Strange things you've seen other nationalities do in your country

Strange things you've seen other nationalities do in your country

>German tourists sleep in waiting area of hospitals instead of renting a hotel

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's get this out of the way
>American tourists try to sue the McDonald's for not offering mobility scooters
>American tourists crack the toilet when they sit down because they are big and fat (lmao)
>American tourists ask where the hillbilly honey boo is when they don't know how to read
>AMerirgan dourist eat burger instead of not burger because big and fat
>Ameffbvbebh poop in pants hahajlll;slkhaha posacsaop goes in sactoilet not pantsjl;lfsd;lk

>americans think they are welcome here

>german tourists walking in the middle of the city with no shirt on because it was a hot day

>Expecting to use public transportation to get anywhere

That's not a strange thing. All kinds of American families do that. They want to be as close as possible if there is a change in the condition of the person they are there for.

>American tourist starts talking to random strangers
>American tourist makes eye contact with everyone in the room

I used to work with a 70 year old man from Ukraine in my University's physics department.

I once saw him carry a 40 lb power drill (think a *big* drill) up a 15lb ladder and sat on top of it while he drilled holes in a concrete wall to countersink some screws for a projector screen. He was only a few days out of the hospital for having gallstones/kidney stones (don't remember) removed. He just didn't give a fuck.

>asian tourists take pictures of everything they see every second

what's wrong with that?

I once saw an american eat the whole plantain leaf of a tamale. Poor girl, nobody told her you don't eat that hard ass shit.


I live in DC.

Witnessed this.

A French woman thought it was a good idea to wait for the train in the middle of the track.

Shes lucky she didnt touch the third rail.

Mexican tourists stay here.


I once saw an american guy (a marine apparently) ask if they had discount for the military here.

Every year theres some exchange program in which students from my city go to germany and vice versa. Apparently some of the germans here didn't shower daily. Their reasoning is that we shower daily because we get dirty. Obviously they smelled really bad sometimes.

I saw Canadians once wearing shorts and a tshirt outside when it was almost freezing.

japanese tourist standing really close to a wall next to my village shop just taking loads of pictures of the stones with some massive slr

they wear shorts far from the beach

>I once saw an american guy (a marine apparently) ask if they had discount for the military here.
That's really dumb. Probably a reflex I guess. Most places have them here.

>Every year theres some exchange program in which students from my city go to germany and vice versa. Apparently some of the germans here didn't shower daily. Their reasoning is that we shower daily because we get dirty. Obviously they smelled really bad sometimes.
>I saw Canadians once wearing shorts and a tshirt outside when it was almost freezing.
Kek. It was probably above 50°F.


No it was literally like 3-4 degrees in winter. That's like 36F for burgers.

Does that honestly bug people there?

>>American tourist makes eye contact with everyone in the room

If you come to the US you should be aware not doing this at least once is considered rude.

Confused looking dutch guy asked me directions too his hotel. We started talking about things and I let him sleep in my guest room instead.

>Every year theres some exchange program in which students from my city go to germany and vice versa. Apparently some of the germans here didn't shower daily. Their reasoning is that we shower daily because we get dirty. Obviously they smelled really bad sometimes.

I've noticed people in Sweden, and I suspect also Germany, don't really shower daily at all. It's like an every few days thing for them. Maybe the generally milder climate and thus less sweat generated resulted in different cultural practices, I don't know.

I still find it weird.

There was an Asian woman that i guess shit herself outside of where i was working and then she came inside tried to get me to give her new underwear.

Did you?

>American tourists catcalling lesbians.

Please go home you're worse than the muslims.

i didn't have any on me nor did we sell any. so she just left and stood outside holding the seat of her pants for a long time.

Only dudes and it's mostly a Northern/Eastern Europe thing. Go there and lay game on girls. You'll slay because most guys there are too autistic to know how to make small talk with people they don't know.

I'm coming next month and I'll be sure to be extra rude

You're that lesbo from Canada aren't you?


It just still blows my mind that the only people who make inappropriate comments.... are American tourists. What the hell.

Then don't go outside

Here they mostly complain about things but Normies don't come here

Who will invest in Eastern Poland then?

I like you a lot


Are you serious?? Here in the northeast we look each other straight in the eyes. Looking away is a weakness

Define here?

I'm glad I don't live in Stockholm though. I don't run into too many American tourists. The occasional Brit or Irish person who just plain lives here though, which is nice and usually leads to a friendly conversation. Running into someone who speaks the same language natively as you is always nice when you're in a place where you rarely get to meet people you can communicate as easily with.


>americans making tours on the favelas, and taking photos with criminals as if they were celebrities

Northern Ontario. Why is "catcalling" such a bother anyways?


I thought everyone took pictures of the animals when at the zoo?

Ayo bby u wan sum dis dikk?

>japanese taking pictures of electricity cables

It's just disrespectful by nature and a form of negative attention. No one likes being publicly disrespected.

>be me
>be me in Ensenada
>Chinese people spot stray cat
>I can tell since I often deal with Chinese speaking customers at JewPS
They didn't even take it, just left its body in the road.

I've seen asian tourists taking pictures of people with dreads


End yourself, cunt

Don't forget standing in front of whatever it is so you can't see it, and taking up the entire path so no-one can cross until they're done.

>American tourists who tip with U.S. currency.
Literally fucking useless to me. When I was working in hospitality the AUD was usually stronger than the USD too.

good, strays are basically pests that need depopulation

Haha get TIPPED bitch

>tfw Amerijew keeps Ausfailia's internet budget for themselves

Been attracted to favelas and dangerous places, try to imagine someone attracted to a bad detroit neighborhood.

That's disgusting behavior, but stray cats are a menace. I like birds better though so I'm totally biased (yes I'm a cat owner)

Compliments are disrespectful? I would literally kill for the amount of attention females get.


>work in retail
>foreigner comes up to me and starts haggling

If shit goes down we just draw our CCWs, pop some pills, and go into bullet time

Americans also need depopulation but unfortunately we can't kill them freely enough. It's more efficient to injury them and let their medical care or bank do it for you

Indian customers do this EVERY FUCKING TIME

Go ahead and depopulate us with your nukes. We'll do the world a favor and do the same to you

They're welcome to come to Australia and kill as many stray cats as they please.

Okay, but how about if that attention was from other men(assuming you're attracted to women). All of whom are larger and stronger than you.

>people taking pictures of paintings

Give me one good reason to do this

My friend is a lesbian. Why does she get mad when I come out of the shower and wave my penis around like a helicopter going WOOWOOWOOWOO

Compliments are compliments. Kind words and flirting isn't disrespectful. You're an asshole for taking issue with it honestly.

Americans going shirtless into McDonalds.

I dunno mang, clearly you're hilarious.

How do you feel when men hit on you in public when you're going about your normal business, and clearly already in a relationship?

I would love that. I don't get any compliments though
You can't convert currencies at your banks?

In her defense, they're not exactly compliments. Imagine if you walked by a bunch of fat ugly hags and they said "HEY MAN BEND OVER AND LEMME PEG U". It would start to piss me off and feel like they're belittling me.


Toughen up. You're in Sweden, which means you've already got a thriving migrant population hitting on you. Stop taking issue with honest complements.

underrated comment

I live in Manhattan so I get to witness firsthand how different nationalities behave when in tourist mode. Here are some observations:

>whistle and shout "TAXI!" when flagging down a cab lel

>take up the entire sidewalk and walk at a very slow pace when in a group
>push past people
>terrible subway etiquette i.e. shoving into the train when people are trying to exit
>obnoxious all round

>loud as FUCK
>always tanned, women are smoking hot and dudes are often ripped
>drink heavily in the early afternoon which just makes them louder
>disarmingly polite when asking for directions

>always sharply dressed
>when asking for directions, 9/10 it's how to get to the museum of modern art
>always have a somewhat disappointed look on their faces

>it's always some red-faced blonde dude with a beer gut, a nylon polo, expensive watch and a MILF wife with an autist looking kid in tow
>wear $5,000+ cameras around their necks without batting an eye
>never ask for directions, always come well-prepared with a dozen maps and pamphlets sticking out of their pockets

>meek and sheepish
>wordlessly take pictures of everything
>look constantly amazed

>tons of shopping bags hanging off every limb
>extremely rude
>come in droves to the apple store and crowd around the registers like pigs at a trough to buy dozens of iphones to take home and resell
>wear tacky, mismatched clothes

>Toughen up. You're in Sweden, which means you've already got a thriving migrant population hitting on you.
The migrants leave us alone and otherwise are polite to us in any interaction.

What the fuck is with that image?

It is my RIGHT as an American to catcall Swedish lesbians. Freedum aint free ok?

>The migrants leave us alone and otherwise are polite to us in any interaction.

>How do you feel when men hit on you in public when you're going about your normal business, and clearly already in a relationship?

Not annoyed, I'd probably just go on my way if I wasn't interested. Their compliments and pick up attempts aren't affecting me negatively. Stop pretending saying "Hey you're hot" is a serious grievance.

Dont worry, hes probably a londoner. Its not that weird here

I don't fucking know. I went to the Louvre on a trip to France and there were a bunch of Americans taking pictures of all of the art, as if anyone would want to see a blurry picture of some Renaissance painting instead of just getting a picture online or just looking at the damn painting themselves.

Stop defending toxic masculinity, fucking shitlord

Good thy are an invasive species and are devastating to the surrounding ecosystem. Don't let your cat outside folks.

I get people asking me for a dollar on the bus every day. Just ignore it like someone without unwarranted self importance. At least those hags find me appealing in a hilarious way. Such a trivial thing, I'd probably laugh even if that was a persistence thing in my daily routine.

your illiterate

That's why everyone should open carry. An armed society is a polite society

>Don't forget standing in front of whatever it is so you can't see it, and taking up the entire path so no-one can cross until they're done.
Just had this happen today in front of my church as I happened to be walking by. Not a picture of the church, mind you. Or they could've gone inside. The inside of the church would be a nice pic.

They had to stand on the sidewalk because they wanted a pic of her in front of the church sign. Who the hell wants a vacation picture of a stupid cheery quip followed by the 8am high service/11am low service schedule?

>tfw you see an anti-American lesbian Swedish chick trying to bash on the USA to compensate for Swedish problems

I'm going to let my cat out wherever I damn well please.

That's literally like the worst ghetto in the country.

Go to the worst part of chicago or michigan and tell me how it goes for you.

What Swedish problems am I trying to compensate for?

Far from it. I just tend to write in a more speech-like way on Sup Forums. Also Swedish has somewhat subverted the way I communicate in English.

come here for holidays when your money is worth more in better holiday places

You need it in places like NYC desu.

>they didn't even take it
It's like you were expecting them to take it. You know, a snack for the road.

I was expecting them to clear the body out of the fucking street at least. After beating to death.
>What Swedish problems am I trying to compensate for?
You tell me. It's obvious you hate the US for some reason.

>It's obvious you hate the US for some reason.
My feelings for the US are rather complex and nuanced. There are things I view in a very poor light, and other things I think are awe inspiring, beautiful, or generally just uplifting. I actually have a rather active interest in American history.

>Far from it. I just tend to write in a more speech-like way on Sup Forums. Also Swedish has somewhat subverted the way I communicate in English.