Is user working on any machine learning project?

Is user working on any machine learning project?
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yes, its my job

are the chinese bots going to control africa

Yeah my company uses ML to serve better ads to people based on websites they visit, and response rate from accurately served ads.

Yes, I am building a machine learning system that can learn to love.

hurro, pls help. where to start with image based (style transfer, upscaling, etc) machine learning stuff.

Google ?

doing AI msc now, love the maths behind kernel methods but seems deep learning is the hype thing atm?

>kernel methods


from what I've been seeing a potential avenue is to use deep layered kernel based machines. I suppose it's all the same shit rly, except kernel feature spaces can be infinite.

What's the current hyped stuff in the literature?

also GANs

heard of gans
will check that paper soon thanks

What's been happening with Hacker News the last 2 years? There are guaranteed to be at least 3 posts about deep learning on the front page at any given time now. All of them are disappointing to actually read. Some are blatantly wrong or misleading. Most are just targeted at laymen and contain no interesting technical details. Sometimes there will be a direct link to a paper and exactly one person in the comments will have read it.

Capsules came out what, like a month ago and there are already memes?

Fucking black magic. Whenever I use GANs on my datasets, I just get loss for both G and D going into nan. Fuck.

Hinton has been talking about capsules for 3 years. It just now got published.

NaNs are the bane of numerical programmers.

We like to move on the forefront of meme innovation.

What sites/journals do you use to keep up with new developments in ML? Most of the big tech sites are trash.

I need to choose a lab for research in my university. Is machine learning still hype and everything or is their other area that deserve my attention?

/r/machinelearning is the best. Also there's a google plus group somewhere.

if you find the link to that group, post it here

here. have a (you), you fucking retard

>some time for love

you should focus on optimization algos for machine learning and try to patent some stuff

it's mostly hype but it will advance slowly with time, most businesses just use ML as buzzwords to make their business shiny yet ML could make worse/delusional results than normal programming/human supervision in many cases

trips of truth


How do I use machine learning to filter out shitposts with zero information and only tired memes on Sup Forums?