Lightweight Linux distros

So I need a lightweight Linux distro. Desktop envo bot required, but it has to be able to run for example Minecraft. Mint KDE is too CPU heavy.

What do the Linux lovers at Sup Forums recommend?

fucking "not", not "bot"

By lightweight do you mean install size or memory footprint?


Ah, sorry. By lightweight I mean overall low hardware usage and being generally small, I only have a 32gb usb flash drive to run it on. Mint KDE sometimes ran 100% of one of my CPU cores while idle.

Isn't Minecraft basically for toddlers?

Damn Small Linux
Tiny Core
SliTaz Gnu/Linux

You're quick to blame the distro before you know /why/ it's pinned a core at 100%.

Learn to use linux first

Try manjaro xfce

Stick with mint, but use XFCE.

Kinda fucking hard to learn linux when the operating system you're trying to use doesn't FUCKING WORK CORRECTLY

Blame KDE, maybe try another DE. Consider using another Debian-based distro without a DE, something you rice yourself to be lightweight.



If you want lightweight install a minimalist distro like gentoo and install a basic wm (like openbox or i3) with no de. Only install the packages you need. This is how you boot to a gui desktop using 200mb or ram.

>I need to play Minecraft
no you don't

That's not what I said. I said I need a distro that can play it. By that I mean a distro that can play 3D Java games, and Minecraft is a great example of one no matter how shit you and your circlejerk thinks it is.

Minecraft isn't even that bad of a game itself imo. It's the community that's shit mostly. I'm not saying Minecraft is great, because it isn't, but it's a great way to 1. get into gaming and 2. get into modding and programming.

Sounds interesting. I'm still getting into Linux and I'm grateful for people giving tips like this without being an elitist piece of shit like "Ree you should use Linux, REEEE how do you not know Linux". Thanks.

As a full-time user of a T60 with only 2GB of memory, I can say that both MATE and XFCE are perfectly fine. The real problem is the web browsers.

Sup Forums is not your tech support.

use DWM

isn't "lightweight distro" basically a meme? Does arch running gnome 3 use less ressources than ubuntu running i3-wm?

Yeah on Mint KDE I got a real struggle using Firefox that came with it. Took really long to load, and I couldn't do anything else while the browser was starting up.
Do you know of a browser that runs better than the others?

IceWM and Window Maker have far more functionality than them, and less set up to get to a working system.

This or Lubuntu... POSSIBLY Mint MATE

Anything other than that will either be CPU heavy or you could be MUCH MORE lightweight (for example Manjaro with i3wm), but it would be a pain in the ass to get games to run properly.

That's why I'm trying to get suggestions to distros, not directly asking how to fix the issue. Pardon me, but I feel like this thread fits here.

>usb flash drive
thats the prob, not FF

Porteus is very nice. At least when I used it. It's a small linux distro based on Slackware and everything I tested on it worked. It saved me some money too on several occasions.

I forgot. It uses modules. So you can store those on an external drive or partition. When you need Opera or Blender, just load the module and voila. This means you have a very lean Linux distro.

I've done some research and it should be possible to run from a USB Flash drive, but the specific USB Flash drive might be the case? I bought a new one today made for speed so that might be the case. Or just the Chromebook's own USB system or something. I'm not expecting much but I expect it to be able to run Firefox without me having to wait 10-15 seconds between every operation.

that sounds awesome!

nowadays you can prob find a fast usb flash drive, but in general theyre still slower than HDDs, so dont expect much

You may wanna take a look at xubuntu


Linux Dsl is the lightest I've seen

Elementary OS is pretty light weight. It's known to even bring old laptops back to life.


I recently started using Mint Xfce on a cheap lenovo. Runs great, and has become my favorite distro so far as well. Your desktop environment takes up a lot of processing so if your PC is weak, mint xfce or lubuntu is definitely the way to go. Good luck!

Thanks! I saw a lot of other guys also saying XFCE, so I'll definitely try that.

Debian Testing (9.2)

Pretty much all distros can play Minecraft. Minecraft requires java, and all distros to my knowledge have java as a package.

Sorry for not knowing this, but is it possible to play a 3d game without a GUI?

What do you mean by GUI exactly

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

This theres a few others, but it depends do you want a UI or not ?

Without a UI many distros will fit the bill, depending on how light you need.

If you want with UI while keeping it Light choose a lightweight DE or just opt for a WM instead like I3, ratpoison, awesomeWM etc.

If you want just a flat out good stock experience out the box try one of the following ;

Point Linux,

I'm running it on an old netbook and it jsut werks.
