>try FLAC
>try 320kbps MP3 of same song
Fucking audiophiles
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FLAC is for archiving.
Don't use it if you can't afford the storage.
your ears didnt notice the difference but your brain did
>convert youtube video to a mp3
>can't literally tell the difference between that or something from a CD or vinyl
>implying your speakers are studio monitor tier and not garage tier
>implying valves don't sound better
>implying real DJs don't use vinal because it sounds better
>implying anything other than raw doesn't lose quality because its chopped into frames
fucking hipsters *tips sombrero
mp3 is so old its patents expired
your silly bait is not fooling anyone
I used headphones manbrodudeguybuddyfriend
Pair of lcd2 and monoprice 1060s
Listened to vengalis albums
Immediately hear more image seperation and instruments on the FLAC compared to 320 aac.
You ain't even trying lad
ew, you're one of -those- guys...
(if you do audio engineering with headphones and not monitors honestly you might aswell kys.)
Placebo garbage
Also less than 100eur worth of hdd can easily fit over 10,000 full albums in flac.
That's like an investment of 0,01eur per album for storage.
Someday we might even get to see much higher resolutions and sampling rates in digital recordings becoming a norm.
And you defend mp3s in this day and age.
>buy headphones for 40 euros
>nicely isolates the surrounding noise
>has great music quality
>there are headphones from koss or some shit like that for 300 euros
What does those even do?
FLACs are only useful if you're going to transcode it into other formats.
If you don't plan on that, don't use them.
I listen on Utopias Mini, Bryston 4B amp, some Sony as preamp and an external DAC. oh yes, there IS a big difference.
>the one time audiophiles aren't full of shit
OP you look ridiculous
They are literally the best cd quality you can store idiot.
Do several runs of blind tests
If you manage a 90% accuracy whereas you can tell which one is FLAC and which one isn't, then and only then will I believe you
Upgrade your fucking ears first
t.someone using $10 headphones
A very high bitrate MP3 is gonna be smaller and you won't hear the difference.
The point of getting FLAC (as someone who just consumes music) is to avoid cumulative loss that you'd get from transcoding lossy to lossy.
All you other fags are stupid
I think your ears might be broken
yes, vinyl is rubbish
Can you hear the difference?
The same shit yours do, but better.
OP sucks cocks.
Mp3 is absolute garbage, no matter what bitrate.
>listen to flac on my phone from 2004
>It's just an MP3 file ranamed to flac
>Use my iPod earbuds to listen
>Sounds no different
Deez Dum white boys
use an encoder from the current millennium
Is that the young fellow from the G-Unit? I heard they can all join to form a giant robot.
at > 192kbps the only way audiophiles determine the difference is by looking at the fucking spectogram. this pretty much means there is no difference when listening to a v2 mp3, v0 mp3 and flac, various blind experiments just proves that. not like people's ears can hear the difference. the only reason for flac is either if you transcode a lot (which is silly because mp3 is at least 20 years old and everything still plays it) or you do music production but could as well used something more portable like wav
I have literally no money for music and have literally only ever paid for 3 CDs so converting from shitty youtube videos is my only source anyway since im afraid of torrenting.
I certainly notice a difference at higher volume with bitrates over 192.
Probably could be my equipment though, I dont see the point in paying a fortune for audio when the cheaper stuff is pretty much there.
>converting from shitty youtube videos
>im afraid
RIAA is onto you
Keep your flac at home and put opus in your portable device.
Earlet detected
Placebofag detected
Sure :)
The human ear can't hear over 192kbps