How do I make some good ass money with cryptocurrencies Sup Forums? Pls help a n00b out.
How do I make some good ass money with cryptocurrencies Sup Forums? Pls help a n00b out
>that picture
all the fruits have the value 0
top right, brainlet
Grapes are infinity, obviously, because strawberry minus strawberry would be zero
From the top right and the first 2 lines you get:
Strawberry = 1
Orange = 5
for post /biz/ and all crypto related, for pic /sci/, but I doubt theyll solve it
invest wisely
buy bitcoin in the next big dump then transfer it to bitcoin for replay attack protection and pray the bubble never pops
transfer it to coinbase* my bad
>e + pi = w/c, where w and c are integers
I hope you didn't make that image
bitcoin is pretty much a stock at this point, mining it isn’t feasible unless you have some insane processing power at hand (so you’d need to invest a lot into it to break even). cloud services are a meme, the best way to do it would be trying to predict rises and profiting off them
you can't prove that e+pi is irrational.
Strawberry = 1
Orange = 5
Pear = 239
Grapes = infinity
Lemon = 1
Eggplant = 180° or pi radians
Assuming degrees, then watermelon = 181 and cherries = 1.
How did you get e?
Surely 1 + (1 / bignumber) is 1, then 1 ^ bignumber is 1, so lemon = 1.
Watermelon = (e+pi) +0*j
Cherry = 1+0*j
Lemon is e, not 1, brainlet.
See Why is it e?
Exactly, it's still unproven whether or not e+pi is or isn't.
>assuming degrees
No, it's the definition of e:
>pi is 3
I too love engineering, but math says otherwise
because (1+1/n)^n = e^(n*log(1+1/n))
for n -> inf the log goes as 1/n, so the expression goes to e^(n/n)
It's lim, not ln, you doofus.
yes, lim n->inf
Consider n,y in R > 0, x = 1 + (1/n) then x^y grows as y grows, and that growth rate depends on n (higher n slows it down) and y (higher y speeds it up). If n = y, then as we change n the fraction gets smaller but we multiply it plus one many more times, so we have two counteracting forces.
Whether or not, and where, the limit converges depends on how those effects relate.
Makes sense now. I should have tried with some actual numbers.
if Strawberry=1
then the line with the limit in it suggests Grapes=infinity and Lemon=e
You don't need an "if", Strawberry is guaranteed to be 1 by the top right condition and first two lines.
This image has undefined division and the answer amounts to solving an open problem in mathematics, so it's all a waste of time anyways!!!
That's not how division by zero works.
>stawberry / grapes = 0
The whole image is garbage. No valid value of grapes can produce that result.
"Infinity" is not a number, and you cannot just put them in equations like that.
It would only be valid if it was a limit.
>literally unsolvable
Nigga, what?
>How do I make some good ass money gambling
You either bet on red or black and hope you win. That's all there is to it. Or get a real job you lazy gambler.
strawberry - strawberry = 0 always
So to make left side 0 strawberry must be equal to 0
Making grape somewhere in the range of (-inf, inf)
retard detected
the strawberry is 0, and the grapes are anything nonzero
you mean I can make grape 0?
no :( damnit
Previous equations remove the possibility for strawberry to be 0.
Where is the division by zero, user.
i'm afraid computers are useless for this one
Humans neither.
humans did solve it! there was a paper on it which is nicely summarized here
that's pretty cool
stuff like that makes me feel like an absolute brainlet though
Very, very cool. Thanks, user.
>o=5 and s=1 necessarily as 5s=o and so=o, s != o
>1/g = 0
>g and thus l are undefined
>t is irrational
>undef + irrational = rational
Did I miss any layers of unsolvability?