Culture Pals - /cp/

C U L T U R E P A L S - リサフランクqt / 現代のコンピュー edition

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your qt talk skills, C H I L L O U T with the lads, share qts, share qt's nudes, rate qts, recommend new qts to others, upgrade your autism to Turbo Autism GT™, make sick bants about cray cray qts, share replies from pastas, etc.


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what do your profiles look like?

Do you make it more interesting or just put type in the stuff you like?

I had a mostly shitpost one honestly, the profile is just an accessory to your conversation, most bitches won't read it, they'll just give your cover picture a quick glance.

-That I bully feminists
-A The Office UK reference
-Beg qts to message me

>tfw all the qts you want to talk to are programmers/med students /speaks seven languages/working on their masters degree
>tfw you're a department manager in retail

Why, familia?

Back here after like a year's absence, learning German and Russian again now I've got the time.

Hunting flags, if you're a colonial of some sort, or live on a tiny rock in the middle of the ocean, message me.
Red = Seen

I've got a decent sense of humour but it's pretty English so it'll be a little dry and dark sometimes.

Built a few rocket motors, and want to be an astronaut when I'm through uni. Talk to me about it.

Willing to talk with anyone, but ideally Russian or German native speakers.


r8 profile lads

I have no idea why, but I am the same way... I literally cum in my pants if a girl studies math and is 4 (or better)/10 facial a e s t h e t i c s wise

I filled it up with loads of music, rate:

Anyone else know of any decent metal bands?

Oi oi dave

Will they still like me if I don't have as high of an education as they do?

The leading cause of divorces is employment status of the husband. You should set your sights higher than a manager.

I'd be the wife, lmao.

and burzum
good taste my man

Then in that case don't worry about it so long as you're hot.

Yes, as long as they find you intelligent. Depressed sadcunts like us usually are :D

might just have a wank on skype with vocaroo girl

she has a really nice voice

Btw, to those who remember when I mentioned it, the Belgium qt had ended up falling for the French guy, and she had indeed slept with him. However she is back in Belgium and her relationship with him is on hold till he can come and find a job in Belgium, albeit she suspect it won't happen.

Funnily now she thinks I'm willing to come and see her, and then at some point perhaps compete for her heart if that french dude comes. No thanks, slut!

Why would you keep talking to her if you're just the back up? Should've just dropped her.

KO her for us and share results pls

Shucks, thanks guys.

You must be a pikey because you swiped my dubs :3

I have only continued talking to her to be nice, I have no intentions of meeting her or anything like that.

What is KO?

hello I'm a girl

Fuck you I won them fair and square.

Knock her out... Not literally, but write her how insane she is for thinking you will come back to her and share her response with us :3


It appears YOU are the pikey now.

Check my trips.

What is the purpose of these threads? The description seems to be that of a porn share thread.

Sorry Paddy! Norway is white, we wuz vikangz

Time for quads

It's a website where you can pick up girls with autism.

we pick up your countrywomen, you should stop posting here and get one before it's too late


This is how you do it plebeian

ayyyyy, good thing you wasted it on a reeeeee :3

My countrywomen are ugly, pick up all you want.


not true lad I have two qts from your country

They have the QT of gooks but speak the lovely language of russian

God damn, I love being white.


Be warned, the autism is off the fucking charts.

when do you ask for phone number?

Whenever you feel comfortable asking for it. Just ask for their Whatsapp.

>Talk for a while
>Mention how Interpals is shit and buggy
>Ask for phone number

Do you have the original pic?

Autistic german asian qt is sending me voice messages with her cute voice.
Post other good feels lads

upload to vocaroo

this tbqh

No, it's two different images I put together in photoshop... I still have the photoshop file so I can remove the text if you want it?

It's hard being black on the internet senpai

It's not... The thing about the internet is that you just shut up about what you are.
Unfortunately blacks and women have to go around attention whoring 24/7

The post I responded to mentioned being white.
Point your finger elsewhere.


>qt hasn't replied to you in over a day

Did she died?

12 days to D-day lads.

If she's a qt that has been on ip for quite some time, just wait. But if it takes more than three days, it's pretty much ded

Don't worry, I just wanted to rant senpai :-*
I """""""have""""""""" a qt that responds to me with one sentence every 2 months! Quite awkward!

Anyone who thinks they'll find some sort of relationship on this website is hopeless. LDRs are never going to be LTRs. You're better off just finding people in your local areas, or even going to a bigger city and hitting the bars.

You already shit up one thread with your namefagging, Shituanian.

And you are a pathetic faggot who seeks love on the internet. That's just sad, lad.

You know you can see women naked without being in love right?

Think i got a turk on my hook.
She does not like skinny guys, good for me since i am a big guy.

for you

Wow. You don't say, shithead. There's plenty of sluts in my area that give out their nudes if you talk to them. It isn't hard. What I'm wondering is that is this what you're gonna do for the next 10 years?

Jesus, just go out and fucking find someone. You're embarrassing yourself.

>What I'm wondering is that is this what you're gonna do for the next 10 years?
You're thinking way too much in to this. It's a comfortable way to pass the time during summer.

If i pull my pants of will i die`?

It would be extremely lewd.

So is going to bars and actually getting to fuck someone. Or going places with your friends. There's better things to waste your time on that this website, lad. I'm just looking out for people.

But hey, if this is what you want, don't let me stop you.

For you!

>I'm just looking out for people.
You're sitting on Sup Forums at 10:30 pm on a Saturday night. Don't pretend like you have a lively social life you fucking aspie.

>Don't pretend like you have a lively social life you fucking aspie

Unlike you, I have college projects and assesments to re-do this entire summer if I want to make it to the next year.

I'm not pretending to have a social life, but right now I literally can't go out because I have more important things to do. However, you wouldn't know that because you're a literal retard. If you would've lurked on the /éire/ general you'd know that.

So yeah, fuck off, gobshite. Enjoy your intercontinental cumdumpster, tough man. At least one of you is gonna be getting some.



Talking to my turk qt while super horny guys
Might screw it all up guys
Don't care the sexual energy powers me!

>I have college projects and assesments to re-do this entire summer if I want to make it to the next year.
You're too stupid to do well in assignments and have the gall to call those of us who aren't a retard?

Jog on you Latvian cunt.

Is this the reality for grills on this site?

That's nothing

Danke, this way please >>>/mybed/

tfw thread is D-E-D because all your favorite lads are busy writing their favorite qts



t. xX_[FiM]twilie_lover01_[MLP]_Xx


le gsg army has arrived...

I'm the grill btw

me on the right

I met this total hunk today. I really like his personality and we have similar interest. The only problem is that he won't stop talking about all his dlc.

What do /cp/?
pic related btw

Honestly I only plan on using this website for eventually trading nudez

Any tips on getting to that stage with qts?

Yeah, don't be me :D

How many people here use interpals to learn a language or does everyone here just speak English with their qts?


Just got back from a school reunion and I feel like I have nothing in common with anyone from my hometown anymore

Qt messaged me today saying even though she's going to be in the country next month she won't be able to see me

Least I have you guys right?

>Find a willing qt that flirts back
>Get her Snapchat and Kik/Whatsapp
>Talk to her some more
>Profit and nudes

How do you start flirting?

I tried saying they look sexy etc but I just got a "Thanks (;" in reply

We got your back breh!

What's the name of the German sperg? jlm or jcm or something

That means you ugly

>they look sexy etc
Idk man, I'm no Chad but it comes easy, just drop some subtle compliments
Also calling them sexy is weird tbqh
You need to make her get used to sending you pictures of herself doing stuff or her clothes or whatever, then you kinda jokingly ask for booty pics and it goes from there
It's all about finding the right qt man, also you don't need to flirt nonstop

Calling them sexy is literally arab tier

I remember with one qt we ended up talking about what we found attractive in the other sex, I jokingly said I fitted her bill and tried to describe things that I liked about her as "my ultimate type" (not tricky since she fit a lot of the bill, big eyes for example)

You'd know what arabs do Svend
But yeah you can only call them sexy after you've already talked for a while and are off IP

I hate that word tbqh, it makes me cringe