What's your android keyboard of choice?

what's your android keyboard of choice?

for me its swype


Multiling O Keyboard. Insane customization, surprisingly lightweight.

The one you posted

But I'm debating switching to a Blackberry KEYone quite soon.

I would really like if the two joined forces.


Default AOSP Keyboard

>not using landscape for full 16:9 media consumption

>limiting your aspect ratio for 4:3 content which isn't even made anymore

Hacker's keyboard


>emulators with responsive keypad
>debootstrap linux
>txt with gloves on

Any way you can change the emojis on the S8 without rooting? Using Gboard.

does this work like the keyboard on the blackberry Z10? Loved that keyboard. Does it support swype?

can't wait my man

That is sexy!
I like the contacts which still allow use of the usb and not bluetooth (latency and security can be issues)

also it comes with a built in battery that enhances that of the phone.

SwiftKey, I find it to be the comfiest when using multiple languages.

hackers keyboard

Whatever the fuck happened to Swype?

Fleksy is the best and most intuitive keyboard.


>using google keylogger botnet board

the one in op looks dumb and gay


xperia default keyboard

Reminder this is the phone of the year.

> virtual keyboard wasting resources
> letting botnet run free in your system
> being cucked into believing that virtual keyboards are comfortable and good
> 2017

This is the only reasonable choice for every user that wants a good writing portable device having phone functions.

Everything is a botnet.
t. Sup Forums

Also just block it in your firewall.

>impossible to root
>no custom roms
>impossible to ungoogle your phone
>battery not replaceable
>Adreno 506


the physical on my keyone


>impossible to root
I run freeBSD on mine
>no custom roms
>impossible to ungoogle your phone
See above
>battery not replaceable
Easily replaceable with knowledge
>Adreno 506
I don't need a 5ghz 16 core cpu on my phone

adreno is not a cpu my friend

>Adreno 506
fuck I just wanted to shitpost

waiting for my for my moto z, until then i use onscreen blackberry keyboard. layout is good, and at this point i can't live without ctrl button


my op3 will be my last smartphone. going to look into getting a slider phone like this. what are some good ones?

A trashcan and a new blackberry passport

GBoard of course. What, you think I'm some autist faggot?

Anysoft keyboard. It’s Muh open source and everything. Works well with no lag and it is botnet free

implying other companies don't keylog


Blackberry keyone

I remember 2013

Stock AOSP
I tried AnySoftKeyboard but the word correction was ass

Swiftkey high contrast for battery saving.

>letting botnet run free in your system
But Android is the botnet

Is there an alternative to this? I'm multilingual and switching between keyboards for different apps is annoying. It dosen't work anymore.


default samsung

Friendly reminder that Minuum is a botnet and network access should be disabled.

Worst fucking keyboard of all time

cute dogo

Fleksy, it still needs one handed mode, it doesn't scale well with screen size though.

A goddamned landscape keyboard. But due to cost cutting anti consumer bullshit we can't have those anymore unless its a shitty Bluetooth case.

Always SwiftKey in this one thumb mode even though I use two thumbs. It's just the best keyboard for predictions and also has swipe.

It's not about price. I'd pay upwards of $1000 for a phone with a 5-row landscape keyboard. Too bad all people want are thin bezelless pieces of crap meant for watching cat videos.

B.s. its not about price. And people never asked for that shit it was just forced by companies and people were never given a damned option.

2012 all slider keyboards simultaneously disapeered at once save for sprint who got the photon q and that's it...this is despite customers at the time being polled and emphatically expressing desire for keyboards.

Its just about cost and ease of manufacturing. Then end.

PS they already charge you almost a grand for a phone...if they raised the price you still will never get a keyboard as that's cash they can keep. And people will pay it so why bother giving the option if they'll still pay a premium without options? Keyboard, SD card slots, batteries even the fucking headphone jack...the price increases and you just keep losing options anyway.

So no they will not offer an expensive version with this stuff...they can sell you an expensive easier to make version with less crap and you guys keep buying it anyway so why bother?

what the actual fuck, is this a giant hand

And that's why I bought a BlackBerry keyone. It's sad that this is the only smartphone on the market with a physical keyboard, so it's not like we have much choice. Beyond Sup Forums I haven't seen anyone with that phone so chances are Samsung isn't going to copy them and start making phones with physical keyboards again.

Hacker's keyboard. I can't survive without arrow keys.

what do you use arrow keys for on a phone?

>screenshot shows terminal session
>"hurr durr wat r arrow keyz 4"
SSH, you normie.

My blackberry physical keyboard

The stock iOS 11 keyboard

I've just begun using it but there's this weird thing with with letter holograms on the upper part of the screen.
Pic related

What terminal emulator do you use?


>doing this on your phone instead of a real computer
jesus android users are the worst. it's a phone. put that money towards a laptop instead if you need a portable computer and you'll see your productivity skyrocket.

>not ssh-ing to a remote server to transfer files via sftp from anywhere in the world
>not connecting to a remote shell for seamless irc across devices

Anyone have any recommendations for T9 keyboards?

I just plug a USB keyboard in


>not having an Anne Pro, only having to hit ctrl+fn+b and then 1 to hook up to the phome.


I'd buy blackberry but I just can't stand portrait keyboards

beggars can't be choosers

Moto z has a slider keyboard mod coming shortly.

Might be enough to get me away from my v10

Covers up the back camera. This alone makes it a piece of shit compared to anything built with a keyboard as a part of it.

I use Fleksy
Much less of that autocorrect bullshit everyone else uses and they have Applel's font which is miles better than any of the shite android fonts

Agreed fully...but no other options available...unless you want a shirty Bluetooth case.

We got fucked hard on keyboards.

>shirty Bluetooth case
Did your on-screen keyboard "autocorrect" that?

hacker's keyboard

Yeah...hence why I need a real fucking keyboard goddamnit!!!!!

Nothing worse than sending your mom a text and somehow something autocorrect to dildo or some shit.

What keyboard autofills dildo?

I use swiftkey but I never actually swipe to write, I just tap.

Is there a better keyboard for this? Also, I need multi language support.

>need multi language support
ummm just type the letters in a different order than English to spell the foreign words?!?

Forgot pic, whole reason I made my post

If I had to use an Android phone, this would be my keyboard of choice.

unfunny regardless unsufferable tripfag

blackboard keyboard is shit. nokia n900 and sidekick did it much better


Fuck landscape keyboards, BlackBerry's got the best.

Text input.

"Whoops, I made an error, better backspace 170 times to fix it".

nah I've used one they are pointless little hard keys. maybe if you have very femine slender fingers they would work probably.

Truly the epitome of phone experience

The beauty of cellphones is that they're personal devices, so the fact that I prefer these god-tier keyboards doesn't affect you and your shitty preferences.


I like hardware keys but blackberry just don't do it well.

They're the only ones to have done it well. Every phone keyboard I've ever used has either been shit or a BlackBerry one.

t. never typed on a sidekick

I'm sorry but sidekick 2 had the best keyboard of all time.