Alright, Sup Forums so I decided to learn programming since this seems to be the best way not to get into poverty without college.
What are some other skills except for programming languages that I should know? And what are the best resources for that? I know the basics but I mean things like math, what kind of math should I learn? Anything else that would be useful?
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discrete math is useful, and interesting actually
dont have resources
other than that, dont go into webdev pls, there are enough retards already! find anything else interesting/that you like
Thanks for the advice. Though I heard web development is easier to get into
hi user
from my experience on this board, don't ask Sup Forums anything. 90% will be subjective answers, 10% will be trolling. go to reddit /r/learnprogramming and look through the wikis and FAQs. there's a lot more places to learn on reddit than this shithole
I will check that as well
yeah it is easier, hence
>there are enough retards already
and websites are full of shit because of it
Critical thinking
Basic communication skills
*Type of math - at least Algebra
>Though I heard web development is easier to get into
It's much easier to get into. Everything is on the web these days and you need to work super hard to get into anything else without a degree.
> ... super hard to get into anything else without a degree.
Facts! I've seen job postings with requirements that are "A bachelors degree, any bachelors degree"
If you just want a job go webdev, get into things like these:
Basic CLI commands along with GIT while learning HTML5/CSS3.
Start learning JS while practicing basic algorithms on sites like codewars/codingame(or freecodecamp if you have no idea where to begin), also you can begin solving TDDs unit test using mocha/chai or jasmin which are for beginners level, try to learn how to write them at the same time, it's a wanted skill when looking for a web dev job.
Learn bootsrap/foundation, JQuery, SASS/LESS.
You can now be hired for a shit ass job, but if you want to get something better here we go:
Start learning node.JS with express and it will not be really hard since basic JS can do a basic back-end for anything, learn a template engine like Pug and mongoDB + mongoose to understand how the MVC model works(you can go for an sql db if you want, both are no big deal to learn).
Bonus: if you don't want to be retarded you have to understand how bad and good the JavaScript ecosystem(particularly node) is right now, how to detect bullshit on github, find the packages matching your projects.
Now you can go for React(Angular2 or Vue are potential side picks but both are not as well paid, atleast in my country(le baguette)) and redux/flux + jest for another bonus point.
you can now go for advanced node with how to secure your app and optimise you code for the V8 engine.
Bonus: learn TypeScript, you are likely going to see it when working with a MERN stack.
Do some good looking projects => publish them on github => Start looking for a job => profit
Two years ago it took me roughly 5 months, i was hired as a junior fullstack webdev for 38k which is a huge income for anyone starting to work in France(even after 10 or more years in another industry).
If you have 5 months to kill user go for it.
>inb4 le funny pajeet webdev meme
>in France
Would you happen to know anything about the french job market for non-web developers and what skills are in demand?
Is Niel's tech school any good? I heard the workload was pretty intense
I'm in my second year, obviously you will need some basic math but symbolic logic will be useful. Interesting class too.
jesus, this sounds so seducing, but i tried learning html and css a few times and it's so fucking boring I wanted to kill myself.
wow, can you learn all this much in 5 months? ^^
Even though i learned by myself/friends, i actually think 42(Xavier Niel's school) is really interesting, intensive peer projects with no one to teaching you shit is a great way to learn development.
>the workload was pretty intense
I heard too, it is a really friendly environment though(full of NEET), i often go to some of their meetups.
5 NEET months are more or less a year and half for someone else
Do you know anyone who went/is currently going to 42?
>full of NEET
Wow really? I thought it would be a typical "kode artisan" environment with a lot of extroverted hipster types, startup culture and all that. If that's not the case then that's really cool
>a lot of extroverted hipster types
There is some hipster, and the school want you to become extroverted but when starting the school you get a one month hardcore test to see if you can survive the environment and learn without no one telling you to do anything, if you don't talk to anyone either the school is not gonna think you are the type of dude 42 is made for or you will be overwhelmed by work.
The methodology is based on the fact you will seek help because you are supposed to. That's when the NEETs become extroverted naturally by himself without even knowing it.
It happend to someone i knew before he tried it i could barely recognise him after 3 months
>It happend to someone i knew
How did the guy change? Did he cure his autism or something?
I think he just had to overcome himself and needed partners to do so, the fact that they all had NEET background before going in helped them to talk to each others.
He had a 8 years weeb NEET passive.
That sounds cliché but maybe humans naturally become extroverted when they have to face something they need help to do.
Probably yeah
Though being able to talk to others and being extroverted aren't really the same.
>Go back to [r]eddit.