Why does Sup Forums never talk about desktops?
Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility. Are you telling me you always have to be somewhere and can never use a desktop?
What are the best desktop setups currently? Pic semirelated.
Why does Sup Forums never talk about desktops?
Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility. Are you telling me you always have to be somewhere and can never use a desktop?
What are the best desktop setups currently? Pic semirelated.
Desktops are mobile.
When I was in school my apartment had a shorty connection so I'd carry my giant desktop tower on the bus with all the normies, find an unused jack on campus and download shit that way.
Ok, but
>Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility.
is still true
what about power consumption
who cares?
Why not compare your Core i5 8400 GTX1070 destop to a Eurocom laptop with i9 and dual 1080s?
For the same price as your i9 laptop with dual 1080s, I can buy a better desktop with a better screen.
it is obviously not superior then
>makes a thread about proper tower pcs
>posts a Mac
Do you have brain damage by any chance?
>posts aplel macuck
Calm down pajeet. I just posted a random desktop picture I had saved.
But that's not a desktop, that's a Facebook machine that can barely do anything besides web browsing, Tyrone.
please include one of my keywords in your future baits/shitposts.
Why would you save that picture?
an iMac is a laptop without a battery and weighs a ton
Because we build our own desktops.
Just because the usual user can't doesn't mean it's not possible.
Hence you admit Desktops are only superior in cost
>Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility
>Desktops are superior to something designed to be totally different and not comparable to a desktop
This board is so fucking dumb.
Why is it moving
Not the best but certainly the most unconventional.
>not mobile enough
ITX case, some mid-tier half-height PCI(e) GPU, lithium battery pack on AC inverter.
It's 1985 all over again (see IBM/Lenovo PC 5155 or HP/cpq portable)
>Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility. Are you telling me you always have to be somewhere and can never use a desktop?
Desktops are really only superior in performance and upgradeability, because you can use a laptop the same way you would use a desktop by plugging in a couple things (screen, ethernet, keyboard, mouse, headphones). Performance isn't relevant for everyone, and upgradeability is only relevant because it lets you save money, but if you don't really need performance and already need a laptop for portability, then also buying a desktop is ultimately a net loss, and not a saving. Having a secondary computer when you already need to use a laptop is also just a pain in the ass, because now you have to keep some of your files synchronized between the two machines.
It's a gif.
Ah, the good old days of LAN parties.
Used to carry my CRT and desktop tower to friends twice a month.
Only real issue was finding a car to borrow.
it doesn run on batteries you idiot
fuck desktops. once they come out with 6 core MBPs, im dumping my iMac and getting a clean eGPU setup.
>posts a toy
Nice thread, OP.
I would love to, but I do a lot of traveling for my job, so it's really impractical foor me.
Laptops were computers used for checking email on the go. Now that you can do that with a smartphone or tablet, laptops will probably die out. Desktops will always be needed for real work, and places where being plugged directly into the wall is absolutely necessary like for workplaces and servers. Nomalfag tasks can be completed using smartphones, but computah hobbyists will always love desktops.
because there's not much to discuss, people who use desktops on Sup Forums generally build their own, and already know enough to know what they want to buy and how to build it and set it up, plus there are plenty of sites like pc part picker that are useful for noobs or just builders looking to compare components and prices
Good luck cooling the nuclear reactor. How much the battery holds, 30sec?
The Fuck are you talking about? Half the threads are about desktop computers. Or computer parts for desktops.
I use liquid nitrogen to cool it down. Also stop being poor, faggot
Depends on the model. The 5k ones have decent specs.
I-is that a toilet?
>desktop thread
>posts a fucking mac
It's a trashcan..
Apple makes them in white now?
>he fell for the facebook machine meme
>no generals
>no freetard baits
>no wintard baits
>no "board culture" shitposting
>just iShit because hurr apel makes me cry
>60% of the filters aren't even doing anything
>only 8 threads filtered when literally 80% of the board is brainlet trash and consumer blogposting
you are cancer
An AIO has all the downsides of a laptop and all the downsides of a desktop, an iMac is far from superior or related to this thread
Apple computers/laptops is sh*t it's the worst ever it sucks don't ever buy
>says "Desktops are superior to laptops in all ways except mobility."
>adds picture of a Mac
>apparently doesn't realize Macs are made from laptop components so they can fit everything into those ludicrous housings
>oh you
Still the best meme image.
Beggin ya to have sex, wear a turtleneck and buy an iMac ya pajeet
if your desktop is bigger than this it sux