
>tfw lost all my flags
>tfw had an ultra rare
can we get a flag thread going please

>saving flags

Why you fucking fag

it's against the rules to save flags that have been posted

do it again and I WILL report you

Take this friend.

cause i have no life user why do you think

im not saving them just want to look :^)

which ultra rare flag did you have
and are you looking for a particular rare one

Antarctica is my rarest

No, I will not post it

dont even remember just know it was like 8th rarest on Sup Forums
just lookin to build up a few for starting now


I'll call my friends that live in countries with rare flags and i'll see what I can do

Hello my friend called me )

ur kindness has blessed you with dubs my friend

>lost flags
No you didnt, you're just a lazy kike who wants his rares 4 free. Sage.

no i did i promise pls have a heart you mongol

>collecting flag icons

is this autism?



are you actually white?

before Sup Forums I thought you were pale but now I am under the impression you folk are pic related

17th rarest flag on Sup Forums and Sup Forums (i think)? of the flags that are able to post

no problem my friendo

this is how finnish people look like

It's called flagtism for a reason

theyre stealth gooks

if it's not a proxy, how is life there? aren't there like only 60 people living on the islands?
again, how's it like living there?

Looks like Kazakhstan no bully

Next up will be ultra rare so stay tuned

its a proxy bruv

Shut up no they arent

a fair number of the rares, when they fess up, will admit they're either proxies or tourists

although there are the occasional genuine poster from rare countries. there used to be a guy who posted under a mongolian flag, didn't speak english, or not well, but did speak good french. he said he was north korean, moving to russia or something, didn't explain why. nice enough, though. he was probably lying, but I'd like to think he was telling the truth, makes for a more interesting story.

sry bb i believe


no it doesn't



Autism: The thread

saved :)

Y'all got anymore of dem rare flags ?

i already have you

thats cute ig

Hard mode: post bottom of the buckets only

... also can anyone name any of them?

My neighbour thinks that I am wasting my time with collecting flags.

>posting an old version of the iceberg

Also here is my collection. Missing some ultra rare flags that I've never seen.

It's gods will 2bh.

Definitive list incoming



Proxy faggot

Am i a rare flag?

Albanian flag is named "Algeria".

Hi friends

There is literally noone living in bouvet island.

Will US Minor Outlying Islands ever post again?

Also how do places like Bouvet and Macdonald/Heard Islands get fucking IP's?

We need an autistic hobby, user, you should try it

>post it
doesn't matter, only real posts count