Why did Germany wear spiked helmet in the Great war?

Why did Germany wear spiked helmet in the Great war?

Did they plan on using think attacks?


If you're out of ammo, try headbutting your enemy instead.

Why did the English wear an peaked cap then switch to a dinner plate?
Why wear the French wearing Blue and Red uniforms?

Its all because they are holdovers from a different time when flashy parade uniforms was not an disadvantage at the battlefield.

To prevent soldiers to sit on their helmets

it was to firmly plant it in the ground for when you had to take a shit in it

I would attract lighting and the soldiers would absorb the power and have unlimited ammo for 30 seconds while in RAMPAGE mode.

>to prevent

You just need to know, that all prussians were gay

Do germans even use that anymore?
i thought they were ashamed of prussia.

To show everyone that we have the diggest benis

It was used as a seat by the german soldiers.

No we don't use them anymore and many are ashamed because they think that prussian miltiarism was one of the reasons for the world wars

Also our military is not even using pic related anymore because of it

your army doesnt have portable didlos? how do you take them with you?

>1842 wurde unter König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen für die preußische Armee (mit Ausnahme der Jäger, Schützen, Husaren und Ulanen) ein neuer Helm verordnet, der dann 1843 eingeführt wurde. Der von der Metallwarenfabrik Wilhelm Jaeger in Elberfeld (heute Wuppertal) entwickelte Prototyp[5][6] war aus gepresstem Leder mit Metallverstärkungen gefertigt und hatte einen Augen- und Nackenschirm. Charakteristisch war die Metallspitze; sie sollte Hiebe mit Säbeln oder ähnlichen Blankwaffen seitlich ablenken.

TL: German ingenuity to protect the head from sabers


That was such a cool looking helmet, I really hated the way the British helmets looked, they looked so.... Cheap?

Although our imperial helmets were the greatest of all time.

oi m8 don't wonna spend anotha penney on dem helmets aye?

The dinner plate is the most aesthetic helmet ever you window licker

But that's the best looking helmet ever

The British pith helmet looks better

I would have expected for that to come from a Swede.


Best helmet coming through.

Pikelhelm was copied from Russian grenadier helmets that in their turn were inspired by our medieval helmets helmets. Some Russian emperor showed them to some German guy who visited here. Literally just a fancy stuff, it was popular these days like: 'Whoa, cool red uniform, I think it would look great on a battelefield!"



It looks like pith

>i will never be a colonial officer

why even live?

They are like THE quintessential world war helmet though. Defs the most iconic.

these guys look ridiculous
the helmets look like they're made of plastic


This might be bullshit but I've heard that it was to absorb the damage/redirect any blow aimed at the top of the helmet from rifle stocks and spades.

they copied the Hell's Angels.

they are made of plastic.

nah, this one is way better

the most badass looking german helmet.

Digusting, Hitler refused it for being too ugly