>your country
>is it normal to casually mock Americans and their culture
Your country
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Of course. We honestly do it more than anyone else.
No you dont.
Donald Trump
Yes, we do. More than anyone else.
Yes, a lot
just a pointer, don't do it in front of americans, they actually don't find it that funny
>not thinking its fun to make people mad
haha :DD
We even have the saying "amerikaanse toestanden"
>tfw no self hating american gf who tell me how great Norway is every day
which means..?
"shit that only would happen in the USA". It's not really a positive thing.
What culture?
we germans manage to laugh about americans while still sucking their dick because of WW1
No you don't.
Fuck off you idiot
thats clearly an AR 15
>>is it normal to casually mock Americans and their culture
It's not just mockery, we hate them for real.
rly hope you are baiting me
>french shitposting
i'm normalposting t h o
After WWII Italy was overwhelmed with american propaganda. Many people here still see the USA as the best place ever, but others despise it. For example my uncle condems america for what they did during the vietnam war
>self hating american gf
Self hating Americans are some of the most obnoxious people. They are antifa tier.
shit trigger discipline
shut up abdul
you're sure showing me, slavic shithole#2654
they hate us 'cuz they anus
Yes. Literally every time someone mentions the US people make fun of americans and their crazy laws. Trying to explain the reasoning behind things like the 2nd amandement always results in being branded as some kind of idiot. It's almost like they are proud of their ignorance and try to defend it by never looking at the other side of the argument.
It's too easy tbqh which is why I rarely do it.
Russians are a lot more satisfying to shit on because half the time they either get butthurt and fight back or their diaspora/putinbots get butthurt and fight back.
I've read americans saying owning guns was "a basic human right"
oh the lels
shut ap daggum kraut.
maybe you guys could have guns if you didnt start 2 world wars
Lel, it's
>Amerikanische Zustände
in german. Literally "american conditions". It's not very positive.
There are people that are huge american cocksuckers that think everything from there is superior
And then there are redpilled that know USA is just glorified version of Brazil
Bruh we northeners shit on the south nearly as much as we shit on california.
>There are people that are huge american cocksuckers that think everything from there is superior
OMW to have cock sucked by qt brazil grill
only internet, nobody cares about america here. most people dont know it exists.
German confirmed for meme Dutch and Dutch confirmed for meme German :3
At least once a day
pls stop bullying us ;_;
2. Yes
Nothing is more stupid and fat than the average american.
In fact if something is really crazy and out of the ordinary it's "totally Texas"
Come here and say you are a burger to girls
It's like Las Vegas but with better odds
>their culture
zitto, animale. We mocked and mock usa continously (whilst we insist on choking on obongo's cock everytime there's someone to bomb or shit like that). After the twin towers "attack" many people even in yurop (and italy) united with them under the "we are all americans" flag. That shit ended up pretty soon when dubya started shitty oil wars and merricans have been VERY despised, but probably you still had to drop out of your mom's bagina.
Go out in the streets and ask people what they think about america. i assure you most of them like it. But then again, to do something like that you need to get out of your house, something you never do
>what is condom
America is the top dog, every country is going to make fun of it. But Americans don't really care cause life is great over here
>it's another let's bully america thread
Why? How many of these do you guys make everyday
>go out in the streets and ask people
I'm out on the beach, you fucking fedora tipper.
The tuscans even adapted the ancient motto "meglio un morto in casa che un pisano alla porta" to "meglio un morto in casa che un americano all'uscio" ("better someone dead in your home than an american knocking at the door")
And it's the same in lombardia and veneto, I can assure you - pathetic millenial. The best you can get about their "culture" from a public pool is that they don't have a culture and they just do "americanate" (gross huge things for no reasons at all)
Eat shit
Yes, on daily basis.
>foreign policy
>American weird culture and those human rights & equality agenda
The list goes on.
Yes, we hate our government and aren't afraid to talk shit about it
Yes we do. Ever since the 50's.
We absolutely do.
Mock, yes, a lot. But it's iust banter as opposed to flag burning while saying "death to the great satan".
Yes. We think Americans are fucking pussies.
It's a /k/ meme you dip.
u lose all your money after they steal it from u?
George Orwell agrees with them on that, as does anyone sane.
>Amerikanische Zustände
we say americanata to describe something that's exaggerated, flamboyant, in bad taste, tacky, plastick-y and soulless. an example would be the playing cards they gave to soldiers back in the iraqi invasion with all the ""war criminals"" they had to caught on the cards. who the fuck would think of anything like that?
Hey, fuck you! Croatia is nice
I want to be that gun
>Be American
>Don't celebrate Easter
>posting something in Phlegmish
>not posting a translation in the same post
It's like you don't even want anyone to understand you.
>Hecho en China
People tend to take America as an example for bad things, or just generally say "die Amis" vor anything.
And we make fun of your batshit refugee free-for-all, Mehmet.
Notice that all of the real smoldering hate comes from people from countries outside the Anglosphere that were powerful once upon a time, and now they are buttmad because their nations are no longer relevant.
France, I'm looking at you.
Spain, I'm looking at you.
Portugal, I'm looking at you.
Italy and Greece, I'm looking at you and your ancient history asses.
Except Germany. They're so racked with guilt about their last moment in the sun, that they're polite.
Oh, and Japan: they're too busy extinguishing their race with VR porn.
The nations inside the Anglosphere are annoying as hell sometimes, but they're our brothers, and we love them.
[spoiler]Except AUS is hard to love. That's the drunk ne'er-do-well of the family who embarrasses you with racist comments in front of your minority friends, and upper-deckers your toilet when he visits.[/spoiler]
Hoh well
We do but not with foreigners. We can talk about how much we hate a certain aspect of our country but if a foreigner agrees with us shit gets real
hearing third world countries 'mock' america is kinda funny. its like the nerd talking about how dumb the jock is because he stole the nerd's oneitis
>using this word without irony