>Drinking shitty water
Tap water in the gulf countries was fine when I went there. Also in Hong Kong.
This is bullshit.
I was in india once and I got blackout drunk. Woke up in the middle of the night, was fucking thirsty, and I didn't have water on hand.
I drank the tap water. Amazingly, I'm still alive today.
>Drinking tap water
What the fuck
Well those sources check out
I once drank tap water in Punta Cana and couldn't leave the toilet for almost 1 week.
Why would I drink tap water an 11l mineral water bottle costs around 1.70 euros
>le tap water meme
>this is what third worlders actually believe
>South Australia not in red
Do your research m8
Tap water here depends on the area you live in, I'm lucky that I can drink it where I live.
For that amount money I can get some m^3 of water.
Still there are some stupid people here that are wasting money on buying water without gas.
I thought Estonia was rich af wtf
1000 liters of tap water is about €0,50 here.
tbqch America shouldn't be in green. Maybe not red but their water is definitely not tasting like what we would consider how water tastes like for most of America. This isn't even a banter thing, I genuinely feel sorry for them. They actually don't seem to understand that someone can drink tap water.
>USA flouride infested water
Also this. only some apartment buildings have undrinkable water. I drink tap water.
>mfw I've only drink tap water my entire life and I am still alive
I may be a super human
Your water tastes like chlorine, that's not really any better
> Brasil
You most likely are.
>Says the country that's 65% desert
What is this a meme?
>int memes over America having brown water
>watch malcolm, they have brown water
really makes me think
>Tap water
Russia has Caucasus and in Caucasus you can find the cleanest tap water ever. Go fix your map pls.
Your water has more chlorine than my city pool.
Part of the prevailing trend of anti intellectualism. Everything from vaccines, to GMO's, to meat is poison that will kill your organs and give you cancer.
t. brown monkey
Some vaccines are really dangerous though, if not properly tested. (((Russian and KZ governments))) sometimes use barely tested vaccines, and when people start dying they're all like "sorry, we dindu nuffin"
>Hong Kong