Redpill me on alpine

redpill me on alpine

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What do you mean by the term ``redpill``?

Very nice lighweight distro, it can run on RAM too. Basically made to be a light distro for a variety of use cases. It uses a hardened kernel right out of the box, uses musl. Its has its own package manager is called apk.

Pretty neat, you should try it if you're used to more DIY type of distros like arch etc

>it can run on RAM too.
What OS does not run on RAM?

You know what i mean man

he means purely on ram

What OS runs ``impurely`` on RAM?

oh your'e just trolling

Please enlighten me. I'd like to know what OS does not run on memory.

It loads everything from the get go into ram.

it installs to flash memory. That's how light weight it is

So just like any OS, during POST?

That doesn't answer my question.


No, you retard.

It can use RAM exclusively, not anything else

>It can use RAM exclusively
Again, any OS I know is able to do it. It's not magic.

Very few by default. Just read a review. But you won't, because you are only interested in arguing over semantics.

you're literally autistic

wow you're really retarded

How much ram do I need to run alpine linux from RAM all the time (with HDD for storage/home directory)

So you agree that there is no OS that runs without memory, so every OS runs on RAM.

How so? I'd like to know. Is opposing to your FUD is called being ``autistic``?

I didn't agree anything you stupid fuck.





P.s you're not as smart as you think you are

Why did you become angry? Is it because you can't seem to provide an argument backed by ``technical`` facts?

I'd be happy to see if you can demonstrate how an OS would run without memory, really.

He's right though, nothing is special about an OS that can run exclusively in RAM.

It's not the only selling feature, and it does not have persistence, per se, like most every other distro out there. Everything gets reinstalled every time it gets started up.

The main feature is very lightweight distro that can be used for many things, because it is so lightweight. That's basically it, but I find it endearing


Kill yourself retarded faggot
Most OS have features, drivers, dependencies and some shit that are not loaded on the RAM when you don't use it. Only some vital process and important shit is on RAM on startup. Everything else is sleeping and waiting on the cold storage.
Windows 10 is is like 15GB yet can run on a system with 4GB RAM. You're not going to ramdisk the whole system installation folder retard.

> Device drivers aren't loaded into the memory
> They ``sleep`` in the storage
I wouldn't normally respond to a person who is uneducated on the matter he's trying to talk about. This is because the person is more emotion driven rather than being knowledgeable.

However thanks for making me laugh. What was your major? Social studies?

Best logo of all distros

used mostly for docker containers since its footprint is so small

>unmout all your drives
>run some shit