irish dilemma edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for
>tfw no gf
Did nobody notice
why do grls have to be prtty??
nth for queen of muh dick
im 90% sure at this point that girls arent real
Delawarefag, you nearly made me lose hope completely last night. I will kill you some day.
I don't know but it really PISSES ME OFF too
i've never even seen one in person before
Guinness is shit
Please stop this feels faggotry
got anything better to talk about?
buenos dias everyone
I just want a woman to look at me and honestly tell me I'm handsome
Man, this qt making the rounds lately has been rough on the old heart.
post face
you're handsome
Hey man, listen, you're handsome. ;^)
Tfw been told im handsome, bht only when i have facial hair
> farts
> beer falls
The worst part is, when it happens once, or twice, and then it doesn't happen for 20 years
and you grow old
post picture ya fuckin melvin
what's cookin good lookin
is it safe to open a public tracker website in google chrome...
Good post.
Further proves you guys are best van halen song.
>tfw to 1989 taytay gf
>taylor swift
I'm bored :-(
what went wrong?
haha farts are gas
eat some paella, have a siesta, fight some bulls desu
why is she so fucking ugly
Paella is nice but I can only eat hospital food
I'm tired of sleeping
I'll start unironically watching anime at this point
Moving to Indiana on Tuesday. Can't wait :3
i mean obama rofl mistyped the name
why Indiana?
Exchange at Purdue
Katy Perry has just as much of a voice as Taylor Swift does. They both have written songs. Taylor writes songs about heartbreak (mostly) because she wants to reach out to teenagers. Katy Perry loves whatever fans she has despite the ages, and doesn't throw herself into childish problems to get attention on social media. They're both pretty, but one is more mature than the other.
I'm moving across my state in a few days. A girl I've had a crush on for a year has finally started to talk to me and we went on a hike last week and she seems very interested in me. I'm leaving for college and don't plan to be back till December. Should I tell her how I feel? She is the greatest person I've ever met
katy perry has a thiccer body
you have one shot
do not miss
but dont overthink it and get nervous
i take dabs
do it m8 you got nothing to lose
that's just how i feel, it's no big deal, i just feel that way
by all means, proclaim your love to her
I would keep it very, very casual. Like "I've really enjoyed getting to hang out with you, I'm gonna miss that when I'm off for uni. I'll let you know when I'm back so we can chill again."
I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halftime. Does not having the lead at halftime count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when the campaign is still going? Donald Trump is still campaigning right now and he has had the most momentum for how many weeks now? He is campaigning against of the worst candidate in history who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the energy of the DNC and media. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking candidates in history. He went 17-0 during the primary and would of won the recent polls if the Khan "controversy" didn't happen. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Donald wins and someone posts a screenshot. Oh look at that, Hillary just trivialized the threat of ISIS, just like Obama did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump posts because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the him because he's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a post like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
you're either autistic, high, or english is your second language.
which one is it?
We are going for a walk at the park tomorrow. I'll do it. Thank you friend
do it faggot. imagine how it would feel if you dont tell her and she starts dating another guy while you're gone.
fuck I knew I should have googled it beforehand for copypasta
There is literally nothing grammatically wrong with what I just wrote wtf
plus if she feels the same way u can skype sex
already caught on to your ruse, big boy ;)
fuck I knew I should have checked to see if you had googled it yet before replying
dont spill the spaghetti please
post results
you can do it! just take it casual after though and ask her out for coffee or something
fuck I knew I should have waited for you to respond to my comment before posting this one
Yeah, me too.
i am confuse
About six months ago she left and traveled Australia,india, and Thailand for a few months and I really regreted not telling her before she left. We work together and I didn't know if she would come back and work at the same place
you should watch simpsons season 4 episode 3 like me
you're all faggots
say that to my face mother fucker
Ok. I'm meeting her at 1 pm Pacific time and she said she'll have about an hour so I'll post after that.
how do I get a girl to smooch me while I pretend to not like it?
idk but it sounds hot
Is it true that ex-New Yorkers are ruining the rest of New England like ex-Californians ruined Colorado?
virginity is not only wholesome good fun, it's also nutritious!
will be waiting for the blog post, user
Just do what I do and get a girl to smooch me and feel awkward about it
But no real physical contact. I just want to watch a movie and cuddle with someone
Massholes ruin northern new england more than new yorkers
>analog vaping
>Pacific time
Now I really want to watch a porno where the guy berates the girl for not being good at sex
nightly cuddling is the best part about having a gf fuck people who say its gay
and Ron Perlman
>least coast
>not living on the west coast
>Eastern time
>tfw wake up from a cuddle dream
Wow you guys are all so nice. I haven't been in these generals much but I think I'll be here a lot
shut up faggot lmao
It's true. It's just so cozy
>not living on best coast
/cum/ is comfy when its not crowded, yes please come back, we could use more good anons like you
Every time I have a dream where I'm about to fug it either changea to something else right before the golden moment, or I cum irl and have to wash my sheets when I wake up