Go to England

>Go to England
>Everyone thinks I am Canadian just because I don't have a regional accent.

What is this meme?

Other urls found in this thread:


why would you lie on internet?

>I go to England
>Everyone thinks I be speakin ebonics.
da fuq is this sheeit


I just got back from Birmingham senpai

Did you meet a single white person in Birmingham?

Yeah but knowing nothing about the place beforehand I was surprised at how non-white it was

Lots of Muslims there

It reminded me of Toronto with less slant-eyes

the fuck's this gay shit

>>Everyone thinks I am Canadian just because I don't have a regional accent.

Doubt that desu, we get mistaken for you not vice versa


>tfw dyslexic

Welsh is not too far off I guess. I'm from Staffordshire which is kinda close to Wales and I don't have a particular 'accent' just a neutral British one that can get fucked up when I hang around others, I pick up speech mannerisms really easily.

Made me sound really racist in China.

>Made me sound really racist in China.

You sure you're not the Canadian?

Brum is the 2nd biggest Muslim area in the UK. Sparkhill is basically Little Pakistan. It's not that awful cuz most who live around there have been in the UK for generations, unlike the new wave of shit.

Go to any town outside Brum and you hit 95% white.

>mfw I'm apparently a nigger and the mongol memes are true

just a polite way of telling you that you sound like a fucking faggot

Sorry you feel that way, polefriend

Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
2. Singaporean
3. South African
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:

1. Italian
2. German
3. Finnish

utter failure 2bh

>go to england
>everyone thinks i'm south african

guess my origin, cunts

Singaporean? Just tell us

being a faggot is better than being a lardass


Sort of worked (I'm from New Zealand)

Dumb English teacher

Guessed right

I am from the Caribbean, so I spoke Patois english until I moved to England at age 7.

But Welsh, Saffa, Kiwi I am not.

Ahh man

post more qts

Wew lad

It's a well known rule that when you here someone with a north american accent, you just assume they are canadian.

When you mistake an american for a canadian, they don't care.
When you mistake a canadian for an american, they throw an autistic fit.

Same goes for antipodean accents. Just assume that they are a new zealander.
It avoids tantrums.


This is true

I used to refer to this new zealander in my wow guild as "the australian guy" in deadpan in voice chat to people who were joining

And he legit got mad and left the guild

They don't want to assume you're American and then turn out to be Canadian, so they lead with Canadian

wtf is Singaporean english?

I hate this test now.

Canada and NZ are natural allies and friends. Unlike Australians and Americans.

New Zealanders don't even talk in an Australian accent, wtf.


t. ultimate cuck

I speak New Zealand/British English because my mom was Maori.


cool, do you have tattoos on half of your face?

Nah, just on my cock

>Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
>1. Welsh (UK)
>2. Singaporean
>3. Australian

>Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
>1. English
>2. Swedish
>3. Chinese




What did it mean by this?

New Zealand

Ah, yes. The sad. pathetic, national identity of "Not American but Just As Good, Eh?"
>closest relations of any 2 countries, like, ever
>apparently we hate them
Da fuck? If we can't fuckin' get along how does anyone expect world peace to even be possible?

>there are Americans on the board whom despite only speaking English, will not be given English as the first result for native language from that test.

Internet speak is different to spoken language.

Aussie and NZ accents arent THAT similar really

Is whom even correct in that sentence

ching chong :DD


This bitch ass muthafuga website be cray


Isn't whom just a more formal version of who? That's what I remember from school

I'm just wondering how did Finnish and German get in my native language guess

Anyone that does that is autistic desu

Now that's a tasty pear

I've never been to England, let alone Wales.

Nope, South African English is spoken by Saffers, not kaffirs. You're pure Apartheid White.

>all Kiwis are autists

Whom is to who as him is to he as me is to I.
I look. He looks. Who looks?
Look at me. Look at him. At whom?

>whom despite only speaking English
>him only speaks English
Should be "he", so should be "who".