
>whine about Titan XP not working on Ryzen system while it works on the Intel system

And then I saw this fucking screen for half a second, which clearly indicates that the operating system is damaged to fuck and repairing on the Ryzen system.

And no one in the YouTube comments talk about it, fucking moros.

JayzTwoTonnes is fucking retard

Other urls found in this thread:


and he checked the same card's vBIOS version twice

this fucker has 1,2million subs.....

>this fucker has 1,2million subs.....
He probably makes more than this entire board combined

he could run recovery from a disc or usb and run the command to rebuild the bdc, replacing winload.exe, and all kinds of things.

he checked the same card's BIOS twice you tard

At most, he makes about as much as 5 senior developers. That includes the $ he gets from sponsors to feature their products. These people are getting like 1/3 the ad revenue they were getting even 4 years ago.

Clearly the Titan XP attached on Ryzen is running on modified VBIOS provided by Nvidia that written for Intel system for reviewing purpose..you know to get extra performance and good looks.

>which clearly indicates that the operating system is damaged to fuck and repairing on the Ryzen system

No it doesn't, you stupid fuck. That screen appears when you install new hardware. I saw it just yesterday when I swapped out my motherboard. Most tech reviewers have their Windows installation on an SSD and just plug it into whatever they're testing. It's not practical to do a fresh Windows install and reinstall all the games and programs you need for testing when you have 20 different setups to get through.

>which clearly indicates that the operating system is damaged to fuck and repairing on the Ryzen system.
It is the initial setup you retard.

>It's not practical to do a fresh Windows install and reinstall all the games and programs you need for testing when you have 20 different setups to get through.
Its pretty easy to do unattended setups. It would be a days worth of work to script it all and make it hardware independent.

And why would that be any better or easier than just having Windows on an SSD and simply plugging it in?

>I dont know what sysprep is

No, I'm aware of what it is. I'm asking you why you think it would be better or easier. Feel free to not dodge the question this time.

>I'm asking you why you think it would be better or easier
No you're not. You got blown the fuck out and when someone pointed out it is practical to do fresh installs. And because youre ego is too fragile to admit you were wrong, you're trying to change the subject.

because of conflicting hardware drivers

just look at Dmitry's "3 months with Ryzen" video. All of his problems went away when he did a clean install. Before, he had literally taken the SSD from his Intel system and shoved it into his Ryzen build without reinstalling Windows, so all of the Intel hardware drivers were still in there.

>dodging the question again

I'll take that as you conceding the point.

>because of conflicting hardware drivers

Literally not an issue. I've been using the same Windows install through four different setups now, including both Intel and Ryzen ones, and have had zero conflicts or performance issues. If your setup is fucked, it's because you fucked it. Of course a clean install will fix that.

What issues did he have that disappeared?

I went from an fx 8350 install to ryzen 1700x, not sure if I have any issues. Could it be limiting my OC or ram compatibility ?


can I save any settings or user files while still counting as a clean install?

>He bought an FX

Are you retarded?
Not reinstalling windows when changing chipset is the dumbest shit I've seen in ages

I will never buy kiketel

Yes, so more than the entire board combined.

>a damaged windows install can make a system not POST

i think JayzTwoCents is a cool guy

eh product placements and doesn't afraid of anything

Are you absolutely insane? Why don't you do a fresh install?

this fuckers have more hardware than chad has pussy and they can't be bothered to have one OS install for intel and another for AMD.

hell, they should have 4:

it's not like they can't afford 4 copies of each game, os, etc... they're just lazy fuckers more interested in cultivating their online z list celeb status than do proper reviews.

make a living testing new hardware.
even after more than a decade of doing so, still couldn't realize that new hardware is prone to conflicts and never rule out the most obvious point of failure -- his windows xp Qanta 40gb hd.

youtubers are retarded beyond salvation.

why dont they do it to save work if theyre lazy?

All reviewers use steam and origin so they don't need to worry about buying the games again, and in every hardware video Linus Tech Tips does, he always has "This copy of Windows is not Authorised" in the corner of the desktop so they clearly don't care about buying copies of Windows
He has an office full of people who could all make those OS installs in half an hour but no, that would cost him extra money if they need to stay behind 10 minutes more and it goes into overtime

because they know they can put out bullshit and still viewcounts most smaller youtubers could only ever dream of

ad revenue is down that much since last year.

there is some kind of shit going on with the money they arent paying content creators. godknows they dont give away that advertising for free.

because that would be smart lazy. And they're retarded lazy.

I don't get this guys. They spend 6 hours working out the kinks for an OC, or a full night analyzing a single weird outliner result but never have 20 minutes to spare for an fresh OS install. Heck, I've seen some of them bitching about AMD guidelines in a mocking tone for even even suggesting that they should use a fresh install for their ryzen reviews instead of that rehashed windows from their intel machines.


Considering how he's literally the most retarded computer hardware e-celeb I'm not surprised.

>I've been working 100 years in IT and 5 on youtube.
>I've never once encounterd black magic unexplainable satanic influences on hardware related issues.

shit son, I had this g.skill ram kits that would oc awesomely, work flawlessly but for some reason they wouldn't post if I swapped their slots. They just felt comfy tehre, and glorified satan in their little autistic respective dwellings. I never questioned them, I just marked them to know that if had to reseat them, that specific little fucker devil would go on the upper slot and that other feind would ask to go on the bottom, which they called their home; each one had their own things, their little ram beds, and house decos to their liking and they just couldn't be asked to swap places.

he's not a hard worker or smart
there's not much more to it

>tech youtuber
HAHAHAHAHA. He is dumb as fuck

Says the retard himself

Fuck off monkey.

You first, faggot
Words of a fool

Isn't this basic knowledge that you always reinstall your OS after switching motherboards. Windows 10 might get away with it since it downloads everything automatically immediately after you install something, but to be safe I'd still start over from scratch, it only take like a half an hour.

explain how we're fools

Go fuck your autistic daughter. "Tech Youtuber"

Ad rev is down for non family friendly accounts. I'm sure his is rated PG.

Nice fallacy, faggot
Explain how JayzTwoCents is full of shit,. let alone a "lazy bum"

It's going to be a damaged PCI-E pin that makes contact on one board but not the other or something like that.

Tech youtube vermin like him switch these things out 100 times on testbenches that offer no support for the GPU. PCI-E slots or pins are bound to get damaged at some point.

I went from an i5 to a Ryzen and have had zero issues.

are you his pet nigga?

Reminder that this is the same guy that drilled through his motherboard with an electric drill.


I wish I had a cute, submissive and chubby pet nigga.

Are fallacies your only argument, niggerfaggot?

talks about fallacies while dodging the question with another question.

Hello Pet nigga.

What the fuck

That reasoning is the most stupid shit I've ever heard. Motherboards have multiple layers which you can't see at all.

Can't be bothered to reinstall all the programs and shit, my man.

It seems to me that youtube tech stuff went to shit within the past 5 years or so.

Hello dipshit
What question? You gave me nothing but shit talk without explaining why Jay is a "lazy bum". So answer that or don't bother replying.

When he flips the board around you can clearly see the traces he drilled though.

With his logic he would've drilled the Gigabyte board expecting it to work because "no traces are near the holes"

Absolutely retarded.

I didn't call him a lazy bum. I called him a retard.

>drill through the ryzen mobo
>it dies
>blame it on AMD

Yes thank you intel
When you replace your chipset every 2 months it doesn't matter if you drill mobos

It's one thing if it works good enough without many issues for you on a personal level and entirely another if it's for a so called "professional" review.