
Islam thread, Muslims post here.
1. Race
2. Which Madhab
3. Sufi or no
4. Hows that Arabic coming along?

Other urls found in this thread:


1. American
2. Hanafi
3. Yes
4. Can read Quran :)

Praying to the holy Borg cube can be tiresome, some do say aswell.

But you kaffirs will get to it.
We also like having kaffir shit pushed back to the kaffir anus.

I used to be atheist but since kaffir say im muslim, im muslim now.

Isis is the muslim globetrotters.

what the fuck are you saying albania?
Go make namaz

no such thing
can read it and fully understand it in context.

fuck aLL*H
screw m*hammad
shit on ali
burn quran
rape aisha
bomb kaaba
why arabian bastard why


Is the cube really that important? How powerful is it?

who /convert/ here

Why do Sunnis blow themselves up? I don't get it

Every single Sunni extremist group thinks it's okay to blow yourself up in a crowded market, meanwhile the most extreme Shia groups never do it

Shiism is the path to freedom

>""""Sunni""" Extremist group
those are waahabis aka salafis

not apart of our jamah. Sunnis are four groups wahhabis are NOT one of them


the site is important not the home.

well. both shias and sunnis fall in the same bowl of shit as a fact. but some sunnis blow themselves they believe it is 1 fast way ticket to the 72 virgins

>no denomination
which fiqh do you follow you fucker


>syrshit sitting on based turks



>is heresy

i would be a joke if muhammad pbuh came now and said he is sunni or whatever god allowed islam to be now.

There is only Islam and one Holy book for it. anything out of it is a heresy. HERESY!

i will bring my Raid

hi Justin

I really hope Urdujan sees ur shitpost and has you hung

1. Indeginous Sarawak, East Malaysian
2. Shafiee
3. No such thing
4. Still improving the way of reading Quran, but now I can read by heart and understand the meaning as bright of the twilight (I hope it will be as the light of the day). It is not perfect but I will try my best to be the ideal mukmeen. And I wish you fellow anons the best too. :)


Fucking kek

Taliban and Haqqani are Deobandi

Hamas? Muslim Brotherhood?

There's many who aren't Wahabbi

>There is only Islam and one Holy book for it. anything out of it is a heresy. HERESY!
there's one islam but there were many inheritors of the prophets legacy all of them can be proven from quran

you sound like a salafi calling everyone a bidati

>implying most """islamic""" cultural practices aren't bid'ah

Taliban are not deobandi, they started off following deoband but then they switched

Deoband is against suicide bombing, so they went with salafi fatwa

Muslim brotherhood is not terrorist
Hamas is not terrorist, they only attack Israel because of Palestinian WAR.

fucking salafis get of my board!



but why not sufi? You are malay shafi, you dont follow habaib scholars?



man i had to spit for calling me a salafi. all im saying is just i follow the word of god and nothing more. dont talk to me. go ask god why im following his words.

ah ty i wanted to say that to him

>when some Muslims say touching the Blackstone is a Muslim practice and legit

>anyone who dont agree with me is a salafi
t. salafi or takfiri or wahhabi

They are Deobandi. You can't just say stuff and pretend it's true.

And Muslim brotherhood and Hamas are shit. Both taking advantage of political instability to benefit themselves.

based turk

you seriously think madhhabs are culture and bid'ah?

They are not deobandi because they dont follow deoband. Osama hijacked the Taliban and made them salafi. Its very simple.

Deoband is Hanafi and disavows suicide bombers. Taliban follows salafi scholar ruling o allow suicide bombing. so not deobandi

Just because you dont like them doesnt make them """terrorists"""

>4 sources confirming they are Deobandi

Smh you can deny it all you want but Sunni ideology is naturally more violent


You can quote whoever you want but that doesnt mean you understand anything
>4 sources
all of those from 2001 before they started suicide bombing
Suicide bombing isnt allowed in deobandi islam
the moment they did that they cut ties

If you dont follow deobandi scholars you cant be deobandi its that simple


>John F. Kennedy Airport
>decide to watch a concert of FALILV on my laptop
>I fall asleep with the laptop on my legs
>wake up surrounded by a shitload of muslim
>all of them praying on the floor

why i deny divisions and separatism among Muslims?
you are asking me for heavens sake?

Muslims are totally divided because of such thing. we are culturally, technologically, scientifically, historically and in everything backward for hundred of years.

The only thing Muslims are capable now is being humiliated and say Allahu Akbar for nothing.

Thats why it is time for muslims to leave their heretical ways and return to the word of god and his laws. by this we will all be united as one. and accept nothing but one message and one god and his laws.

You could say that I am reverted from the darkness. I am a forever learner, it is still not being learn. I prefer moderation and I'll make sure that the non-muslim and modern muslim here do not view Islam as the coined Arabisation, which they are very hostile towards that idea.

after reading that mashallah your heart is good def not salafi, but you misunderstand madhhabs
madhhabs represented the scientific cultural and historic progress the ummah made

example, how would you pray, what evidences out of all of the collections of the prophets sayings and allahs book would you prefer over the others? This was the work of the madhhabs

Almost like american political parties interpreting the constitution, you dont see them complaining about disunity, its not holding them back.

i really dont like the idea of maddhabs. since muslims in the time of the prophet muhammad pbuh were living according to the quran we should do the same without such thing in each progress we made.

our Religious practice should be separated from the Cultural practice. for now our idiotic people are mixing these two and created a cultural and religious conflict.

Religious practice should be only taken from the holy quran. since God is the only one who dictate our religious practice in our daily life. while Cultural practice can be done whatever (ramadan, Eid Salat, eftar Cannon, and more things) as long it does not contradict or disagree with the laws of God (such like stoning, genital mutilation, touching the Blackstone and wasting thousand of money for it which cost fortune etc)

for the books. i only accept the Quran to be what represent the Islamic laws, Politics, Economy, Culture, Science etc...
The amount of Fabrication, Corruption, Unlawful laws found in other books such like the hadith or whatever we have should be put aside and studied carefully in highest type Education, History, Science etc. to make sure unwanted entity that infiltrated Islams be eliminated. Such as:

- Stoning Adulterers who are married (Jewish Practice and god said only 100 lashes for all form of adultery)
- Killing the people who left islam (god did not command in such thing and he said that they will be judged in the afterlife)
- Touching the Blackstone (We make fun of Pagans and we do the same mistake? Really?!! God never mentioned anything about it

also, some stories like the prophet went on stoning monkey with other monkeys and god knows what stuff i have studied which made my belief little fade away until i decided to strengthen it with the quran

replying to the entire post is tiresome so Ill just address a point.

Islamic Law comes from Quran, Prophet was sent to explain Quran, therefore law comes from the prophet.

Since Law comes from the prophet we have to figure out what he said, thats hadith. Quran is word of Allah and protect, hadith is not. So we must sift through hadith based on narrators (NOT BOOKS).

We start to understand what prophet said do or dont do, but sometimes he said different things for that same issue.

This is where madhabs comes in. Which one do we prefer? Which one has the most trusthworthy people narrating it, which one came first? Which one was final? Was this in makkah in madinah, was this for everyone or just this one person.

The disagreements between scholars about those things seperated them into madhabs, this is why one is forced to join one because you cant interpret quranic law or have an opinion that wasnt already discussed and codified.
Beating a dead horse is dumb, you pray a certain way, this is because of the work of the madhhabs, and the difference is based on the things above

>Islamic Law comes from Quran, Prophet was sent to explain Quran, therefore law comes from the prophet.

What? did you read what you say?

Laws comes from the Quran
Muhammad PBUH explained it
then Laws comes from Muhammad?

This never makes any sense from the start thus will disgard everything you explained below.

UNICEF gives me food, I give food to starving Kuwaitis. They get food from me.

How do you pray? This is the simplest way to answer your dissent

>72 virgins

Is heaven a carnal brothel or is there any deeper reason that you need exactly 72 unfucked females around you in the state after death?

this does not make any sense. this is not your food. because these food were instructed to you to give it to others.

you clearly dont read the quran not by one verse to conclude what you say. because Muhammad PBUH never said anything by himself

Surat Al najm 1-4:
By the star when it descends,

Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred,

Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination.

It is not but a revelation revealed,

clearly god says here Muhammad PBUH did not speak anything from himself. he only speak what it is revealed to him.

in heavens we will get infinite pussy.

72 is a meme number in arabic, it just means a lot
everyone gets them in paradise, some descriptions say imagine couches, but every seat is a woman ready for you to enjoy

yeah but where did the fucking food come from before unicef had it, ya knitwit

read the tafsir
thats the point

Do pious women get infinite virgin cock?

Quran is already its own Tafsir. it is a light. and the light reveal itself by itself. or do doubt its word and dont understand it clearly?

Quran was revealed piece by piece with a specific messenger in charge of explaining it.
The ayah you quoted proves that point: read

By the star descending
Muhammad isnt lying about being a prophet
He doesn't make stuff up, he only does what he was orded by Allah
He doesnt speak HIS OWN desires
What he speaks is WAHY
therefore his words must also be followed

do you doubt quran?

>virgin cock
no value in male virgins
they get their husbands if no husband
destined soulmate

there ARE pretty servant boys but I ddoubt they are for sexual

are you trying to flip the weapon i pointed at you to yourself while acting it is pointing to me?

i told you i dont include any tafsir. Allah already made the quran a tafsir for itself.

Surat Al-qamar verse 40
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?

He doesn't make stuff up, he only does what he was orded by Allah
He doesnt speak HIS OWN desires
and if you are not fool enough it is saying the word is not his words
the words is not his words
the words are not his fucking words

this it is not his word. im speaking English. ENGLISH!

does that husband have other wives?

there are stuffs we dont know about. all we know is in heavens we get what we want. so maybe yes. maybe no.

god knows....

What is the point of praying an invisible being ?
Why you venerate the fantasy of a man ?

>pretty servant boys
That is all in the sunnah so not hadith?

life is a test for us humans. worshiping him is the only way of success (as long his message revealed to you)

and worship is not just only prayers. but also everything good that we do to our self and others.

>And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?
remembrance isnt explanation
by ignoring tafsir you ignore 1400 years of quranic research and study, this is the epitome of backwardsness

again, HOW DO YOU PRAY? this is they key question to understanding how ISLAM works. Everything isnt in the Quran, thats okay, it doesnt hurt the Quran or blemish its perfectness. The PROPHET not speaking from his desires means he should be LISTENED TO

And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden you - refrain from. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.

In quran and hadith
haadith = sunnah

Cmon you can go to /his/ with that.
Ask them something specific, this thread is interesting because they claim to be not wahhabitarded and dont cling much to that arabic fanfiction collection were most of the stuff I haze about thwir faith seems to stem from.
Now im wondering how much of that is left in the sunnah.

Do you guys find yourselves getting more or less religious?
To answer the questions:
1. Syrian(Aleppo). Born in America
2. Dunno
3. No
4. Speaking in the Syrian dialect is fine but standard arabic is shaky. Reading and writing can see improvement.

Goddamnit and I thought thered be a clear difference.

>by ignoring tafsir you ignore 1400 years of quranic research and study, this is the epitome of backwardsness
people ignored fire to light their homes which took mankind thousands or maybe millions of years to discover and now using light bulb or neon for a source of light. does that it is a bad thing because we excluded a thousand of years of hard work and replaced it with something??????

I pray like how my ancestors pray.

but still the messenger only did say what god told him to say. you are going around yourself

enough childish games. if you find yourself that the quran is not enough sources for your faith. then find another religion and book that fits your needs

funny thing is. god only said we will not find to Sunnah of Allah a chance or conversion.

Surat Al-Ahzab 62
[This is] the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change.

I don't know why but I expected an answer like that, well, thanks anyway.

Hadith is that biiiiiiiiiiiig collection of miscellanious collections of the prophets saying and life
Sunnah is his example based on that collection if you want a clear differnce

sometimes theyre used interchangibly
If a muslims says we have to follow hadith! he means sunnah

If he says I got it from the sunnah, he means a collection of hadith

Sunnah is important, this is muslims example
some hadith are good, some arent some are even known to be fabricated, sifting through them is the ulemas job

then find another religion and book that fits your needs
>following the prophet is unislamic

Do you not follow the prophet? Allah says in Quran to follow the prophet, how do you follow the prophet without hadith?

Your ancestor pray BASED ON HADITH and the madhabs interpretation

youre being a really big hypocrite
>I only follow quran
>except when I cant
thats the entire point of SUNNAH and HADITH

The prophet was sent to explain things NOT IN QURAN

but the prophet only followed the quran. thus me following the quran makes me following the prophet

you are the kind who might be put in an isolated islan with the quran alone and explain it is not by chance the book is understandable. your kind is what makes alqaeda or ISIS or taliban or khawarej or whatever ungodly things we seen in islam

your kind is what made islam back to the stoneage with Rumors claimed as it is prophet words. while contradictory to what the prophet says he only followed what he has revealed to him

your inner takfiri and salafi is showing up friend.

So the muzzies in school who told me the quoran was never changed talked bullshit as it is just a collection of arabic hearsay about the prophet and some designated examples to evaluate it?
Not very different to the gospels and apokryphs of the bible then.

Or is there a monolithic core which is neither hadith nor sunnah?

no, quran is the heart of islam, a perfect never changing nucleus about Who Allah is, What Allah likes and what makes Allah happy. WHo we are, what we should be doing, and the rewards for doing so and the punishment and consequences for disobeying.

Hadith deals with practical application of those principles
this is what Im trying to get that other guy to understand

no no no the hadith is not the quran.

the quran is not changed.

but the hadith is what you are talking about. unauthentic rumors changed time by time removed and added forcifly followed as it is the orthodoxy of islam (while ironicaly it is not)

>calls me a takfiri when I havent called him kafir
>calls me salafi when I am advocating madhhabs
its like you dont know what those words mean

Advocating the removal of hadith is not what removes ISIS and Qaeda mentality, the correct understanding is.

Your understanding of being able and equipped to understand PRACTICAL application of Quran WITHOUT looking at how the prophet or those who came after him did it is stupid and dangerous, THAT is the same mentality of the salafi.

You can't follow Quran AS THE PROPHET did if you Ignore the REPORTS OF WHAT THE PROPHET DID.

American Paki
non-denominational, lean towards hanafi though
literally the only reason I'm still in this mess of a religion
>tfw hafiz but don't know any arabic

Deobandi movement was heavily inspired by Abdul Wahab and his revolt against the Turks. Theres a reason deobandism came out of the indian subcontinent during british rule

No, Qur'an was written after prophet's death and really never changed. Hadiths are folklore written in 8-9 centuries and believed to have Muhammad as the source of them.

thats literally not a thing
>mess of a religion
what the fuck were your teachers doing? you led tawarih last year?

Bid'ah is a meme issue desu


you wonder where killing adulterers or stoning them or killing of people who left islam IN THE NAME OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY come from

or should i point the sources of all their evil?

If you cant understand the quran without the hadith or whatever then please find another religion and please dont mix the quran with other books that can screw it up. God words is clear and need no books that explain it. until you have mental disability then yes i think you need another book.

you are the guy who wont eat the apple until cutting it to pieces arent you???

>No, Qur'an was written after prophet's death and really never changed.
gathered or collected in one book instead seperated in papyrus or sheets or shells or whatever it was written in

>Hadiths are folklore written in 8-9 centuries and believed to have Muhammad as the source of them.
yet some idiots after these years claim it is authentic words

>8-9 centuries
50 years max you sperglord

>after the prophets death
Is that "archangel manifested it before him and made him write it even though he was illiterate" part then also in the hadiths or are you simply not a believer but knowledgable about the topic ?

1.Human bean. If you are asking for ethnicity Turkmen
4.I can read quran with its thingies that i dont the name of. Im gonna learn Arabic though

>Quran is already its own Tafsir.
yeah and thats irrelevant as you're dealing with humans to read and understand the tafsir. All human endeavor in interpretation is fallible. Unless you want to prove that your inspiration is divinely inspired somehow.

>Is that "archangel manifested it before him and made him write it even though he was illiterate" part then also in the hadiths or are you simply not a believer but knowledgable about the topic ?
what are you talking about?
Quran was "compiled" after the prophet died because Quran is only finished when he's gone.
Hadith are what people remembered him saying and saw him doing

are you the paki hafiz?

oh so this is the reason?? because some idiots misunderstand the quran we do make our own explanation from non quranic sources?

im talking about the tafsir from the hadith. and not the book of tafsir from the quranic verses

Those issues are hadith issues yes, but that doesnt make them wrong or a problem.
You cant understand PRACTICAL application of Quran without the PRACTICAL application of the prophet. Why can't you understand that? should I type in arabic for you?

Hadith are records of QURANIC APPLICATION they cant be denied, only reinterpreted.

>what are you talking about

Muslim in school told me an angel made mohammed write the quoran.
He was some kind of kurd who idolized osama bin Laden tho, had a pretty deportable personality.

>thats literally not a thing
of course its a thing, I pick and choose exactly hat I want to follow

>mess of a religion
it is a mess, not just between its followers and application, but within some central parts of its belief system.

you led tawarih last year?
you mean this year? and yeah

>tfw complete degenerate but still know my quran better than the autistic salafi huffaz in the community

I went to a pretty hardcore salafi madrasah, and hated every one of those child abusing faggots.

>is this the reason
no its because its how the person who BROUGHT QURAN explained it

Why are there cranes all around the complex?

because the books claimed it is his practice way have much unislamic and contradictory to the quran practice.

>killing apostates
this is one example of how these hadith are corrupted.

thus doing the same the same shit of what christians and jews do. we deny their teaching because of contradictions and then we follow something that have contradictions. get your shit together.

so where he explained of stoning the adulterers? find me on verse and you will never find one of it and non will be found

>Muslim in school told me an angel made mohammed write the quoran.
what? just read a biography of the prophet
>pick and choose
literally not a thing
>salafi madrassa
May allah have mercy on you

mabrook for memorizing, I studied hadith and fiqh, only memorized the last few juz and the fiqh ayats

May Allah preserve your quran and makes us all huffaz

Real 20 rakah with quran completion or 8 meme rakats?

Fucking muzzies convince me that Islam is religion of piece.

Atheist suicide bombings: 0
Shitslam sucicide bombings: 46565465464565412386743120

Atheism: 1
Religion: Dead.

Get on with the times you fucking cavemen, stop living in fucking fairy tale medieval 16th cent.

you need non quranic sources to put things into context. The Quran becomes a complete mess if you have no way of grounding it in some sort of context. But you also have to be careful, as to never let those non quranic sources dictate what the Quran is saying, more like using it as a tool to guide the interpretation. That is what the job of scholars was, to sift through all the sources and figure out what the Quran was actually saying, and not just following cultural practice of certain arab tribes.

expanding it

do you throw away an entire carton of eggs because YOU THINK one of them might be bad?

Just because you disagree with something doesnt mean it has to be thrown out.

Hadith are valid historical accounts that represent what the prophet did and said.

You can reinterpret them, but you cant disregard them.

>muh suicide bombings
grow up

Learned to read Arabic in school

jafari? zaidi? what type of shia?

Not a believer, I am atheist who is interested in MENA.
Angel told him "Read!", not write. So he read the book to the others, and it was written in a single book after his death.
Buhari lived in 9th century.

I also never understood why is there no popular Islamic teaching rejecting hadithes because most of things incompatible with modern world is written there. Adequate Muslims and mullahs just ignore retarded shit but there are still big amount of fundamentalists who don't and go full retard, join political islam movements and blow themselves eventually.

>atheist bombing
Tbf we have other ways to do harm as without the religious guys around us we'd have to make an own morality based on no higher authority then men which usually yields edgy results such as stalinism or apathethic hedonism which lowers the birthrate.
Its at least my personal problem with disbelief and the reason they are breeding us out again.

12 Imam