Realistic scenario for death of Europe in the 21st century

While it has generally not talked about much there have been recent reports that the Middle East, or most of it, could become uninhabitable during the course of the 21st century because of the climate change.


Now at first this sounds like a great thing - what, will the muzzies finally die out? - but it quickly becomes obvious it is not simply because of WHERE the Middle East and North Africa are positioned, that is right next to Europe. Europe is already struggling (and failing) to integrate the millions of Muslim immigrants across the western Europe and Germany is struggling to contain and pay for the million rapefugees in Germany and that's "only" 10-ish million immigrants and "only" 2 million economic migrants. If the climate change worsens and North Africa and the Middle East become uninhabitable guess where most of the populations of those regions - some 450 million people, depending how you count them - are going to go? Hint, it won't be to India or China or Russia. They'll go to Europe.

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Now, there are several scenarios here but they hinge on one thing - will Europe be willing to sacrifice every moral it has to stop the movement of people to Europe or will it allow the movement of people and thus commit suicide? Essentially will Europe, at the sort of climactic point, choose survival or morals? And it's not an easy moral choice to make, even for the morally bankrupt. There are two scenarios in the "we don't let them come", we either build walls and defensive parameters and station huge number of military men in these countries and then shoot, and I mean shoot, at absolutely anyone trying to cross or we potentially even nuke the region. That could easily become 100 million+ slaughterfest which would make it the biggest genocide in human history.

The alternative is, of course, letting them all in because >morals and >humanity. In that case Europe is definitely doomed no matter what. Even in the absolute completely unrealistically best case where all hundreds of millions of refugees are well behaved and nice and polite Europe doesn't have the space or the resources to host another few HUNDRED MILLION MEN. Which means collapse of every European country which makes the situation the same as us trying to contain them and failing. Ultimately there'd be an extremely bloody war with millions dead but they'd very likely win. After that? Well we already know what's after that, it already happened in 5th century AD - they win through battle and then carve out new nations and new cultures from the ruins of the old Europe on the grave of old Europe.

lmao, just kill them all

>dat Britain

Why ?

That's the obvious choice but in the current climate with current politicians and media that would be considered completely unacceptable. It might become more acceptable in the coming decades but even then it seems unlikely.

And if it doesn't become acceptable the only alternative is the total destruction of European civilizations. If nothing else the stand-off between Europe and Islam that started in the 7th century will finally finish in the 21st. What we do will likely decide the future course of history for the rest of the existence of humanity.

Id say Europe will sooner deport the current refugees before allowing 450 million additional Arab vermin in and just let all of them burn to death there

Even with no climate change, we (the world) will have a huge crisis when a (or many) replacement for oil is found.
see what is happening to Venezuela, but even worse. Saudi Arabians literally dont know how to do anything, they just enjoy their oil money and hire foreigners to do everything for them.

>Id say Europe will sooner deport
Europe was unable to contain just one million Arabs from forcefully entering Europe in 2015. Also Europe was unable to offer consistent message to the migrants and to anyone else that wants to migrate - it ranged from Orban's "fuck you all" (paraphrased) to Merkel's "please come in and rape us all in the ass" (not paraphrased).

And this sort of movement would be on many many many times worse scale than what we saw in 2015. Simply put if we're unable to stop ~million not very desperate migrants from entering we stand no chance to stop hundreds of millions of extremely desperate migrants.

Hungary and Macedonia proved all you need is pepper spray and barbed wire to stop the hordes. If Mudslimes start shooting, theyll get white phosphored.

We Wuz Romani 'n shite

Theyll run out of oil around the time technologically advanced people adapt to the lack of oil. Either way theyre fucked.

Southern/Eastern Europe will be fine and keep the muslims out, Western/Northern Europe will be fucked, but who cares about them?


>Hungary and Macedonia
also didn't experience the worst of it and 2015 was nothing compared to this hypothetical invasion.

Also Hungary and Macedonia got widely condemned and criticized for what they did.

True. In some sense that's our main weapon against the Arabs and their oil funded terrorism/islamisn - Europe doesn't have expiry date while their oil will run out in ~50 years and then they're fucked.

But on the other hand it also adds a sort of guarantee on societal collapse in the Middle East as Gulf States but most especially Saudi Arabia run out of ways to support the state and pay the troops. On a more positive note they're across from desert from us so they'll be heavily thinned out by the time they do come.

In the sort of apocalyptic invasion I'm predicting Balkans will probably be the first to fall. And it does have historical precedent - Balkans was the first European land to fall to the Ottoman Turks.

>Western/Northern Europe will be fucked, but who cares about them?
I care about them, desu. Maybe I'm "uncle tom" but most of what I love about Europe is in Western/Northern Europe and definitely don't want to see them die off forever and be replaced by the fucking Muslims.

It would also completely eliminate the possibility for Europe's revival and it would seal the US as the sole champion of European civilization.

Sure it works like that when you have Merkel, Swedes or even Bakir spreading their butt cheeks to Arabs.
Have your government like Hungary did and that'll be the end of immigration. Have 30 of them you will have deportation to country of origin.

Half of Bosnians (especially Bosniaks) should also be deported back to Bosnia from whichever country they left to because of their failure to assimilate. Those subhumans building mosques in Graz, for example.

>Southern Europe

the obvious answer is to take steps to reverse climate change, but that will never happen because Americans are so retarded they deny climate change exists

Britain is just "Nigel Farage" and France is "Veiled Can-Can Dancers"

WHO the HELL thinks you're not fucked ?

Btw, if you want to read something depressing there is a novel written by Frenchie in 1973 that is very similar to this, it's called Camp of the Saints.

>The novel depicts a setting wherein Third World mass immigration to France and the West leads to the destruction of Western civilization
>The Camp of the Saints is a novel about population migration and its consequences. In Calcutta, India, the Belgian government announces a policy in which Indian babies will be adopted and raised in Belgium. The policy is reversed after the Belgian consulate is inundated with poverty-stricken parents eager to give up their infant children.

An Indian "wise man" then rallies the masses to make an exodus to live in Europe. Most of the story centers on the French Riviera, where almost no one remains except for the military and a few civilians, including a retired professor who has been watching the huge fleet of run-down freighters approaching the French coast.

The story alternates between the French reaction to the mass immigration and the attitude of the immigrants. They have no desire to assimilate into French culture but want the goods that are in short supply in their native India. Although the novel focuses on France, the rest of the West shares its fate.

Near the end of the story the mayor of New York City is made to share Gracie Mansion with three families from Harlem, the Queen of the United Kingdom must agree to have her son marry a Pakistani woman, and only one drunken Soviet soldier stands in the way of thousands of Chinese people as they swarm into Siberia. The one holdout until the end of the novel is Switzerland, but by then international pressure isolating it as a rogue state for not opening its borders forces it to capitulate.

>WHO the HELL thinks you're not fucked ?
Breivik.. you are slightly more cucked/fucked than us tbf. No offence

>I care about them, desu. Maybe I'm "uncle tom" but most of what I love about Europe is in Western/Northern Europe and definitely don't want to see them die off forever and be replaced by the fucking Muslims.

I hope Germany dies and never comes back, desu. Sweden too.

The Med and the Alps/Pyrenees are all that are needed to keep them out. With the ECHR gone, nobody can stop the deportation.

Also China and the other developing countries who are also major contributors. Their argument is that trying to stop climate change also weakens their economies and economic growth compared to Europe in the 19th and 20th century. Which is true but when Europe did it there was plenty of time for it and planet is more important than them.

Also I'm not so sure it is possible to reverse climate change anymore. At this point this shit might become inevitable.

Different circumstances, though. Those were economic migrants trying to get as good of a deal out of it as possible.

This would be actual real refugees that are fleeing total destruction of their region. Even if we don't kill them sending them back to the Middle East/expanded Sahara might kill them.

And the bleeding hearts already think sending people back to ME/Mexico (in the case of United States) is human rights violation. Imagine if there are hundreds of millions of them.

As horrible as it is our only chance might be to have a massive rise in fascist movements in Europe, which we might already be witnessing. It would be like Asimov's foundation series - fascist Europe isn't ideal but it's the only way to prepare Europe to ensure it can survive the upcoming crises (because mass mass migration as a result of climate change won't b e a one time thing) and not die.

you can't just destroy someone's country and then expect them not to leave, whitey deserves all the cucking that's coming to him

>no offence

I know it, desu

You're probably the 3rd most fucked country in Europe. Breivik doesn't know ?

>I hope Germany dies and never comes back, desu. Sweden too.
Don't be like that. Post Roman Europe was literally built based on Franco-German basis with healthy meddling from the Pope that represented Catholic interests and acted as a sort of successor to the Emperor.

Western Europe is Franco-Germanic and Franks are just a Germanic tribe that adopted Latin language and customs.

It's not that simple to stop a population equal to your continent.

there's a circlejerk going on here that the gulf states are fucked once they run out of oil, but they realize that.

they've been diversifying their economies: investing their oil money into other industries. for example, the uae is making itself into a successful tourist hub with dubai etc.

the gulf states have 50+ years to divert their economy to something sustainable. until then, they have a massive budget for their size to invest with.

it's probably true that they won't be as rich once they run out of oil but it's overblown as fuck, they're probably going to be fine in the end.

>You're probably the 3rd most fucked country in Europe
I'd put us 4th tbf


It's only the UAE and Bahrain that are like that. the rest are entirely dependent upon oil and don't even have any citizens who work in that industry. once they run out of oil all they have is Wahhabism and sand.

Oh yea, I forgot Sweden

We're the 2nd most fucked country in Europe, then.

And the countries such as Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy

Britain is the country where police bowed to Muslim demands to stop English Defense League while Muslims are freely chanting Shariah for Britain in the streets. Britain is also the place of what was basically ethnic cleansing - the Rotherham rapes. Britain also arrested a guy for tweeting something like "what's up with these Muslims".

Meanwhile France is banning halal shops and is set to elect Marinne le Penn. I definitely think France is less cucked.

No, this country is full of Anarcho-Communist fags, Socialists, and even some Rightists think Far-Right voters are "dumb fascists"

Far-Right is very popular here but...just not enough, we're not Americans or Slavs.

if armchair economists in a mongolian knitting forum can see the problem here, their economists and ministers more than likely do as well. even if some of them aren't taking action now (most likely because they're focusing their money on other things like modernizing the military, shilling wahhabism etc.), my prediction is that all of them will be actively diversifying within the next 10-15 years. arabs are backwards but even they know what's coming if they sit on their asses.

Don't let the French defeatist attitude actually defeat you. France is country of extremes, more than anything else, that's also extremely good at rebelling and knocking down governments.

Also the left never actually succeeded in France, not in 1789, not in the 19th century and not in the interwar period or post war period. Don't let them win now.

>4th Rome
pls no if anyone would acknowledged us as such you would have a crusade on the next day and a world war in the next week. People here are too retarded and fanatical for this "4th Rome" to last more than a month.

Look at 2002, lad.

6M Far-Right voters vs 25M """Rightists""" (in other words, 6-7M rightists and 18M anti-far-right cowards)

All Romes were basically multicultural shitholes anyway.

Situation in 2002 was nowhere near as bad as it is today. Quite the opposite, the world was in huge upswing economically, Euro was just introduces (and well received) and EU was healthy, wealthy and robust.

Now France is living under literally constant Muslim terror, there are millions of Muslim rapefugees rampaging across Europe, Europe is in 8 year long economic crises, EU is about to collapse, Britain did the impossible and actually called it quits and there's Muslim attack seemingly every day.

It's night and day situation. Optimism vs pessimism, hope vs despair, left vs right kind of times.

Nice trips.

Also reminder that Rome only fell once it became a multicultural shithole and once they settled in huge number of foreigners and allowed them to practice their culture and let Roman military be composed of immigrant only legions that refused to act against their own once shit hit the fan.

I have hope, user.

But I know it will not be easy.

It never is. According to humanist ideals it's not even just. But I truly and fully believing defending Europe and European culture from any invaders and any enemies, foreign or domestic, is the highest ideal and the highest thing you can strive for.

>But I truly and fully believing defending Europe and European culture from any invaders and any enemies, foreign or domestic, is the highest ideal and the highest thing you can strive for.
Me too

The worst's not really defeat.

No, it's that if they win, they will make fun of us, they will humiliate us, then, let's say...two weeks after the elections, we will still have terrorist attacks, they will cry, they will tell us "not all muslims !!!", as usual, as always

They have this "racist" reputation, but if they try to hide it, far right voters will think they betray them

I don't know what they would even "diversify" into. They don't have any resources other than oil and they don't even have farmland, just sand.

I dont think so pessimistic about eurasian states.
They have already receding birthrates and technology as in desalination plants and maybe a better understanding about ecosystems in order to reverse desertification (and if we have to do it with genetically engineered cacti-pine forests) will surely make things better for them.

Africa however is a problem, needs a lot of restructuring and some states there must stop breeding faster then they can feed themselves.

>ass fuck the planet and permanently alter the weather
>people living in already barely habitable places have to migrate
>just kill em all lol

So instead of teaching these countries to take care of themselves they wipe out first world nations.

Bravo Leaders.

Climate change is doing a number on the Pacific Rim too. Our reefs are dying and the far north/west is becoming drier and sea levels are rising. Not to mention all those little islands.
The future of the world is messed. Expect massive deaths and migrations, as it's always been

You're one to talk

Haha stupid tolerance is robbed their own field by muslims.

Blame your stupid euro bitches like merkel who pretending as if mother teresa insisting to take all the muslims for no any terms.

Japan or korea never do that kind of mistake.

>>just kill em all lol
If it becomes us or them we have to kill them or die ourselves. As Europeans we would (well, with white guilt in the west it's more of "should) prioritize Europe and European civilization, both western and eastern, over Middle Eastern/Muslim civilization that's hostile to us anyway.

since the circumstances would be extreme or only options would be to let them in and permanently kill European civilization, kill them or send them back to uninhabitable ME/NF.

Nothing personal it's just survival, if the liberals allow us to survive, of course.

> as it's always been
True, true. All the major movements of peoples were during hot periods, including the Great Migrations during the 4th and 5th century AD and the viking age and so on. But the greatest age of European civilization was during the 14th to late 19th century cold age with little migrations.

But, yeah, once climate change goes into overdrive expect hundreds of millions of people to migrate not just near Europe but around the world. Considering how hot and arid Mexico normally is I could see half of Mexico moving north to the US and southwestern US moving further north once all water is used up and such.

>korea never do that kind of mistake.
You'll do whatever USA tells you to do so don't act cocky.

Oh, okay.

But story like usa demanding to take foreign criminals will never be happened.

You people made this muslim mixed europe situation by your own hands

Wish me luck...

That's not true, they are diversifying and trying to cure dutch disease.