
Slovakian genocide edition

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I will take Slovak QTs.

don't poke the nest

reee I wanted to make a russian shaming edition


rip Pinky ;_;

How could anyone kill such a cute animal

>not classical music edition
you've fucked up lad
>tfw: the song

killing animals outside defense and as a necessary source of food is just outright retarded

Thanks to dashcam videos everyone can see what Russia is really like tho. Lots of road rages, drunken guys, old babuskas, accidents, people screaming. They seem batshit insane.

>tfw hungarians geonicided Slovak royal family and hid all proofs and evidence

I approve of this. You v4 guys have pretty good composers.


>Slovak royal
that's like land fish, or democratic russia

>royal family

t. victims of magyar propaganda

(and pretty places too :3)

you forgot your meme arrow, oleg
if you've got to shitpost, do it right

They should be showing Russian crash compilations in all driving schools 2bh
Maybe then people will learn to drive more carefully

damn, why are comfy threads always at times when I have to sleep so I don't kill someone at work?

really makes you think

Can lesbians rape?

Hungarian word for king is derived from Slovak word.

Took me a while to realize she is singing in czech desu

>tfw work in 3,5 hours

this always gives me peace

only hungry ones

I want to join army reserves but I dont want to be forced to shoot at nationalists during the upcoming revolution. Wat to do

4:20 to 5:50 in ma vlast is probably one of the best melodies ever constructed imo. Whole piece is amazing.

This was recently in the city close to me. youtube.com/watch?v=VbM6whj_UJ4

men? unlikely but not impossible
other women? ask in women's jails

classical music is for fucking faggots rofl post rap

Join nationalists during revolution, join reserves after the revolution.

>the way it gradually speeds up from 02:34
makes me wanna gallop through polskie pola tbqh

in us it is estimated that up to 75% of military would desert or join the rebels in case of national uprising

no, it doesn't, it makes you feel
anyone can shove a baton up your arse, no matter their race, gender,, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or taste in music
half of slovak colloquial words are either fron hungarian, or german
and you haven't even posted proofs that it's not the other way around with király.
and even if it wasn't, it's irrelevant, nations that have been living in a single state will have cultural similarities. The only people who need to fabricate an origin of something on one side or another are kids looking for something to belong to.

Don't shoot them

>Slovak royal family
Lel, only the croats and us had nobility, in our cute little kingdom

you either want to join the reserves and follow orders, or you don't want to join the reserves

what's wrong with shooting at nationalists though? If they're violent, they deserve to be shot

>half of slovak colloquial words are either fron hungarian, or german
>and you haven't even posted proofs that it's not the other way around with király.
and czechs and polaks copied it from us after we copied it from hungary, right?


>tfw got my first ass crack

has the word been used before magyars came here? got them proofs, or not?
It's most likely you are right, but you're pretty incapable. I'll let you get back to affirming yourself of your 'national pride' (read insecurity)

don't worry I'm off to sleep too
really makes me think

Good idea

I would have to cause Im pretty sure you have to take oath before joining.



>tfw literally no close friends
anyone else?

Very uplifting piece. Never heard of the composer before, shall look him up sometime.


more like
>join the nationalists
>get shot

it's bleeding very bad

>Karol (Charlemagne)

cmon Jožo

You will find them someday.


I have one, who never has time anyway
now you're talking. My point with the irrelevancy still stands though.

>implying czech nationalists will actually do something besides complaying in pub or on facebook/novinky.cz

they're both derived from charles the great's name so who cares
but magyars only crossed the carpathians in the 9th century
local slavs were already there for centuries, so pretty sure they borrowed that word first

you don't have neo-nazis frightening people on trains?

>Hungarians murder our whole noble family in cold blood

KYS communist cucklord

Lot of them are already in army and reserves


>literaly hundreds of years ago
haven't had a lot parental love, have you?

>greek sportswomen preparing for the olympics

Comfy threads don't pop out of nowhere on their own, user, you have to make them comfy yourself.
Still, there's plenty of gud classical music to post, so we can (and should tbqh) make a dedicated edition tomorrow.
Dvorak is great.
How about this:
Fun fact: Kilar was asked to compose the OST to the Lord of the Rings and he initially agreed, but it didn't work out for some reason.

>its 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!

never4givenver4get we will charge budapest and retrieve our ancestral lands with heritage of our fathers, traitors like you will get noose

fuck off with your shitskin apes

maybe there was some inappropriate touching instead of regular parental love?
sure seems so

fuck off with your disgusting fetishes communist KEK

here's another (You), for free, I'm not very good at being a retarded dick to others

some of you are okay. dont go to bratislava tomorrow

> I'm not very good

Indeed you are not you waste of oxygen kys

>you don't have neo-nazis frightening people on trains?
Cool! Will they kill me because im pole?

>it's the Slovak autistic sperg out about muh origins episode again
You do understand that wewuzing is supposed to be at least partially ironic, right?

My Slovak friend unironicaly believes that they wuz celts and are oldest European tribe

no they like polaks

I don't know, they supposedly harrass mainly cigány, but they'll most likely bother anyone they don't like the look of

>My Slovak friend unironicaly believes that they wuz celts
Heire comaith dait Boii!
O shite, conais ata tu!

>tfw my nipples are bleeding

>unironically going to bratislava

Music would have been good as well if he did it. Very emotive music.

Prague opera house made a good choice on their opening night. youtube.com/watch?v=5Zcxx7fNqIs

Don't know if this is true but i read it somewhere few years back. Was a aneqdote about the conservatory in Prague when the nazi's came. Apparantly it had on it's roof these busts of famous composers and Hitler ordered that Mendelssohn's bust be thrown off because he was a jew. So these soldiers sent up the roof are just normal lads and have no idea who these composers are and they shout down to their officer which one they should throw down. The officer responds with "Just throw the one down with the biggest nose, that should do the trick", they go and do that and throw the bust off with the biggest nose. The officer who is down on the street notices that instead of Mendelssohn they threw down Hitler's favorite composer Wagner. Pretty much ruined Hitler's day.

go to see a doctor


>unironicalyl discussing classical music

KYS pretentious faggots

you should be the one killing himself

no, i just put on bad shirt for jogging

>Don't know if this is true but i read it somewhere few years back. Was a aneqdote about the conservatory in Prague when the nazi's came. Apparantly it had on it's roof these busts of famous composers and Hitler ordered that Mendelssohn's bust be thrown off because he was a jew. So these soldiers sent up the roof are just normal lads and have no idea who these composers are and they shout down to their officer which one they should throw down. The officer responds with "Just throw the one down with the biggest nose, that should do the trick", they go and do that and throw the bust off with the biggest nose. The officer who is down on the street notices that instead of Mendelssohn they threw down Hitler's favorite composer Wagner. Pretty much ruined Hitler's day.
eternal niemiec/10

>literal sjw communist

k y s

those are some wild accusations, my fellow underage
do you have a single fact to back that up?

Wait, who let this knave in here? /V4/ is for fancy nobles only, no peasantry allowed.

are the milennials in bed yet?

the huge black cock in your ass is proof

tfw eating dinner at 1:30 am

no wonder you have 800kg you fat sow

i just finished playing a civ5 marathon one city challange austria with a huge map

tbqh i pussied out and went with only prince diff, but it was nice easy sailing after i rekt fucking montezuma spawning on the usa great lakes on a real earth map

could've been ugly, but the ai is shit at waging war

i forget to include the apropos of the blogpost

i'll just get to eat now


Yeah true, the AI is very bad in civ 5. Sounds like a fun game though, I've never done the 1 city challenge.

>picking on tramislav

its always you

Which country in V4 is most


>he thinks I differentiate between cz*chosl*vak flags

I was inspired by the hun general. :3


they are quite different you uncultured swine

cute böhmen
mighty polan
evil north hungary
poor maimed hungary

>do literally nothing
>get called evil


>be together for 1k years
>have a fight
>h8 on us 4ever

>not evil

really makes you think, huh

how is that evil. and you hate on us way more than other way around