Why do people whine about the lack of headphone jack so much?

Why do people whine about the lack of headphone jack so much?

I can't remember when was the last time I even used headphones on my phone. Unless you're regularly on a train or bus why would you need that?
And for the people who do need it, USB or "apple port" headphones exist. Or even an adapter.

There are legitimate things to complain about, like the removal of the fingerprint scanner on iPhone X, because that doesn't have a proper alternative, but headphone jack is such a non-issue.
Grow the fuck up.

I use the headphone jack on my phone everyday

I jack my head everyday

I'm using the headphone jack on my phone in this moment

How much are they paying you?

I use it every day, I will never think of buying a phone without one.

I use my head to phone Jack.

>Unless you're regularly on a train or bus why would you need that?
I live in a large and densely populated city so a significant amount of my time is on the train or bus.

>I can't remember when was the last time I even used headphones on my phone.
Well that settles it then. If YOU don't use wired headphones, then obviously nobody does. And the ones who do use them are wrong.

OnePlus just literally released an article saying the 5T will keep the jack because nearly everyone uses it.

I use my headphone jack to hook up to my amps to play music loud. Not everything has bluetooth... And some technology that still works is older than a few years...

>At party
>Hey bro pass ur phone lets play some music off it
>Pass iPhone
>Can't play music

Lol IPhone's are for weirdo's and people without friends

cause we're not a fucking spineless cuck that takes it up the ass like you

>using biometric authentication

Who exactly would be paying me?
I hope you realize that having less ports on a phone has technical advantages.

Good for you then. You legitimately need it. Most people don't, they just whine about it to fit in.
And you can buy USB-C headphones. Not a ton of choice right now, but it should get better.

Fuck bluetooth. I'll never recommend wireless shit, especially not bluetooth.
If your amp is stationary then I don't see the big deal with just using an adapter.

Enjoy having a really shitty small DAC inside your adapter.

>technical advantages of less ports
you mean cheaper to manufacture?

There is nothing wrong with the headphone jack, why bother using other less-convenient alternatives?

It can be better, as good or as shitty as the one inside the phone.

That's one advantage, yes. Another is saved space.

How is USB-C less convenient?

For a company that based all their work on convenience and UI/UX, the need for adapters for something trivial like plugging the headphones is pretty dumb

Because they probably far more money making accessories than they do making phones.

Bang your head
Mental health will drive you mad

>Most people don't
Citation needed.
>And you can buy USB-C headphones
Or I can keep using headphone jack which works just fine with the vast majority of headphones that exist on the market.

Stop being a corporate apologist.

Buying accessories implies owning/buying a device

Yeah but the profit margins on the accessories are astronomically bigger than on devices.

They're selling a really small Qi charging pad for like $300.

>How is USB-C less convenient?
Probably something along the lines of headphone jacks are universal and exist just about everywhere you'd need to play sound, USB-C, not so much.

I'm a runner. Good luck keeping those fagpods in when doing actual activity.

these apple marketers aren't paid much

What technical advantages would that be?

Worse Quality audio?

Stupid question but would USB-C headphones work on the iPhone lightning connector?

It's literally the most used port on all my devices at all times.

AUX. Most radios/ipod docks/home stereos made in the last 50 years have inputs for either headphone connector or rca. It's just easier to use without buying a bluetooth adapter.

I'll be honest, I've not researched it at all, but I imagine some audio fidelity is lost over bluetooth due to limited bandwidth. You won't notice this with mp3, but with lossless formats you might. Again, I've not researched it or tested it.

I never use it but I understand the use for it. I just don't get why Sup Forums decries every phone that doesn't have it, or gets up in arms that it's becoming a thing not to have one. There are still plenty of phones that DO have the jacks, and the argument "YOU may not have use for it, but that doesn't mean others don't" is hilarious when they're clamoring for a phone to be tailor-made for them.

Is this bait? 3.5 mm headphone jack was the only thing on this POS phone that wasn’t proprietary.

It's an audio standard that has been around for decades. I can plug my phone into any car with an AUX and "it just works."

>most people don't
>most people don't have headphones with a 3.5 mm plug
Fuck off

Not even my headphones have a headphone jack, instead they work with Lightning / USB-C / Thunderbolt.

I use it literally every day walking 20 minutes to work, and 20 minutes from work.

>Worse Quality audio?
Where are you getting this idea? If anything, putting the DAC away from the phone should lower the interference a bit, but I don't think you'd hear a difference anyway.

And the main advantage is saving space. We're talking about phones, every mm is precious. You could get a slightly larger battery, for example.

>audio technica

Mp3 is a compressed file format, and bluetooth utilizes very heavy compression. If you’re an audiophile and listen to lossless you won’t like the compromise. Personally I’m not into it enough to notice a difference.

>I can't remember when was the last time I even used headphones on my phone
Good for you, I use them almost daily

>>I don't use it so no one else needs it
Some us live with other people and leave the house. We don't want to blast our music in other people's face like an autist. Not all of live in our moms soundproof basement.

You're probably still in high school. Adults on average just don't use headphones that much, even if they all have them.

I can understand it. I use my headphones with my phone every time I'm not behind my PC. But I bought a bluetooth adapter so my phone isn't tethered to me, which was starting to get annoying.
It's nice to have a backup though, in case the adapter's not charged or whatever. And carrying a dongle everywhere is always annoying.

Bluetooth is shit and is an unnecessary battery drain. 3.5 mm is a nearly perfect connector.


Anyone commuting in the city would, or anyone who exercises (so anyone who isn’t on Sup Forums)


That's because you've bought meme headpones.
Real headphones (ones which actually sound good instead of some battery powered, bluetooth, closed, noise cancelling memephones) continue being sold with real 3.5mm or 1/4in jacks.

>That's one advantage, yes. Another is saved space.
wew, saving a tiny amount of space
3.5mm connectors are in every audio device and allow you to connect a phone with ease to whatever you want, there is no reason to get rid of it except apple being anti-consumer faggots as usual

I exercise regularly. Less than 10% of people at the gym use headphones. Even less when it comes to runners.

Shitposting aside, I do think wire are going to go away. There's some pain right now, just like when Apple didn't support Flash, where a lot of people have wired headphones they can't use comfortably with the new phones, but the market will just shift to wireless headphones and soon no one will notice the difference.
I mean, you don't use your $400 audiophile headphones during commute or the gym.
I was on the train getting out my wired headphones and I had to take a few seconds to untangle them and hook them up and I realised this is some antiquated shit

Samsung Galaxy S9 is supposed to not have a 3.5mm headphone jack next year... WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME SAMSUNG

>tfw no phone with two USB C ports

>just like when apple didn't support flash
The reason they did that is because there was a much better alternative, and right now bluetooth isn't a better alternative to wired headphones. It's too expensive for far less quality. I don't need another device that i have to worry about keeping charged

>Adults on average just don't use headphones that much
Confirmed child. Headphones are everywhere in open plan offices due to the din.

But what's the point having a slightly larger battery when ur wasting it by having to have Bluetooth on constantly just to listen to music

>less than 10% of people at the gym use headphones
Either you're lying or your gym is a very special exception, I travel a lot for work so I always have to use a bunch of different gyms, almost every time i go to one 90% of people are wearing headphones

>implying DACs inside actual phones are any bigger
I'm not advocating for applel's stupid design choices, but your argument is downright fucking retarded

>ah yes i would love to run in place for thirty mins to an hour listening to whatever music the gym is playing rather than listening to my own music

>The reason they did that is because there was a much better alternative
Bullshit, nothing worked without flash at the time. Youtube was all flash. Imagine selling a phone that doesn't support Youtube. Also porn. No youtube and no porn.
Just like now, selling a phone that doesn't support majority of headphones. But the web adjusted to a flashless world because of pressure, and was better for it.
And wireless headphones will also adjust without wires and we'll have great quality wireless headphones. But again, for listening to music with your phone on your commute or during gym you don't use your audiophile headphones either.

my car only has an aux port and no bluetooth

kill yourself

>owns 200$ headphones
>his phone has no decent dac because mu space

1.- Well established port: Every single devices has that port removing the need of having to buy special cables for it. A year ago you could buy some headphones without worrying if hey would fit or not into your laptop, mp4, phone, computer or microwave making it comfy as fuck.
2.- its a scam: The real intention behind this decision is to destandardize the market forcing consumers to circle jerk around a set of products designed exclusive for a certain brand, this is will make you less free at the end and spend more money on redundant items that should be already integrated on those devices you buy
3.- Less features is not equal to innovation: Leee aple innovation consists on striping away features from you devices for no good reason and then brain washing their audience into thinking it was obsolete, you just giving the abuser more reasons to keep his abuse if you buy their products.


>And wireless headphones will also adjust without wires and we'll have great quality wireless headphones. But again, for listening to music with your phone on your commute or during gym you don't use your audiophile headphones either.
You don't need audiophile headphones to tell the difference, compare any headphones at any given price and the wired alternative will always sound much better period. And great so we can be early adapters to technology that hasn't been adapted yet, what a great idea. It's not like Bluetooth will keep advancing if phones still have a headphone jack.

You're so unimginative that you think headphones will ALWAYS have wires and there's no way wireless techonology will advance to the point where wired headphones will be obsolete
>But muh extra charging
Wirelss charging. Imagine a whole nightstand table that charges your shit. No dock, just throw that shit down when you walk in and it charges.
The worse thing about anti-apple fags is the complete lack of imagination.

>lol who needs it right? it's not like 99% of all devices use a headphone jack LMAO
this one's for (You)

>I don't use it, so no one else does
Sage and report shill posts.

>I just don't get why Sup Forums decries every phone that doesn't have it, or gets up in arms that it's becoming a thing not to have one.
Because if no one gets up in arms, companies will do whatever they want(not that they already listen). Blame the company if they don't listen, but blame the userbase if they don't complain.

>when they're clamoring for a phone to be tailor-made for them.
A headphone jack is hardly a user-specific feature. In fact, I'd argue that the majority of phone users use the headphone jack regularly.

>t's not like Bluetooth will keep advancing if phones still have a headphone jack.
That's why I brought the Flash reference. For now bluetooth headphones were an afterthought for a niche market and there was no money in making anything good. When all phones lack a headphone jack you can believe there's going to be market pressure to design good wireless headphones.
There just wasn't any incentive for it before, but now there's money on the table

You grossly underestimate the amount of people who use headphone jacks

but what if I do wear my audiophile headphones everywhere I go?

paid in severed cocks in a bucket of semen

>When all phones lack a headphone jack you can believe there's going to be market pressure to design good wireless headphones.
It's still a process that will take years user


n-no you can't! why would you use headphones you've bought?!

>And for the people who do need it, USB or "apple port" headphones exist. Or even an adapter.

It was a lot better when you could for example listen to music or a YouTube video through your phone WHILE charging it. Not only that, but wireless earphones are garbage.

You cannot argue and weasel around the facts:

>Wireless headphones are ALWAYS more expensive than wired headphones of equivalent audio quality, usually by a large amount
>Wireless headphones require charging(and therefore a battery), duplicating functionality and making them more prone to breaking. Shit companies will fail to implement proper solutions, leading to more widespread catastrophic failures
>Wireless headphones include their own DAC, which brings up the cost and is usually worse than a phone DAC unless you're paying a relatively large amount
>These all lead to the fact that wireless headphones are both more complex and more expensive, which means they're prone to earlier failure and cost more to replace.

Some more minor points that are relevant right now, but might become better in the future(although only time will tell):
>Pairing is inconvenient
>Incompatibility/inconsistent features between brands
>Battery life is usually shit

You would be using a 6.35 mm to 3.5 mm jack, or an external DAC.

It is a user hostile decision. Whether you use it or not, you cannot tell me that there was any good reason for removing it, especially since it's just unused space now. Fuck apple.

Not anymore...lol


>why would you need

>b-b-but muh autistic hate of wireless

>b-b-but muh autistic hate of wires

You act as if the wire in headphones isn't thin and frail as shit. I think that point alone makes wireless headphones more dependable then wired.

>Why do people whine about the lack of headphone jack so much?
>Why do people whine
Maybe it is because the vast majority of people use earbuds or headphones with... get this... headphone jacks. Also, consider the fact that bluetooth sucks cock.

here's your (You)

>Unless you're regularly on a train or bus why would you need that?

Now we know the real answer

Sup Forums can't drive lol

The last time I had headphone wire fail was with some random Nokia earbuds that came out of the box. Out of my last 3 earbuds, 2 died because I threw them in the washing machine, and 1 has been going for 2 years now. And they're all shitty $10 chink pairs.

There's also headphones with replaceable cables, but those aren't as widespread.

It's worse then that. I have a pair of great in ear $25 headphones. When they're new they sound almost like $200 cans. But as time goes on the quality gets worse as they cable slowly fucks up. I would much rather a headphone that either works or doesn't, not this shit.

>imagine imagine imagine
i have right now headphones that i don't want to replace, why the hell should i buy a 400$ Bluetooth headphones if the ones i own are fine?
Also that was one of my arguments ITS a SCAM!! they are forcing you into new memes just for the sake of spending more money

It comes with an adapter. You can just use the adapter for now.

My car doesn't have bluetooth audio, only an aux port, so if I want to play music from my phone I need to have a headphone jack.

I don't see why you'd use them in public transit, but not your own car.

No you don't, you can get a bluetooth adapter for your car.

Nope, my car is in that weird era of bluetooth where it can do bluetooth calls natively but not bluetooth music. So if I use a bluetooth adapter for music I won't be able to receive or send calls through my car's system.

>The new iphone doesn't support my weird old car
Should they support horse carriages too?