limmy edition
rate my waifu
good guy
1am edition
Fuck you niggas
>yank thread
Feel the rhythm
Feel the rhyme
Yer a wizard user
Now's the time
Imagine being one of those runts that watched Simpsons after season 9
Organising the squad outing
is re-zero any good?
top tier
don't post in this thread anymore.
Why is she legal?
Yanks are the lowest calibre runts I've ever encountered
Best anime of the season imo.
me & the gf (girlfriend)
Bloom is a madman!
Roll for cosmic wizzerd
haha x
I'm sorry what?
posting my waifu
rate her out of ten (good ratings only please)
>swn call you daddy
Looks like a can of maple syrup desu
slow upload time xx
anti farage edition
have to do group work
group I'm in is full of turbonormies
Am I off-topic now, Janny?
>posting worst girls
wew lads
Imagine fucking her in the ass no lube while you calls you daddy
So close
Have fun s&m wizard
Agreed and I bet that
Has an IQ of 100
oops, forgot your 1
not sure who these lads are but they've done a pretty good cover of ar tim
no wizard for you
honestly would rather not watch that judging from what i can see
>The Free Wales Army (Welsh: Byddin Rhyddid Cymru) was a paramilitary Welsh nationalist organisation.... Its objective was to establish an independent Welsh republic.
>one government memo warned against "taking the organisation's activities too seriously"
cute gif xoxox
sorry, 0/101
Upping the dose in the yanks water supply lads--they'll calm down and stop posting soon.
You thought you could find refuge in your dreams Donald?
Avatarfagging is against the rules.
haha good one aussies
-farage voter- mm i'll get a chicken burger with no lettuce -doesn't say please-
Jokes on you we only drink soda and beer nobody drinks tap water here
I have an amazing webm of her put idk how to post from VLC whilst on me iPhone 5s
>he doesn't read the rules
Dubs gets to pick Thailad
I don't think you know what avatars are,
Passive aggressive little zealot, aren't you?
>He isn't a thigh guy
I don't think YOU know what avatars are.
kys thainonce
>gets to pick Thailad
Limey means what?
Hello Melbourne
Avatarfagging is against the rules.
Ghengis Kahn's father told him to always look for a woman with strong legs
They can ride a horse much better
stop trying to take my timing gimmick
one per thread
me at the till in ASDA yesterday
fight me you fuckwit
who are you? what do you do and where are you from? bet you're a real mans man pal
and my dick
So report me if you think I'm using an avatar.
you spelt his name horrendously wrong so i'm inclined to not believe you
his father was poisoned anyway lmao
Any of you fucking runtoids reply to me again I'll put the vacuum cleaner up your arse and fucking turn you inside out
why did the janny delete my post?
>when australians actually act like australians
unironically approve of this
Calm down Melbourne
>your gimmick
What the fuck
t. Pekka
Would you prefer Temujin? Or perhaps Chinggis?
>fight me you fuckwit
ah yes the ol' "overzealous spaz with unbalanced hormones spergs out for reasons unknown"
little jack russell snapping at my heals lmao
jog along spaz
Are you the Welsh guy from Sup Forums?
Reminder that Racism outside of Sup Forums is rule breaking. Janny's been slacking and has let it go on for too long
imagine actually being yank and supporting trump lads
just can't comprehend it desu, he's a literal joke, even the yanks only seem to say he's not as bad as hilldawg
>thainonce and janny are always on at the same time
Hmmm... Peculiar...
I've been rustled
where are you from?
fuck off danny whod you vote for?
Death grips tickets sold out in about 2 seconds RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>imagine actually being yank and supporting trump lads
>just can't comprehend it desu, he's a literal joke, even the yanks only seem to say he's not as bad as hilldawg
I support Gary Johnson son
death grip yourself cunt
Janny doesn't seem to be on the ball... Hm...
Lib Dems and Libs
sitting inside with so much adrenaline isn't good for you m8, maybe go for a run or something
the joke that went way too far, way way too far
cried with laughter
Wouldn't you like to know Melbourne
How much does a normal cup of coffee cost for someone who just hates conservatism and capitalism so much Melbourne?
Went to a different gym last night and there was this massively hench lady
Honestly she had like a blonde pixie haircut and look like that weightlifter off of the .gifs
She was slamming weights everywhere and screaming, mental
team valor checking in