
stroppy edition

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korean pop

looking down on other races because im desperate to feel superior to someone

Feel great today lads

need an english gf

more like dara (dum and cara mixed)

more like korean plop (like poo)

dangerous thread




*looks down on you*
haha whatcha doin' down there

just look at south america, that'll make anyone feel superior.

Need an Irish gf tbqh

Good post

t. Tyrone Jiggaboo

voted 'no'


Why is it always black people? Black people aren't the problem, it's the fucking Muslims that are the issue.

you're 0% black
You don't get a say.

Just because you think Ana Foxx is sexy doesn't mean living alongside blacks is ideal.

just need a gf if im completely honest

>it's an anime episode

welp time to leave then

the answer to this question is clearly no but maybe if said black people in britain didn't exist

idk.. there would be no Jamaican patties then
hard decision here haha

omg ew ew ew ew ewww

nothing wrong with wanting to feel good right?

We need more Sikhs

That is true.
But African Americans are undeniably abhorrent.
And seeing as we copy literally everything America does - it's gradually becoming an issue.


>tfw sersh bounced back from her fat episode
Nice 1

sorry mate its BLACKS that are to blame for us having shit lives now
muslims is sooo last month

I love watching my tarantulas moult

after they moult they stretch themselves out too its qt

looking for an old /brit/ copypasta that never took off

can scarcely remember it though, struggling to find it in the archive


whats it go like?

i have some

That's a feminine hand

Never met a Sikh who wasn't pally as fuck.

I bet it's a bit shit that so many cunts confuse them for Mudslimes.

still watching food wishes videos

muslims are black tho

Muslims will always be the worst ones.
A muslim can save the pope's life and they'll still be the enemy.

Muslims are baboons.

how is everyone enjoying my thread?

i worked VERY hard on it, it took absolutely AGES for the blimmin image to upload so i hope you're all having fun!

there's a spider in my flat. I've crossed it many times but never actually decided to kill it/collect it on a piece of paper and throw him out of the window. in counterpart I've never seen any insects bothering me (except a golden beetle once) and I rarely have mosquitoes problem. Spiders are our friends

it's ok I guess

Lad I think you're watching too many japanese cartoons.

New poll




I'll allow it

damn, forgot all about this guy

time to get hungry

kys ty

something involving an user wanting to organise a community or a company, maybe involving a small village for workers or charity event or something

idk it wasn't that humorous but it was quite autistic and posted every so often

he's in your territory you cuck
finish it off like nature intended

Need a Keri Sable gf

quite good

looking for a dystopian utopia, any ideas?

We need a few muslims to run the restaurants and takeaways and pakishops.


fuck off

the missus

A girl smiled at me today!

Well good to know I know my hands

but since I know there's another living being in my flat I feel less lonely

You mean those filthy kebab shops where you can buy a doner and chips for 2 quid and all the meat is halal and it has chavs in it 24/7?

I can live without those places.

that was me, tee hee

1 paki voting I see

So I just spent the last two days in the Midlands and there where niggers and Pakis everywhere. I visited Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Newark and Loughborough. Newark is the only one without them all over the place.

I do not recommend visiting the Midlands.

bioshock series

the indians can do that just fine haha

Daddy is gone tomorrow so i'm going to take 30mg of diazepam and watch films in my pants

>ugh he looks creepy
>I better smile, maybe he'll go away if I do
>thank God, he's gone

skin has gone to the dogs for unknown reasons

Why she sad, lads?

Fuck off, Poland.


better than the instant screaming

there are usually minimal pakis in loughborough its just that all the arrogant students have gone home

> eczema won't fuck off my upper thighs

fucking hate WINTER REEEEE

sounds like me when I got to my old estate and when I visit my cousins (all in dublin)
would break your heart desu

French blues

What is an Australian winter like?

because I came in her when I told her I was gonna pull out


cozy and snowless

fuck you cunts, snowy below 0 degree winters are overrated
I'd take a cold day with clear blue skies any time

think i have a sebaceous cyst on my back lads
its the size of a normal spot but when i pop it the puss has an ungodly stench and it refills within a week
should i go to the gp???

Border just got 10 feet higher when we leave the EU

because she's only in shit films


like to listen to this as i brood thoughtfully as i walk through the city lads, watching the mindless sheeple walk by


how can bicycle dynamos charge phones?

When the Taxis in a location are all driven by Pakis and not racist middle-aged bald men you know a place is dying.

Yes, you probably shouldn't pop it either.

alice best girl


Truth. Karen is overrated.

Absolute banger of a tune

work has given me no shifts again
going to have to call them again because I spoke to them and said I'd work on monday and wednesday


Feel like fucking hanging the fuck out of myself

admit you love it or never reply to me again

lets say ive popped it multiple times, for arguments sake
what am i in danger of?

Those "sheeple" have jobs, social lives and people that love them. But you keep on going weebman

really want to get into cycling
shame I can't here

they just do mate