Excellent idea!!

>GNOME dev here, ask me anything.

when did all the white guys leave the dev team?
Also which desktop environment the best on linux and why is it cinnamon?

Leave the unibrow just black and empty. Future displays will have the unibrow too. Users might think they want an unibrowless monitor but you know better than them.