Programming is stupid shitty waste of time

It is.
>wanna do a programming project things
>install all this bullshit
>configure all this bullshit I have no idea how to configure
>spend years configuring shit just to start programming and then
>compile my first hello world
> ERROR: 0x038202blahblah bullshit
>Finally find out why I can't compile shit and spent years fixing that
>finally start to *start* programming again on my project using some un-motivational shitty editor or IDE
>Programmers Block / Writer Block
>Finally write some shit out
> Spend years debugging error after error only write 20 lines of forever debugable shit code 0.00.001 pre-pre-alpha of my project so as to finally get tired and regret even wanting to program something. Then stop and delete project and whine online why I can't into coding and why it's such a complex shitty waste of time.

who /brainlet/ here?

sounds like you started out programming in C++ or some esoteric joke code.

>wanna do a programming project things
>install all this bullshit

Your first mistake was trying to program in windows

>Open terminal
>ctrl-shift-t to open second terminal tab
>vim program.cpp
>write some program
>alt+2 to switch tab
>g++ -o programExec program.cpp
>read errors
>alt+1 to switch tab
>fix errors
>alt+2 to switch tab
>g++ -o programExec program.cpp
>successfully compiles
>test program

It's so easy

>install all this bullshit
ah yes, you're one of the guys who thinks programming is magic, and not just text into a compiler

t. brainlet on windows

windows is a pain in the ass to get anything to fuckign work

fuck windows

I wanna do c# programming. But apparently instead of writing shit into text editor with a gcc# compiler I have this slow shitty bloat ware called MONODEVELOP and VISUAL STUDIO slow ass molasses can't do shit that I want

I'm talking about projects like game dev. It's going to take ages to do that over vim and gcc/make it all. Especially with something awesome like c#

just start doing some fun webdev projects, OP, it's fun

Don't worry user, programmer jobs will be obsolete in your lifetime as AI/machine learning replaces it.

>Finally find out why I can't compile shit and spent years fixing that
You'll never make it, brainlet

>all possible problems will be solved in a few years by machine


If only 50% of 'programming problems' are solved with AI/machine learning, then that will be enough to remove 95% of the developer workforce, the vast majority of developers are shit coders copy/pasting from Stack Overflow and writing 10 line programs which in turn rely on huge readymade frameworks that do the actual work.

Kek, are you for real?

If you already picked a bloated Language like C# why don't you just use something Like Unity to make your Game?

Jesus fucking christ you retarded fuck. Just learn python instead, you are too fucking incompetent for anything else.
As long as you use linux you need nothing. You write code in any text editor, save it as and run it out of terminal as python3 [full_path_of_py_file]
But frankly I don't think you are going to make it. You seem like the kind of person that is perfect fit for stocking Walmart shelves.

Programming definitely is a waste of time. Coding, however, is not.

C/C++ is an ass to work with on Windows, everything else is pretty dope tho.

I honestly have never had issues with it particularly on windows, I've had more issues on Linux

I prefer to use Linux for programming, but really the only inconvenience I've had on Windows has been with languages like python or scheme
But that's mostly because I hate the cmd with a passion.

no one forces you

Why do you hate the differently abled?

pretty much all self taught programmers have to pass this error hell before knowing how to do stuff correctly, some ask for help, others don't, stop being a faggot and if you don't have anything to add don't reply at all

It's the standard library that's bloated, not the language itself.
Dotnet standard/core fixes this. Comfy.

>want to compile c++ in VScode
>have to write and configure json files
>despite just having downloaded a c++ addon
What a piece of shit

>have a problem to solve
>could've spent one day to do it manually
>waste a week trying to write a program to do it for me instead

MSVC + vcpkg = comfy

Just learn the basics in Pascal and you can then switch to c++

Hey guys I fell for the wannabe-hipster-psuedo-hardcore 80s shit lang meme and I'm trying to manually write everything by hand cause I'm cool like that

wow programming is so hard how can anyone that isn't a total loser do this shit I can't get anything done?

what is garbage collection
what is a framework
what is any language made in the last 15 years