You will never be Finnish

You will never be Finnish

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Mexican looking guy is Hungarian

I'd rather be Latvian desu

Thanks g-d.

Latvians aren't even Nordic

At least we have relations

Nordic countries like Sweden are our brothers in our hearts though

I can feel it in the air

>You will never sit atop a beautiful Finnish mountain in your traditional Finnish garb and sing a beautiful Finnish song as the wind blows around you

We dont have mountains
Just hills

Wrong, you can see a Finnish mountain in this Finnish music video.

There should be a separate flag for Åland

Fuck you Scandinavia except Norgay you are cool

why finnish sounds like japanesse?

Because your ears are fucking weak.

Same soul

Thank Allah for that

you have to gp back

t. Cai-Göran

Both are Ural-Altaic

Thank dog

This is utter garbage Finns contribute to the Swedish economy a lot. Notch the billionaire maker of Minecraft is half Finnish.

you not supposed to be a free nation

stop fennoman propaganda
