2 hungarian cuties are couchsurfing at my place

2 hungarian cuties are couchsurfing at my place
We will go drinking tonight
Bringing my half-hungarian budddy as a wingman

Wat do?

Would Codreanu approve? I don't think so

Say: Baszni akarok

i thought romanians hated magyarization

News flash b0ss! The world isn't black and white

I'm pretty sure they hate cygany but try your best

Looks like 100% gypsy night

benis in vagina :DDDDDDDDDD

bond over some copper treasure hunting


Except we go to karaoke and there's no gipsy though one of the girls is slightly tanned

tell them: Töpörödött törpördögök, they will be soaking wet

>Töpörödött törpördögök
Wizened dwarf devils

I know some Hungarian swears,. but I can't write them for shit.

A creepy, possibly pedo neighbour thought them to me and other when we were kids.

It's something like '' Odzgionea pichaio''

Karaoke sounds very gypsy...mb you are half whitr, but you have still gypsy culture

>odgoni se pička/izgini pička

seems more like Serbian to me

Shut up ''Czechia'' or I'll come and fuck your women.

Not OP, btw.

No idea, he said it was hungarian.

He said it means something like ''go in/to your mothers vagina/pussy''

Goni se u pičku materinu. A very common insult down Serbia way.

Muh alpha male gypsy attitude

Pls stop, you are just proving my point

A cigány picsádad

Anyád picsáját

I think he would know the word cigány, possibly it was

Ask your buddy about it, but only half-believe him.

Flying to Budapest tomorrow, very hype.
Absolutely love the city

>Töpörödött törpördögökből törppökölt
It's what Gargamel calls the smurfs.

"Ackarode faſot?"

works every time

I come to hungary say im Slovak and all bitches jump on my dick


"Szomorú Vasárnap száz fehér virággal,
Vártalak, kedvesem, templomi imával,
Álmokat kergető vasárnap délelőtt,
Bánatom hintaja nélküled visszajött."

She'll be all over your dick