1. Country
2. Do you like asian eyes?
1. Country
2. Do you like asian eyes?
ayy lmao
why don't japanese and filipinos look asian? did they mix with their aboriginal populations?
they do
i mean yeah you can tell they're asian but they look quite a bit less asian than their neighbors
yea, they should look more like the finns
they're disgusting.
fuck mongols
>less asian
who hurt you?
stfu gook
I always wondered the same. Some look downright hispanic, but others look like any other east asian. I know that Japanese abos, the ainu, looked almost caucasian. I don't know any further than that, whether or not they bred out or something.
As for the flips, abos are legitimately black. With the fro and everything. Darker Filipinos probably have abo blood, meanwhile the lighter skin ones have Spanish blood.
his asiam gf made him a cuck
> Afghanistan
I'm glad to see you!
lol butthurt
Mongol fucked China and Korea. But Mongol could not invade Japan.
Go back to your favela Paolo. Don't you have people to rob?
I don't live in a favela, my name is not Paolo and I'm not a thief.
>be rude to some one
>he doesn't being rude against me
>he being soft and friendly against me
s-stop ;_;
I just said for my anti-feminist heros!
Maybe some features can be adapted with early intermixing and then sexual selection without being genetically too different from your neighbors.
Am i turanid enough?
pretty asian eyes
I fucking love their eyes.
no, it's looks like a botched surgery or an alien wearing a mask
No, they are too close to down syndrome eyes. How do you even tell if an Asian has down syndrome?
>How do you even tell if an Asian has down syndrome?
Put them in a windowless room and communicate with them using only written notes. If they're indistinguishable from the typical Amerifat, they definitely test positive.
Nice chin and thin hair
Chinese are the stereotypical Asian.
All Asians are Asians but Japs for example are probably 20% Jōmon blood.
We Thais are probably 20% Australoid
Khmers are probably 35% Australoid
Malays are probably 50% Australoid with alittle bit of homo floresiensis in em
>We Thais are probably 20% Australoid
>Malays are probably 50% Australoid
Absurd. Try 2-5% and 5-10%