Desktops make me anti social

Living in a dorm last year I was pretty social, more than ever for me. Moved out with friends, built a desktop, got screens and now I rarely leave the apartment to go out. My Sup Forums/forum etc usage has definitely increased too.

Wat do? I don't want to sell my desktop after 3 months but this is coming out to that...
(not my desk)

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Maybe your desktop offers you more quality time than (((society)))?

i mean i dunno you could just muster up the willpower to not use it


don't sell your desktop OP

possibly true, but i want to go back to feeling human
yes, but if i had the willpower i wouldn't be smoking or drinking :(

If you spend most of your time refreshing Sup Forums threads, you should get off the computer.
I used to do the same thing.

it's funny because i was more social and creative when i had a desktop
i got rid of it years ago because i thought i was too obsessed with the internet


Its not the desktop, you could have a mobile and be just as anti social

>refreshing Sup Forums threads

>not spending entire 8 hour seasons opening several threads on tabs, crossboarding even, setting up your baits, turning on auto refresher, and waiting for some tab's icon to turn red so you can behold the (You)'s and bait harder
Pst, nothin personnel

>not having pdn/gimp/ps and notepad open 24/7
>not having your phone next to you so you can turn on lte to samefag without anyone noticing

Keep it but actively try to do other stuff than be on it.

I've though about saving my best baits and good pastas, for editing I use ms paint. Isn't this mentally unhealthy?

yo what fucking table is that

i need that shit comped

i have a 3gb folder on my desktop filled with images i made and screenshots i took of my own posts

desktops make me more social since i don't feel like using my phone for anything when i'm actually out

anybody have ID on the keyboard?

seconding this.l

Don't be a failure like us OP. Sell your desktop. You are likely to be more successful in school and make more and better connections if which is really what you want out of college.

If you don't wanna sell it at least leave it at home. That's probably a reasonable compromise.

Have you considered moderation?

It's better be antisocial alone inside your room than being antisocial using a phone among other people

We need good Sup Forums mods to delete the shitty bait threads, waste your time for the good of the community op.

inb4 that's not what you meant

That's exactly what I meant tho, he's the kind of loser who actually would do it for free