What would you choose

Being expert in haskell or having her as your gf?

what is haskel?

Absolutely haskell

the only choice is to not play the game

installing gentoo

tfw no


> her

You're gonna ask this question when you already know the answer?



Haskell don't smells like shit.

If it's a female (female) then the gf.

I don't intend to work for someone else, so I don't need haskell.

Cute girl, but I would love to be a master in Haskell so I would choose that.

>choosing a monkey over knowledge

>I don't intend to work for someone else, so I don't need haskell.

What kind of job needs haskell? Mathematics professor? Or is your job tweaking xmonad config files? Haskell is useful mostly as a language that makes you a better programmer overall because it forces you to think in a unique way about algorithms and programming in general.

>there's shrapnel stuck in her nose


Haskell because 3d girls are disgusting

>what is haskel?

Literally who.

The guy that invented the Haskell triangle.

Hahahahahahahaha wow you're so pathetic

>Nose piercing
Haskell it is

Haskell any day of the week.


>tfw i've been using haskell for a year and there's a lot of things I don't understand

>autism vs being gay

tough question

Found the expert in haskell

Haskell, didn't even think twice.

id go for haskell
she ll sell her ass to some nigger at some point

unironically this. if not now then 20 years in the future that bitch will leave or smell like ass constantly because who cares. knowledge will pay off.

if you aren't autist

Not like she'd agree to fuck you even if she didn't suck nigger cocks like 99% of white women in the world anyway


you are just stupid. Mastery of a subject will last, this girl could break up with you any moment.

Also the money you would get from being a haskell master will get you finer women more reliably

Choosing to be wage slave over family
Absolutely goyim

is that a boy, it's a boy isn't it, goddammit, i suck at this game

Haskell begin people never get things done and obsess with stupid little details, autism language.

People could use haskell for something begin madure and could get thing done in any shit, but fortunately avoid autism community.

100% Haskell.
I know what I'm getting into in learning haskel but this bitch might be an undercover cop or something.

I'll take the girl. What use is haskell if I don't have her nibbling on my manclitty.

I don't know her. So probably "Being an expert in Haskell".


That's Limah's daugher?


gib Haskell mastery pls

>expert in haskell
>being wageslave
>wanting kids from a retarded, freckled nobody that can be replaced anytime

I'll be an expert in Ocaml and F# AND have her as my gf

How much of an autist do you think I am
[spoiler]Of course I'd rather be an expert in haskell. Only an autist would think a cute girl is something special or automatically worthy of a relationship[/spoiler]

>Choosing a garbage program over a fuckable human

Haskell, then I'll recursively ask this bitch for sex.

>nose piercing
never gave a shit about haskell but i guess im a pro now


based gib poster

>she'll probably leave after a few weeks.
>haskell knowledge will remain with you forever
I'll take the girl.

I don't want a job writing Haskell

You wouldn't replace the children you love.


Knowledge has no value. Good thing she isn't the only woman in the world.
Hasklel > that girl

Need a new bf and I can learn haskell any time I want since hiQ

i don't even know her, why the fuck would i want her as a gf? sure i'd fuck her but gf? come on.

what a fucking retarded thread.

Haskell, already have a gf. Even if no gf, still Haskell. Haskell better than gf.

why the fuck would I want a girlfriend?

basic wh*te thot.jpg

haskell is good tho.

I choose the girl (boy?) because haskell is a meme language for NEETs.
But this game is flawed because I'd choose anything over haskell.

I have to be drunk for that.

>when you finally figure out that your 2D girls are voiced by dirty 3D's

2.5D tard

haskell all the way, there'll always be someone else


>voiced by
*blocks your path*

How well would Haskell mastery translate to other FP languages? Would that mean I also become somewhat good at Lisp, OCaml, etc?

Haskell is beautiful and pure owo

Is her penis bigger than mine?

Dating her is not a marketable skill

Trick question, If you were a haskell expert she'd be all over you anyway.

>get haskell as a gf

Try harder OP.

That would be the case if it were Lisp.

Get (((her)))[[[[male]]] as gf because I use real programing languages such as C.

>sensible chuckle.

At least post a real qt

Haskell cant get me employed so ill get the gf pls

Nobody said anything about the dirty money. Which btw your gf will leech you anyway, so you will die poor in any case.

Note sure if girl(female) or girl(male) but it's going in my girls_non_nude folder.

>not making a girls(maybe male)_non_nude folder

Did she show us her dick demanding answers?

her face is cute but how do I know her personality is good and her areolas don't cover the entirety of her breasts?