
YLYL edition

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Hey just coming to say that I REALLY love british people haha xoxo

Hey just coming to say that I REALLY love british people haha xoxo



Hey just coming to say that I REALLY love british people haha xoxo


this girl looks like a blacked.com girl


>making a new thread when I just made a terrific post that no one will read now

Thanks a bunch dickhead.

listening to REALLY loud slowed down gangsta rap if a neighbor knocks on me door tell him I don't give a fuck


I mean it tho
Here's a (you) as a compensation.

pretty good twist desu


So /brit/ is basically facebook now?

Shit show desu
>expect German Band of Brothers
>get some shitty drama

Genuinely believe there isn't a single thing in this universe that can stop humans from being top dog.

been watching Grease again?


ye, i told my gf to get a /brit/ as well. gonna be AWESOME!!

reddit tier

lol tru


what film or show is this

>he thinks scots are people

what are you like mate hahahaha

What about space AIDS?

Hey just coming to say that I REALLY hate british people haha xoxo

Oh your gf's gonna get a Brit alright

25 lighters on my dresser, yes sir

cause im rich rich rich rich
walked down the street copped meself a big booty bitch




Hueg aussie size spider in my room lads

He's trying to hide in the curtains, I'm thinking of rolling them up, would that crush him?

is that some kind of threat? cuz i'll fucking heem you, ya cunt

not until someone starts posting links to dodgy blogs about how weed cures cancer and its been proven a billion times

hahaha bit of a play with robots

>would that crush him?
It would ruin your curtains

>tfw don't regret Brexit even though I'm told by the liberal media everyday that I should

got to get paid

take a pic of it and post it here first

it would be extremely painful

Sitting in the lounge at Heathrow for the next 6 hours. What are you lads up to.


>i regret brexit

based merchant on holiday


The referendum /brit/ banter was great

What're you a pussy? Go over there, grab it and eat it.

Come back around 12pm when all of the summer kids are alseep.

Got back from the gym so just sitting on my arse watching Always Sunny.


Me on the right

that jumper looks really comfy :3

shame the union jack is fucked

>inb4 "not union jack"

You see all these homeless people saying they're hungry and stuff. Why don't they just eat the thousands of fucking pigeons that are everywhere in town centres???

that man is an absolute gecko


will unironically suck someone off for a bit of minimum wage employment at this stage

bit gay that

stop it youre making me lonely


Went in a Woman Hate Thread

What if the minimum wage job was sucking willy?

think i'll vacuum him up

*nuggets your backpack while you're in the toilet*

gf doesn't like seafood

Fair to say I'm reinstalling tinder and looking for a fresh one (not dropping this one until I've got another one in the bag - do I look STUPID? hahaha)



Gf in the middle

You intolerant racist fascist
It's the union Muhammed now

T'chon's fixation on all women being cheating whores is highly irritating, but it isn't anywhere near as bad as Reddit's 'just let your girl do whatever broski you don't own her' tripe

Most likely just a guy messing with his buddy on the job site. OP is a faggot

that's a big head

getting my new laptop delivered today, lads. fucking stoked af


arch + windows xp dualboot


>be group of young T*rks
>hate a man for being gay
>take turns bumming him

Cognitive dissonance


such fucking faggots! good lord

yeah im high haha

doubt it happened tbf

don't like seafood either

fuck off yank

going to berlin tomorrow anyone want owt

It's not gay if you stick your willy in a bum, it's only gay if you allow a willy to go into yours.


Hmm why don't you fuck off to the other side of the planet where I can't see your ugly fucking seafood-hating face then sweetie?
*notices your flag*
Oh wait! hahahahahaha
*walks off and talks to someone else, gesturing back now and then in your direction and laughing*

It's OK I guess
Not exactly my first choice for a distro


Started at ASDA this week hate it. 95% of customers are fine, but the other 5% ruin your whole fucking shift.I just wanted money to pay for car insurance for fuck sake.

a big pretzel

>Working in retail
Big mistake m8

50% of lesbians experience physical abuse at the hands of a partner

I'm going to Frankfurt tomorrow

wanna bum on the train to the airport


which one do you like, la?

and yeah i kind of need xp for some development work, understand the security and application support issues though

More of a Debian man myself

What dev work are you doing for XP?

>German Band of Brothers
Hollywood propaganda-tier.

>More of a Debian man myself

ARM dev, some old drivers work only on xp, might look into windows 7 first though

considering a new flat lads

falling asleep x