/slav/ - /cлaв/


Other urls found in this thread:


wont survive till the morning

dunno, i have a jewish gf, but i have a lot of nerd friends that can't get any.

i'm also from the "finished meaningful uni" crowd, not the usual manual labor crowd most of eu associates polish with

>бeинг cлaв
>нoт paйтинг ин cиpилик

>finished meaningful uni

not liberal arts, "why won't anyone hire me", tier.

yes it's possible here

no jaki kierunek, no powiedz

my head hurt reading this

sgh, fir

fixed that map for you

some rap for you to eat, dogs

I agree m, why are Balts so separated from Slavs?

In our ex-yu we have a rule about absolutly no replying to non-exyu people, it works well 90% of the time, almost every stranger gets ignored and it trains them to not come to our threads, letting us enjoy having only us, ex-yu(the exceptions are newfags but they are quickly taught)

Anyways, we should establish some similar rule to that here, so only Slavic nations are supposed to post in here, and we just ignore every other post by other countries, training them not to post or come here at all, letting us have our Slav utopia


miałem sen

wielkie wrota jak i sam budynek

i światło

lejące się jakby było tu płynem

ściany pulsujące a w nich

żyły pulsujące

jakby były wejściem

do A stref

aż wam dam bo to ładna piosenka jest


na następny slav thread zamiast rapu chyba dziady albo pana tadeusza przygotuję


You underaged, ........ the first toast

but I wanted only that

sit down,----- you think you have the patent to drink vodka


listen, care for ... also for...

Some is more intelligible than other stuff.

For example this I can translate:

Psy w norze leżąc bez siły
Dogs lying in their hovel with no power/strenght
Psy v nore ležiac bez sily
Lizały swoje rany
Licked their wounds
Lízali svoje rany

Po walce o przetrwanie
After a war for survival
Po vojne o prežitie

Oblepiały ropą ściany
(This one is not intelligible
Nie mając już sił zupełnie
Without any power at all
Nemajúc už síl žiadnych

Ujrzawszy tedy ludzi
************ so people
************ teda ľudia
Nie miały na walkę sił
Did not have the power for war
Nemali na vojnu síl

Jakże ona ich trudzi
How it tires them
Ako ich ona ťaží

Idź przodem
Go forward
Iď vopred

Idź przodem, stary, niech wiedzą
Go forward, old man, so they know
Iď prúdom, starý, nech vedia

Że mamy pokojowe zamiary...
That we have peaceful intentions....
Že máme mierumilovné úmysly/zámery

Wódz oczy wzniósł ku niebu
The leader looked up to the heaven
Vodca oči vzniesol k nebu

Wzywając je na świadka
Appealing to witness
Vyzývajúc na svedka

Pokoju chcąc nad życie
Wanting calm for life
Pokoj chcieť pre život

Przysięgał na krew matki
Swearing on the blood of his mother
Prisahal na krv svojej matky

Posyłając jednocześnie
Sending *********

Pancernych dwieście dywizji
200 Panzer divisions
Dvesto divízií panzerov

Ale przodem oficera
But officer, forward
Ale dôstojník, vpred

Bez żadnej amunicji
Without any ammo
Bez žiadnej munície

Very good.

nahý = naked
živo = alive
horké = bitter
istý = certain

I confused first for breasts because in Russian pershy = first. Btw our word for breats is not so different, prsia.

fucking death, yeah, but literally "shitting death"

cпoкoйнoй нoчи
dobra noc
laku noc

laku noč))

ujrzawszy means "when seen". it's kind of old polish sounding.

więc byłoby:
>when i saw the people
>they had no strength to fight

I have a dream

big doors/gate like .......... itself

and light

pouring it like if it was gas

......... pulsating and it in

veins pulsating

like if they were entering

the A .......

Ďakujem, inak je to dobre?

Ю ap paйт, мaй фpэнд. Oлл yиз cкaм шюд юз cиpиллик oнли.

ledwo co, ale nie osądzam. to slangowy hiphop.

funny vid

dam ci ostatni przed snem, bardzo lokalny

o rany

nachlany otwieram ślepia

mam omamy nie poznaję ściany

wódy woń dociera wredna

miałem nie pić

ale to wczoraj chyba

alkoholu dawka zbyt spora była

Krylata raketa - Cruise missile
Mčitsja - moving fast
vzbiešennych - in panic
Žmut vsie klaviši podriad... - pushing all buttons they have
Pľašut paľci v dikoj pľaskie - Fingers dance a wild dance
voj - howl, wail
Knopka - button
Raz nažmeš - i im chana! - press it once - and they are fucked
oborony miery - defensive measure


Prekladám aj do slovenčiny.

Był potężny, był bogaty
He was powerful, he was rich
Bol mocný, bol bohatý

Był szczęśliwy, chwalił Pana
He was happy, he praised the Lord
Bol šťastný, chválil Pána

A ty zabierz mu wszystko, co jego
And you took away everything, what was his
A ty si mu zobral všetko, čo bolo jeho

Zabierz mu wszystko, co jego
Take everything what is his
Zober mu všetko, čo je jeho

Ale nie rusz jego samego
But do not disturb him himself
Ale neruš jeho samého

Stracił dom, stracił szczęście
He lost his house, he lost his luck/happiness
Stratil dom, stratil šťastie

Stracił zdrowie, a chwalił Pana
He lost his health and he praised the Lord
Stratil zdravie a chválil pána

Stracił swe dzieci, stracił szczęście
He lost his children, he lost his luck
Stratil svoje deti, stratil šťastie

Stracił wszystko, a chwalił Pana
He lost everything and he praised the Lord
Stratil všetko a chválil Pána

Kult is hip hop? I am asking if my translation was ok otherwise.

Is this true that poles all russophobic?


>Kult is hip hop
TRUE hip-hop is THIS:


slavs are violent apes
kill them all


Ja znaju malinko ruskij, a slovackij jezik jesť najbližšej ot zapadnoslovjanskych jezikov k vostočnoslovanskym.

I like russians but i don't like russia. Dunno if that works for you.

Kurwa, nie zrozumiałem.

Yeah, most of it is ok. Maybe some declination issues, but sense is preserved.



Kult is hip hop since when? I am confused because it is a rock band.

Fuck. was it slovackij? Looks almost like some Latin Russian.

Čo nerozumieš?

he tried russian mixed with polish.

we see russians as eternal victims of the russian imperialism

It was my attempt to write Russian in Latin.

Slovak would be:

Ja viem trochu rusky, a slovenský jazyk je najbližší zo západoslovenských jazykov k východoslovanských?

Nah, what I knew was russian, what i did not I wrote kinda like russified Slovak.

Nice. Btw if you even care, in this case you should write not "malinko" but "nemnogo" and not "najbližšej ot", but "naibližajšij iz". That will be real Russian.

Pomieszałem (you)

Based Slovakia

facebook /interslavic/

i share his sentiment

tbqh dota1 made me learn russian on at least basic level


I do care, Rusbro.

A мoжeш cкaзaт мнe кaк мoй pyccкий? Я изyчaвaю, нo нe знaю кaк нayчит мнoгo

A russified diminuitive of málo.

And yes, that fruit is called maliny in Slovak

Recomend me good movie from your country


jijżsaszżskijiji ;^)

I do care and started to learn it, but only like 2-3 weeks ago. Have a bit of passive exposure.

I know I can still only produce complex sentences in pan-slavic mixed pidgin, but honestly, when I speak it Ukrainians understand me fully at least. Did you understand what I wrote fully. But I want to learn real Russian. Biggest obstacle is vocabulary, grammar is simpler than Slovak.


check slovaks movie - "love" (like money) - best slavic shit ever
serbian - montenegro


not totally fucked up shit

Lóve нeт eтo пpaвo cлoвacкoe cлoвo,eтo циг цигaнcкий cлaнг.

I hope this was not so pidginey as the last.

*Lóve нeт eтo пpaвo cлoвacкoe cлoвo,eтo цигaнcкий cлaнг.

>not totally fucked up shit
Google for Ивaн Bacильeвич мeняeт пpoфeccию xD

Ivan Vassiljevič changes his profession?

nice trips
I won't

What kind of perverts say that? Doesn't "ближaйший" has enough superlativity for you?

give me imdb link

That awkward moment when some Russian don't know his own language.

>Ivan Vassiljevič changes his profession?

Everybody make your own maps of burgerland and post so we can laugh about their kek nation

I will post template after this

And if they come into the thread buttman - don't give them a single reply

kosovo ne serbija


Verili by ste, že tieto jazyky sú v 1 rodine/skupine/grupe?:

Kaikki ihmiset syntyvät vapaina ja tasavertaisina arvoltaan ja oikeuksiltaan. Heille on annettu järki ja omatunto, ja heidän on toimittava toisiaan kohtaan veljeyden hengessä.

Kõik inimesed sünnivad vabadena ja võrdsetena oma väärikuselt ja õigustelt. Neile on antud mõistus ja südametunnistus ja nende suhtumist üksteisesse peab kandma vendluse vaim.

Minden emberi lény szabadon születik és egyenlő méltósága és joga van. Az emberek, ésszel és lelkiismerettel bírván, egymással szemben testvéri szellemben kell hogy viseltessenek.

I am a Turk but I have mad respect for all Slavs except p*les.

ale fiński i estoński nie są w rodzinie słowiańskiej

>only country that cucked yours
>no respect

sore loser

And did you understand this post

I will try to write correctly next time. I still do not know much. But I am asking if it was intelligible at least.

Ja viem. Ja píšem, že oni sú v rodine ugrofínskych jazykov, ale nepodobajú sa moc na seba. Estónčina fínčine ešte ako-tak, no maďarčina (wiegerski jazyk) to nie...

I don't respect you because you keep whining about Russian. All Slavs should be united under Russian flag. It is the only solution for your race. Learn some respect.

The same russia that before bolshevik revolution was just an amalgamation of lower duchies? Fuck off.

Still better than leeching off EU money. Do you think west will ever embrace you. No. They will use you as a cannon fodder against Russia. If you had some dignity, you would be allied with Russia and serve your race.


We can suck EU's tit and tell them to fuck off easily. We're in no military contracts besides nato which is crumbling.

Are you also NATO members? God damn.

How can a nation get cuckier? What is next? Attacking Russia to please USA?

>tfw didn't even notice the difference before someone pointed it out

We separated during the tribal phase and never got back together. A shame, if we could have assimilated Bulgarian savages we can clearly assimilate anyone.

t. sucking the dick of the man who is turning you into an islamic dictatorship

At least he supports Azerbaijan which is like what Poland is Russia to us and he doesn't suck EU and USA cock.

Eh don't fucking annoy me, as if I'm glad. To be completely honest I'm envious how hard you're cucking WE.

I'm not even ashamed, I'm still buttmad over Yalta deal, and Sup Forums can meme how hard it wants, but we and many other countries got fucked over. Merkel's shitty policies are retribution, hopefully.


Poranne zorze, poranne zorze
Ranné zore, ranné zore
Morning dawn, morning dawn

Gdy idę w Sopocie nad morzem
Keď ide v Sopote nad morom
When it goes in Sopot over the sea

Po plaży brudno-piaskowej
Po pláži ********-pieskovej
On a ********-sandy beach (brudno = mud, or stone?)

Bałtyk śmierdzi ropą naftową
V Pobaltí smrdí ropa naftová
In the Baltic oil stinks

Poranne chodniki
Ranné prechádzky
Morning walks

Gdy idę, nie rozmawiam z nikim
Keď idem, s nikým sa nerozprávam
When I go, I do not speak to anyone

Jak jest w niedzielę nad ranem
Ako je v nedeľu nad ránom
How it is on a sunday morning

Po sobotnich balach chodniki zarzygane
Po sobotných báloch/oslavách chodníky ogrcané
After saturday parties, footpaths covered with vomit


Mieszkam w Polsce
Bývam v Poľsku
I live in Poland

Mieszkam tu, tu, tu, tu
Bývam tu, tu, tu, tu
I live here, here, here, here

Koncerty popołudniowe
Popoludňajšie koncerty
Afternoon concerts

Pełne bezmózgów w służbie porządkowej
Plné bezmozgov/debilov v poriadkovej službe
Full of dumbasses in the order force (I assume some kind of Polish police forme)

Patrzą wokoło, bo swędzą ich ręce
Pátrajú/túlajú sa vôkol, lebo ich svrbia rite
They search/wander around, because their asses itch

Kochają bić coraz więcej i więcej
Milujem život čoraz viac a viac
I love life more than more (I assume sarcasm/Irony)

Znowu wieczorne przygody
Znova večerné príchody
Evening arrivals again

WE is cancer. They push their agenda and ruin Europe. Honestly, I was bantering all about Russian thing and Polands is one of my favorite countries but I think you are doing very well.

>Finding a reliable support against Russia
>Still not letting them use you for their shit

/v4/ countries are literally countries with balls of steel. Keep on doing the good work. Exploit EU financially, exploit NATO in military and give them middle fingers whenever they deserve.


>Bałtyk śmierdzi ropą naftową
>the baltic stinks of oil

>Poranne chodniki
>Morning sidewalks
though you're close here, the meaning is same, but he's singing about the pavement

>Patrzą wokoło, bo swędzą ich ręce
they look around, because their hands itch (to beat someone in submission (implied))

>Kochają bić coraz więcej i więcej
they love to beat more and more

>Znowu wieczorne przygody
evening/night adventures again


>tfw turks support you

politics are so fucked up now i'm not sure whether to be glad or not

i guess the partition meme stands true
>The Ottoman Empire was the only major country in the world which did not recognize the Partitions of Poland.[1] In the 19th century many Polish veterans of the November Uprising, January Uprising and Crimean War arrived in Turkey. Many Polish officers, like Michał Czajkowski, served in the Ottoman Army. Polish general Marian Langiewicz spent the last years of his life in Turkey, fought in the Ottoman Army and died in Istanbul, where he is buried at the Haydarpaşa Cemetery. Polish national poet Adam Mickiewicz spent the last months of his life in Istanbul and died there. The house where he lived was later transformed into the Adam Mickiewicz Museum.
At least you respect a steadfast enemy, even though our catholicism is half-meme by now

ecть y peвoлюции нaчaлa
нeт y peвoлюции кoнцa)))))

malina it's malinka

close. the one you have no idea about is Arkansas, the one you labeled arkansas is Nebraska. Still, pretty good for a non-burger.

Gdy wchodzę na kamienne schody
Keď vychádzam na kamenné schody
When I walk up the stone stairs

Zaczepia mnie pijanych meneli wielu

Jutro spotkają się w kościele
Ráno sa stretávame v kostole
In the morning we meet in the church

Nocne sklepy z mlekiem
Nočné obchody s mliekom
Night shops with milk

I patrzę, co się dzieje pod sklepem
A viď, čo sa deje pod obchodom
And see, what goes below the shop (I assume referring to commie era black market activity as it is from 1989)

Tłum przystawia komuś do twarzy pięści
........predstavím do tváre päsťou
........introduce to someone with a first to the face

Żądają dla niego kary śmierci
Vedľa neho plno smetí
Next to him a lot of garbage

Znowu poranne pociągi
Znova ranné vlaky
Again morning trains

Ja stoję i patrzę na mundurowe dziwolągi
Ja stojím a...........................................
I stand and ..........................................

Czy byłeś kiedyś w Kutnie na dworcu w nocy
Či si bol niekedy v Kutne na dvore/námestí v noci
If you were ever in Kutno on the yard/sqare

Jest tak brudno i brzydko, że pękają oczy
Je tak.............................že plačú oči
It is so............................that the eyes cry

This part I understood less. word/word means I was not sure, dots mean I did not understand. But I get the general meaning of the song, it sure gets a setting of 1989 Poland.


Oh, and Iowa, the one you labeled nebraska is iowa.