Are you the average Johnny, Sup Forums?
Are you the average Johnny, Sup Forums?
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Interesting talk. Thanks OP.
not sure, can you give me an example of what you mean?
Yes, and proud of it
I don't use 3rd party libraries.
Example is the fastest way to get started with new unfamiliar thing because usually the documentation is lacking.
why are these "woke" talks so popular amongst bug men? Is Lunduke to blame?
>Can't create something without examples.
Yup, that's me. 96 IQ retard.
I wish I hadn't be born.
there's a clear difference between getting up to speed with a project by looking through the codebase and creating something without examples
You're in an infinite spiral. You look stuff up because you believe it's easier, faster, any reason you might make up to ease yourself. Then you need to look everything up and eventually it's slower and it limits your ability to be innovative and come up with cool shit.
You need to fail more because you learn and gain knowledge points by failing
>Comments are disabled
Yeah no, that usually means that did some bullshit they have to hide. Not gonna waste my time with that.
>You need to fail more because you learn and gain knowledge points by failing
You don't get it.
I've failed for 26 years.
I'm too stupid to learn from my mistakes
Too stupid to do something w/o an example.
Just throw me in the oven already
yes papa
Check out the janki method if you are interested in real learning.
I wish I wasn't, if that's what you're asking.
>abloo bloo doctors need to keep up on new tech but programmers don't need to
Does this retard live in a bubble or something?
98% of the programming workforce is simply making shit work with other shit, people creating new hipster programming languages, kernel development, genuinely innovative machine learning algorithms and NoSQL shit are a tiny minority.
where did that come from?
That was half the talk.
>dur programmers don't need to actually do anything, they just copy paste from stack overflow and they make more than doctors!!1111
Why haven't you implemented your own programming language yet?
I'd be fine with an emulator
Is that the default i3 bar?
haha, what a faggot
I won't watch this video, but what's the probem in seeing examples before working on your own project?
If you don't already know what you are doing and how the tools you use work, you are not real hacker and you should never program anything.
This tbqh
>Writing the haskell almanac
So this is what haskell programmers are like in real life?
Nobody is born knowing everything.
There's nothing wrong with admitting you don't have an omniscient understanding, if anything it's the guys who acknowledge it and actually go to the effort to learn who know their shit better than the guys who think they know everything and so don't need any kind of instructions, manuals, guides, or advice.
Wow, what a butthurt mad autist.
it's a modified one for sure. Maybe not even i3
How a person who does stuff in the most tangled and roundabout way, without knowing the accepted solutions would be called like?
Like writing an application in Delphi that makes use of invisible input fields to store information rather than string, simply because they don't know what variables are. Sort of like that ps2 to vga adapter picture.
this guy is a supreme retard who thinks that 10 years experience means anything. a walking neckless "i'm so smart i use haskall" meme
Fucking hell his walking to the sides all the time is really annoying.
Yeah because him just standing around would be infinitely more interesting...
I am but I go by John though. .
does this nigger actually have a job or is he academic sheep
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”
in the talk he says he works for a ad-tech company that uses hasklel
the speaker is a intolerable faggot
jesus christ how does he consider himself able to talk to other people
he's condescending, varies the loudness of his voice to much, fat fucking american neck, moves around like a aspie
are these really the kind of people in IT?
I'm glad I'm a neet and don't have to deal with people like this
It seems to me that the comments are disabled on all videos uploaded by this organization, many organizations do this. I don't necessarily agree with this practice, but it's not the same as if the comments were only disabled on this single video, that would be shady as fuck.
I guess so.
I need to look up how to import a .csv file into a Dataframe or read my old code almost every time. I find doing so is much faster than going through the docs (I read the docs too though)
Judging by the replies in this thread, yes.
he does haskel and is supreme knowledgeable guy, like real knowledge not just looking things up, more like reading things, user. he really cooul guy
>civil engineers make 1/3 what we programmers make
lol this is what cs monkeys believe.
>You need to fail more because you learn and gain knowledge points by failing
To be fair, this works only if you fail within reasonable limits.
You can't suppose to learn by failing everything, over and over again.
The trial-and-error works as long as you have a general sense of what you're doing, doing preliminary work on your own, make something and compare it to a standardized version of it and see the differences.
The differences between you and others make the whole process profitable.
That's bullshit, I'm much more efficient if I can get to a working state by looking up examples rather than having to grok an entire abstraction layer and everything underneath it. I can do that later once I have a better grasp on what I'm working with and if the need actually arises.
>Enable comments
>Only racist Sup Forums comments
Yeah no.
I always disable ratings and comments.
>racist Sup Forums comments
feel free to kys
then I'm not interested in your content. And many people like me probably also.
Underrated post. Unless you are in academia sphere or R&D, you do boring stuff which was solved 9999 times before.
>if you don't learn information the same way I do then you're doing it wrong XDDD
talks are a mistake
I feel like talks would be better if they weren't afraid to be called out for mistakes in the comments
I think I'm a Johnny :(
In the future pajeet will replace Jonny. So don't be Jonny.
>Cowrote a Haskell book
stopped listening right there sempai
Because I know making it actually useful is tedious and the other 90%.
>Podium says Colorado law
Confirmed worth worthless stoner business guy
The funny thing is that he's a perfect example of another problem in IT: the autist who thinks he knows the best way to do everything but ironically uses stupid shit like hasklel
Man, I wanna listen but it really bothers me how he always sounds like he's out of breath. Like he just got back from a jog and is trying to tell you something pressing. It's subconsciously stressful or something.
t. javamad
Johnny is a military robot that in the 80s became a sentient being after a freak electrical incident.
>still using the default i3 status bar
Some people are too busy doing productive work to spend time customizing a status bar
yeah like stuffing their faces until they can be easily mistaken as a person with downs syndrome.
Underrated. Also checked.