Do you think you can go to the heaven after you die?

Do you think you can go to the heaven after you die?


I don't think it exists

Of course Japanese won't go to heaven, you people aren't Christians

dibs bedora

some of us are but very few

No, I will go to the pure land.

Yes but it has nothing to do with religion. There is no "heaven" with 7 virgins or some bro wine-drinking Jesus, but I'm pretty certain this thing is not what it seems.

zitto animale

of course you don't believe in heaven. You believe in this endless reincarnation.

Everybody knows asians don't have souls.

No, I'm agnostic atheist and don't believe in any sort of afterlife

I don't mind if I'm wrong desu

religious heaven is bullshit

anyways our brain works in a quantum level so I expect weird things going on when it dies

I wish it ends with ending my fucking existence already thought.

zitto animale

I wont care seeing as though i will be fucking dead and shit.

>everyone in this thread

>believing in heaven and/or hell

lmaoing @ ur life 2bh

heaven makes no sense realistically
the only question is why

>some of us are but very few
Maybe I'm wrong but I've noticed Christian themes in a lot more of Japanese media than I would expect from the number of adherents. Could there be some fascination with it?

Anyone who claims to know the nature of this universe is a naive fool.

So the correct answer to your question is "I don't know"

you Chinks cant go there

Wow I agree. But it seems strange sometimes, so I worship Taara.

This, you need a soul to go to heaven

I wouldn't want to share it with you anyway, heaven is too small for the both of us

No, I don't believe in gods or after-lives.

By posting this image, it is obvious that you consider yourself as intellectually superior to us non-believing peasants.


When I die I wanna go to the big plane in the sky and be a memeber of CIAs flight plan