any facts and opinions about it?

Have been using Tumbleweed for a few months before switching to Fedora. It's an average distro with it's pros and cons. Default system settings are bad (at least for a desktop use) and it's hard to keep a system unbloated which is kinda of a must for a bleeding edge distro. Wasn't having any big problems with it but just find it to be annoyng.

i heard that there are problems with the package manager,is that true?

Tried a few times to install this on my system some months ago. Always failed. I would like to try it but didn't want to spend a long time troubleshooting the installer. Went back too gentoo.

it loves to install some useless things and when you delete them - it installs them back. You can disable recommended packages but then you'll lose on some packages that are really recommended. You can also lock these packages manually, so not a big problem if you are eager to do some manual work (why should you, though?). Also they have -pattern packages which means that if you delete something from Gnome desktop for example, it can also delete the whole DE as an unused dependency. It's backend is also kinda broken, so no Gnome Software if you want to just browse some applications to install. Zypper has some nice features compared to APT and it's faster than Fedora's DNF, though. So that's a trade off.

I really want to like OpenSUSE since I'm a big fan of their parent company, MicroFocus.

But it's simply the worst distribution I've ever tried, it must be the only one that I would never recommend to anyone.

The main problem is the community, specifically the project leader Richard Brown, he's a passive aggressive, bitter person. The distribution specific problems lie in the requirement to use multiple different repositories for various different software, multimedia, divers etc. I like my systems to be as cohesive as possible to try and maintain a moderately secure system.

best kde experience

>simply the worst distribution
It's bad but far from the worst.
>the project leader Richard Brown, he's a passive aggressive, bitter person
>specific problems lie in the requirement to use multiple different repositories for various different software, multimedia, divers etc.
one repo for subpixel, packman, plus one for DVD (if you still use them). I had more repos in Debian than in openSUSE

I wanted to love it too, but holy fuck the pattern and forced recommendations are retarded.
Took their "bleeding edge" distro way too long to include non-esr Firefox and NVidia drivers (after the idiot chairman said that proprietary NVidia driver and rolling release is an impossible combination).
YAST conflicts with a ton of shit
Repo system sucks ball
Useless btrfs fetish
GNOME software enabled despite it not working

I bet there's much I forgot but damn do I hate this distro and the chairman with passion. I'd use Windows over this shit.

At least Gentoo has documentation.

Not really problems but you have to be aware that Zypper will happily remove your DE's dependencies as unneeded.

>dont want to troubleshoot
>use gentoo
isnt using gentoo requires more time to troubleshoot?

openSUSE is a proof that even when you have a corporate backing and a large team of devs - you distro can still be a complete shit.

elaborate so that i can have some insights

Fuck my replies are going to the weirdes posts. Meant to reply to

there are enough "elaboration" in this thread alone.
- shitty default settings (wicked as a default network manager which doesn't even have a widget)
- broken package manager
- lack of documentation
- unlikable chairman (he's defienetely no Ikey)
Package manager, community and sane out of the box settings are those things that you look for in a distro and openSUSE is a failure in all of this.

Which repositories did you use for Debian? I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just curious, I have the default sources.list and I've been able to find all the software i need.

Wait, did they finally add the proprietary drivers to Tumbleweed?

The logo is the most happy and smiley of any Linux distribution

I agree with you completely, especially the whole Yast thing and the chairman is killing the project. I tried tumbleweed for a few weeks not long ago and had constant issues with my Nvidia GPU.

Our company requires us to use RPM package mangement so I've been using Fedora and it's been absolute bliss coming from OpenSUSE. I doubt I will try it again for a long time.

>isnt using gentoo requires more time to troubleshoot?
Why? It's Linux just like openSUSE or Fedora etc.

They did. Nothing but issues for me though. Not that I mind, the distro is shit anyways.

>our company requires us to use RPM package management
I'd go full retard and install PCLinuxOS

Except it has decent documentation. OpenSUSE has barely any.

Richard Brown is more than just unlikeable, he's damaging the SUSE/OpenSUSE brand with his awful attitude and passive aggressive mannerisms. They should have fired him long ago.

Our company used SUSE since the late 90's up until 2009 and although I wasn't with them at the time I hear that it was fantastic up until then.

Even though I don't use Solus I am a big fan of Ikey and everything he's done recently, the community needs more people like him

I also tried installing it and failed. Never wanted to mention it because I felt like a brainlet. I managed to install Arch all fine. I don't get why OpenSUSE is such a pain in the ass.

In all fairness, I only had troubles installing it when it was still called Suse Linux. All the "recent" installations went flawless. I like the installer too because it's very intuitive and it has all the options you'd want to install openSUSE the way you want it.

This is something that they're working on fixing. The main problem is that install intent is not entirely integrated, so "zypper rm -u" could remove shit you didn't expect (especially if you installed through a pattern). "Application" patterns are completely broken, and are unused in SLE specifically because they don't work -- but I've heard that's something the devs are working on as well.

All of that said, I unironically like zypper more than any other package manager.

Indeed. Even though the reasons I don't use Solus will most likely never be fixed. I appreciate the fact that they will never be fixed. He's creating a DESKTOP DISTRIBUTION for NORMIES and focusing on a select few desktop environments carefully selecting packages. Debian, Solus, NixOS and Gentoo are the only distributions I actually approve of.

In what way do you find Richard to be a bitter person? Maybe I'm biased (since I've met him IRL), but my impression is incredibly protective of openSUSE and deals with a lot of bullshit to keep the train running. That being said, he definitely does have very strong views, which I would liken to the same sort of assholery you see in the kernel community.
I get that "if you want something in openSUSE you have to be willing to put in the work" motto is not the most welcoming view to have, but it does have its advantages.

>works on my machine
does it mean yast breaks all the time?

What is broken may never break

It all depends on what you are use to I suppose. I don't even remember what wasn't working with the opensuse installer but it wasn't immediately clear to me and trouble shooting a gui installer someone else scripted is much harder than just manually installing all the pieces you need like arch or gentoo.

Like others have mentioned, tons of documentation with gentoo or arch holds your hand enough that any retard can copy and paste commands. Very limited to be forced to use some installer script by comparison. It's nice if it works and not a lot of options if it doesn't.

>what is english
Engish, nigger! Do you speak it?

i think so too

I've never spoken to him personlly but I've been in the audience of him during one of his presentations for the OpenSUSE gatherings. I've mostly seen him interacting with the community on the IRC channel and the OpenSUSE subreddit, I understand having to deal with ignorant people day in day out must get tiring but I've seen many times he has resulted in using foul language.

A lot of suggestions are presented on IRC and the subreddit and yes you are correct about the 'do it yourself' thing, which isn't possible for a lot of the community. I wish I could meet him in person but I live in Finland and it is very costly to get over to the USA for the various GNU/Linux events that occur.

Mediocre. I like it better for KDE than Kubuntu, Fedora and Neon, but these days I don't use KDE and I found to have a better KDE experience with Manjaro/Arch.

Shit font rendering

Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like Richard 'fix it your fucking self' Brown

turn on -non free and -contrib. Backports repos, separate Mozilla repo, etc. If you are okay with outdated software than official non free and contrib repos are enough but most Debian users are not like that.
Almost every distro needs repos, PPAs, etc. added, not only openSUSE.

It's have regedit.

>applications menu doesn't work
>mpv doesn't open

fuck opensuse. use fedora instead
I say this as a solus user

Why do you use the Mozilla repository? Either go with the ESR Debian provides or download the auto-updating binaries from Mozilla. I'm on Debian Stable but run Firefox Nightly (browser is the only piece of software I want to keep fresh) and I've had zero problems.

Non-free and contrib repositories barely count. They are basically the same repositories, you just have to allow the non-free and contrib packages. Backports is also considered safe and stable af.

If fails, use the text installer, i wonder why nobody mentions that

I did not know about the text installer... I was like "what ridiculous GUI installer... Everything is broken after installing.. I'll just install something else, I was just interested in having a look at OpenSUSE anyway... Now when it's broken I'll just try something else"

Depend what you want to do with it. I'm using openSUSE since 11.4 iirc and haf no or few problems, everything else works fine for me. I'm a web and android developer and everything is fine while programming.
Just install by yourself and see what is useful for you. There is no reason to change for me